Me: Wow I love reading all of your positive reviews! Let's see if you can find an analogy between Raven and something…

Kyd Wykkyd: *Writes on paper in his awesome hand writing* 'Yeah me too… I guess.'

Me: Also, if you feel that my chapters are too short, I will try to make them longer if you want. I just find it easier to read short chapters.

DISCLAIMER: Depressing as it is, I do not own the Teen Titans, or anything Titans related, unless specified.

Nothing. That is what Raven saw as she peered out into the dark night. There were the small blinking lights of stars in the distance, the grey swirls of thin clouds that covered half of the full yellow moon. She could hear the quiet sound of cars and city chatter from across the water, but there was no sign of the boy who wrote the note.

Slightly disappointed, the girl turned back to the mahogany dresser, and picked up the rose. The long stem was decorated with thorns, which Raven had known not to touch when she first received it. She spun the stem around in her pale thin hands, careful not to ruin the petals. Roses could be delicate, no matter how many thorns they had.

A familiar feeling swept over her body, signalling something wasn't quite right. She sometimes sensed things that that, but usually ignored it. That time, she didn't ignore it, and spun right around to face him. "What do you think you're doing? What the hell is going on!" She fumed, pointing at the flower and note. Kyd Wykkyd stayed silent, as usual.

Raven was angry. Way more angry than she had ever been. Who did he think he was, giving her a rose? Coming into her room? Helping her? He was the enemy; he wasn't supposed to save her.

He wasn't even supposed to mingle with her out of battle! A low growl ripped through her throat as she whipped the wooden chair from her desk at him, blackness surrounding the object.

Silently, the boy disappeared and re-appeared closer to her. Raven's eyes lost all colour besides black, and her whole body was consumed in her dark energy. "Go away!" She screamed, desperately throwing anything she could at Kyd Wykkyd.

Her power was useless; he always vanished before anything could hit him. Raven grew tired, and gave up on violence.

"What do you want?" She whispered weakly, her emotions getting the best of her. She hadn't meditated in a while, and she knew if she didn't soon, she would lose control completely.

Kyd Wykkyd pulled a small pad of paper and a pen from out of his cloak, and began writing. He tossed the paper to Raven, who caught it easily.

I'm not trying to hurt you. I know how you feel; we're alike. You don't have to be afraid of your emotions; you just have to control them. Let me show you something.

Raven skeptically looked up at him, a frown on her face. Her forehead creased as she thought about what to do. "Fine." She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.

She slightly flinched as Kyd Wykkyd appeared directly in front of her, but let him take her hand in his. She was confused at first, but began to see flashes on images, which she soon realized was Kyd Wykkyd's past.

A little boy walked alone down the dark streets, drizzling rain and thick fog clouding his vision. He was pale, abnormally so for a young boy. He looked to be about the age of 13. His hair was sleek black, hanging down so to cover one of his eyes. The eye that was showing however, was a pale crimson, and was squinted in effort to keep his sight through the nasty weather. As if he heard a sound behind him, the boy began running.

His small feet pounded heavily on the paved ground, as he sped away from his approaching problem. He was quick and very nimble, and was able to climb over a metal fence with ease. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. He looked through the fence, and saw them. 4 men, all of whom were panting heavily. They chased him up to the fence, frustrated in the obstacle. "Get him! He's a monster!" One of them boomed. The others attempted climbing the fence as well, but the boy was already gone.

He continued running, not quite sure of where he was going until he stopped at the doors of a church. He pushed them open, and entered the chapel. Stain glass windows showed paintings of Jesus, angels, and other depicts of what people thought happened before life. The boy knew they were wrong. Why would god create such a terrible thing as himself? Just so others could hate him?

13 years earlier

The boy's mother stared in horror at her new child, a high pitched scream escaping her thin mouth. The baby's eyes glowed a deep red, standing out strongly on its sickly white pallor. "Oh dear…" The doctor mumbled, scribbling down on a clip board. "Take it away! I don't want it!" The woman wailed, handing the child over to a nurse. "But mam…" The lady just closed her eyes, shaking her head frantically, tears pouring down her face. Her baby was a monster.

Boy, age 12

His adoptive parents weren't particularly kind to the boy, but they handled his appearance quite well. As he aged, his eyes became less intimidating to them and his skin less ghastly. His adoptive parents had enrolled him in a private school, where he would learn to behave. The young boy got in many fights at his new school, always taking the upper hand. He seemed skilled in martial arts, although no one had taught him.

One day, a teacher had walked up to him, a sneer on his face. "You are a truly, wicked kid." He spat. The boy grinned, the movement slow and creepy. Moments later, the man was on the floor in a pool of blood. His neck was slit, and written on the chalkboard was 'Kyd Wykkyd.' The lettering was in white chalk, mixed with the teacher's blood.

Present/in the church at age 13

The boy wandered aimlessly through the pews, trailing his pale hands along the wood. The slamming of a door being thrown open made the boy snap his head up and turn around. One of the four men stood at the door, knife in hand. Before the boy could run, the knife was thrown. It sliced down his face, from his left eye brow to his cheekbone. Luckily, it just missed his eye. But the man wasn't done with him yet. A weak and scared boy was pinned down as his vocal cords were mutilated.

For years the boy, now known as Kyd Wykkyd, wandered the streets, looking for someplace he didn't have to hide. He ran into Jinx when he was 15, and was surprised when the pink haired girl asked him to join the H.I.V.E Five. 'But wouldn't that make there six of us?' He asked by writing it down on a piece of paper, amusement sweeping over his scarred face. Nobody had ever asked why he didn't talk, although everybody wondered

For two years he dealt with the 4 dumb boys and the moody witch, no sound escaping him. He inherited his robe and cloak not soon after he joined, and was known as one of Jump City's most terrifying villain ever since.

When the vision was done, Raven was pulled back to reality, a sharp gasp escaping her lips. "Oh…" Was all she could whisper, dizzy from the terrifying images.