ADragon's Rant: I'm alive! XD Hello everyone I'm sorry for not updating or posting new stories life keeps getting in the way, but things are looking good and now I'm back in to wrighting. This story is new and some thing I haven't done before yup it's a cross over ^^ I got the idea for this one when my friends and I where talking about cross over pairings and this is what I came up with hope you enjoy ;)

Disclaimer: I Own Nothing

All Naruto characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto and all Black Butler characters belong to Yana Toboso.

I give you A Devil's Lesson

"They both need to be put in their place," Madara stated in his normal tone. "You're right but what else can we possibly do? Nothing works on them and both are just too stubborn" Konan added. All three of them agreed this was becoming a problem and a costly one at that. Madara, Pein and Konan were discussing the actions of two Akatsuki members, namely Sasori and Deidara. Pein also stated his opinion, "I don't give a damn what art is but at this rate they will destroy everything." And this was true. Normally when the two artists argued it was nothing, but lately they were going as far as unleashing attacks at each other while still in the base. A month had passed since this started and it was getting worse and worse. So far they had managed to destroy their room three times, wrecked the three hallways four times, and destroyed the door and part of Hidan's and Kakuzu's room, which had almost deadly results. They even eliminated one of the wreck rooms, which was still being repaired.

The problem was that they couldn't really do anything to Sasori since he could feel no pain and wasn't affected by anything, and Deidara would just vanish for the day or start being a brat. "What are we going to do about this?" Konan asked. "Well we could always send Sasori on missions that would at least get him out of the base," Pein offered. "True since it's always Deidara who always takes it too far." The two males gave a nod. "Funny how they can work so well together but the second one states his opinion on art they go at it," Madara added. This time the bluenett spoke, "what will we do about Deidara? He's got some immunity to some poisons due to Sasori." "And he is too much of a brat to take anything seriously," the masked nin stated.

"We could always-"KABOOM! "Damn you Deidara! That was one of my good puppets!" There was some more crashes and bangs, "that's what you get for using a piece of wood against true art danna un!" All three sweat dropped and left Pein's office to see what was going on only to have the bomber run past them sending more bombs at the puppet chasing him with poison tipped claws. "ENOUGH! THE BOTH OF YOU!" The orange haired male yelled making the two artists stop what they were doing. "You both will clean up this mess right now do you hear me?" He glared at the duo with intense anger, "Sasori when you're done I have a mission for you," he then looked at the blond, "Deidara after you're done you will go to your room and I'll deal with you later." With that said, the three went back to talk about the blonds punishment, the two looked at one and other. "This is your entire fault brat!" Sasori grumbled. "Whatever," replied the blond the two then started cleaning up.

After an hour of cleaning and some re-construction and some more arguing the two artists finished and Sasori walked away and went in to Pein's office with his usual bored expression, while Deidara went back to their room and waited to be called. Pein, Konan and Tobi were still talking when Sasori walked in. "Sasori here are your mission papers." He handed the puppet master the file, "you're going on a scouting mission and if any one gives you trouble do as you see fit." The red head gave a nod then left. "Now for Deidara," the orange haired male rubbed his temples as a head ache was coming on. "Madara could you handle him? I don't think I can take any more today." The masked nin gave a nod, "of course." And with that he left to get the bomb happy bomber.

Deidara was laying on his bed molding some clay, still pissed off and lost in thought, "damn danna, how dare he not respect my art." Suddenly a knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. "What?" He asked. Suddenly the door opened and Tobi came in waving his arms in the air, "Deidara sempai!" The blond glared, "what do you want Tobi un." The masked nin then put one of his hands on his hips and pointed a gloved finger at the bomber, "Tobi is going to take Deidara sempai to be punished." The blond shrugged and went back to his clay but then froze when the other's words sunk in. "W-what?" Within seconds the masked nin was at his bed side with his sharingan activated. "What the hell un?" Deidara stared in to the crimson swirling orb and soon passed out falling back on to his bed. "Night night sempaiā€¦"

The room was set up and ready to be used for the bombers punishment. There was an assortment of items on a table and the walls were painted black and the carpet was also black. The only source of light came from the candles that were placed on the walls. Madara stood in the center of the room looking down on the unconscious bomber who was tied up and blind folded. "Now to begin," the masked nin started making the necessary hand signs to summon one more thing but just as he did so, the blond jerked violently in his sleep making the Uchiha's hand movements alter slightly. There was a poof of red smoke as a figure stood before him. "Oh dear, this is most unexpected," said the man. Madara looked at the man before him. He was tall and dressed in black. "Who are you?" The Uchiha asked. The other smiled and gave a slight bow, "my name is Sebastian Michaelis, Butler of the Phantomhive family."

When he returned to a proper standing position, he then asked, "may I inquire as to who you are and why you summoned me good sir?" The Uchiha just stared then replied "my name is Madara Uchiha and it seems I made a slight mistake with a summoning jutsu." The butler looked startled, "summoning jutsu? ...hmm that would explain why I'm here and not with the young master." The masked nin crossed his arms as he looked at the man and started to notice he had no chakra, but there was something about him that told the Uchiha to be very careful. "Young master?" After a few moments of talking, it turned out that there was two ways to strike a contract with a devil. The normal way that involved a sacrifice. The other was not widely known and that was to summon them with a jutsu, but in order to do so, the summoner needed precise hand signs and the right amount of chakra. It was just by a stroke of luck that Madara was able to bring the butler here even if he didn't mean to.

The two males struck a deal. When Sebastion was done punishing the blond his job would be done thus ending his contract with the Uchiha and would be able to return to the manor house. The masked nin left the room saying, "that brat really needs to learn a lesson" The butler gave a nod and when the door was shut he was alone with the blond. Sebastian looked around then noticed the table with many items and a blond haired girl sitting on the floor with her head down hiding her face. (Sebastion thinks Deidara is a girl because Madara only referred to him as a brat) "This must be the brat I'm supposed to punish hmm.." The dark haired male walked closer to the blond. Once in front of her he knelt down and cupped her chin in his hand and tiled her head back to get a better view of the blonds face. That was when he was hit by her intoxicating smell. Since his sense of smell was stronger than a human's, he could smell the aroma of forest and water which to him were such lovely smells.

He continued to examine the girl and noticed she had a waterfall of golden hair that looked alive in the candle light. He also liked how her sun kissed skin seemed to glow in perfect contrast to her hair. "How could such a lovely creature be a brat?" He wondered. He was about to remove her blindfold when she started to awaken and he heard her squeak in surprise. Hearing it made him chuckle. "W-whos there?" Sebastian noticed the young woman's voice was a little low for a girls but it still sent shivers down his spine. "Wait why am I feeling this way? And towards a human none the less," he thought to himself. He then shook his thoughts away as her voice called out again. "Who is there un?" The dark haired male took the blindfold off only to see oceans of blue staring back at him, he was speechless. Never before had he seen such a beautiful person. She was perfect. Just then those same eyes turned into a glare, "who the hell are you un?" Sebastian was taken back at the harsh tone and shook his head, "hmm this won't do. A lady must never use such words, it's not polite." The blond was shocked but the shock turned into anger as he then growled through clenched teeth "I'm not a girl un!"