This fan-fiction starts off in the first book when Yuuki catches the two girls outside of their dorms at night trying to get photos of the Night Class at Cross Academy, but that's about all of the plot that I'm going to follow. It seemed like a good place to start off my fan fic. I won't update to the second Chapter until I get a few reviews, so I know that it's worth posting.


Artemis shot out to the intruders, the nimble vampire fingers clenching around the irritating rod. "So scary… I wouldn't expect anything else from the chairman's perfect" Akatsuki all but purred. "Aaah… What a lovely scent" Aidou cooed soon after his friend, sniffing the air as the intoxicating smell of the crimson liquid wafted over to him. "Mmm… the scent of your blood" he clarified.

Oh no! This is bad! REALLY REALLY BAD! Yuuki thought to herself, hearing the two students behind her starting to squeal like the excited fan girls they were. She stood her ground, glaring at the two figures in front of her unwaveringly as though she hadn't heard what Aidou had said about her. If her instincts were correct, they wouldn't be squealing in excitement and admiration for too much longer. She wouldn't let them hurt her unknowing class mates. Staring at the two night class students before her, she could feel her heart starting to race, this wasn't good. "Aidou! Don't you dare lay a finger on either of them or I-" Her voice caught in her throat as the vampire interrupted her, gently stroking the back of her hand. "Did you fall earlier? Because the scent I was talking about.. Was your blood Yuuki…" looking up at her, his eyes glittered crimson. DAMMIT! When I swung down from the tree I earlier.. Her thoughts were stopped short as he yanked her forward, and as much as she tried to resist, it was of no use. He's too strong! Practically screaming in her own mind, she gasped allowed as his slick tongue slowly flicked out, dragging across the wounded flesh. Yuuki flinched back, but was held in place to go much further. "Yuuki… Shame on you for tempting me" he breathed in lowly, his fangs elongating.

Instantly, the poor guard heard the two girls behind her starting to cry out in fear "They're vampires!" Clearly they were panicking from their tone, but she couldn't do anything about it right now.

His fangs pricked the already wounded skin, making more of her sweet nectar bead out around the pearly sharp teeth to which he slowly sucked upon. "Ai-Aidou stop it!" she demanded, only to have him look up at her, blood smeared across his chin and a smile across his face. "I want more…" he softly declared, his voice tinged with desire. Instantly, his free arm wrapped across her shoulders, bringing him closer to his rigid body, leaning his head down to drag his tongue across the pulse of her throat. "Can I take from your neck?" he asked as though she had a choice, looking up at her through his tousled blonde locks. "D-D-Don't you dare! Let me go!" she demanded shakily, the two school girls having long ago fainted.

He just smirked, lowering his head, fangs exposed… Before he could get to the sweet blood he so desired, there was a gun at his head, and another person on the scene. "Drinking blood on school grounds is strictly prohibited!" Zero declared, glaring at him with clear disgust. "So you've finally revealed your true nature, getting drunk off of the scent of blood… Vampire!"Yuuki quickly intervened, though still locked in Aidou's grasp "Zero don't!" Aidou hardly seemed phased, were as Akatsuki looked rather tense, finally having turned back around to look at the people before him. He was willing to stand aside as Aidou taunted the flesh of such a delicious smelling human, but now with danger before him, he couldn't let him get hurt. But before he had time to react, Zero pulled the trigger of the anti-vampire weapon. The bullet grazed his hand, and as quickly as the guard could, he reached out and grabbed Yuuki, pulling her closer to him for safety.

"It's called the bloody rose" a sultry voice called out from the shadows as he stepped onto the scene. "You really should be more careful Aidou… It's meant to kill creatures like us " Reaching out, he grabbed the guilty looking vampire from the back of his collar, much like one would grab a cat by the scruff of it's next. "President Kuran!" Aidou exclaimed. "I'll go take care of these fools, the chairman will certainly be filled in on the situation" Zero said, grabbing the two aristocratic vampires by the wrist, tugging one from Kaname, while just tugging the other from his spot. He glared back at the pureblood and his friend, weary of leaving them behind, but he didn't trust Kaname to really punish the two for what they'd done.

Kaname slowly strode past Yuuki and went to the two unconscious girls, placing one hand on each head. Yuuki observed the action curiously as a faint purple glow emanated around his hands and the crowns of their heads. "I've had their memories erased of tonight's events… They should be out for the next few hours." He said, rising to turn around to face the shaken girl. His nose twitched in irritation from the scent of her wound, and the fact that she reeked of his classmate Aidou.

"K-Kaname-sempai! Thank you very much for your help" she said, folding her hands tightly against her lap while bowing her head to the superior being. Unbeknown to her, he silently advanced. She only knew he was so close due to the fact that she could see his well polished shoes, and the bottom of his neat uniform. Reaching down, his fingers gently cupped her chin, tilting her head back to look up at him. "Yuuki… How many times have I asked you? Just Kaname… When you call me anything else, it makes you seem so far away" he said lowly. Yuuki's cheeks burned in embarrassment before surprise as his arms curled around her back, hugging her warm petite frame against his fit body. Swallowing nervously, she bit on her lower lip before speaking. "K-Kaname… Thank you very much for your help." She said quietly.

"Good girl…" her murmured, tilting his head down to brush his nose against her short brunette locks. He could still smell Aidou, his arms tightened around her small body possessively as he took steps forward, making her walk backwards clumsily. She didn't know where he was moving too, but she also knew that she couldn't get out of his tight embrace. Yuuki gasped out when she felt her back press into one of the nearby trees. "Kaname-sempai!" she exclaimed, looking up at him only to have fear strike into her heart at the sight before her… His eyes glittered a bright red, with his fangs slightly elongated, not nearly to the length they could be, but just enough to show that he desired something, whether it was her, or her blood.

"What did you call me?" he asked seductively, his eyes going half lidded as he reached down to grab her wounded hand, his other hand grabbing her free arm pressing it tightly above her head. He let his smooth palm brush up to her wrist, holding her there like a shackle. "I-Ah!" she didn't have much time to respond as he pressed his lush, soft lips against her wound. A faint purple glow illuminated from behind his mouth and her palm, a small hiss seeping past his lips at her scent. He was so close, so close to the blood that he ached to taste for so long now. But he wouldn't be greedy… The liquid on her skin was enough for now. He pulled back a bit to lick his lips of the crimson that had seeped onto them from the cut, and watched the wound close. She truly was exquisite. "K-Kaname what are-" he interrupted "Much better…" purring against her skin, he kissed her palm again, dragging his tongue against the remaining blood that lingered from the healed mark making her breath catch in her throat. Once he'd cleaned her palm from the sweet substance of life, he kissed her hand again, moving to her wrist only to draw the tip of his tongue across her pulse, making the female pinned before him shutter. His light, full lips slithered up wards to kiss up her arm, and then up from there to her neck. "Kaname!" she gasped, her heart rate beating erratically in her chest.

"Did you know that you smell like Aidou?" he seethed through his clenched teeth, having to resist sinking his fangs into her fragile pulse. Brushing his nose upwards to her ear he took in a deep breath. "I don't like that Yuuki…" he stated rather calmly, as his grasp tightened around her wrist lingering above her head. "It's not like I wanted him to do that…" she said softly in her defense. "But what about Zero? You smell of him also." He said coolly into her ear, making her eyes widen. Why… Why is he acting this way? "You don't seem to fight him off whenever he hugs you, or teases with you. That hurts me Yuuki…" he purred, dragging his lips from her ear to look down at her shocked face. "It angers me to see you so close to him." He said before leaning down again, brushing his lips against hers.

"Kaname I-… I'm sorry" she didn't know why she was apologizing to him. Zero was her friend! Of course she would be close to him, but to hear Kaname say such things… It made her heart ache. Leaning up lightly into the tender brush of his lips against hers, she made more contact, lightly kissing his lips. Kaname couldn't help but smirk against her tender kiss. How cute…he thought to himself, pressing into her more in a deeper lip lock, letting go of her wrists in curiosity of what she would do. Yuuki didn't disappoint.

She slowly, shakily, cautiously brought her hands up to run through his deep russet locks before she wrapped her arms around his neck, lifting onto her tip toes to make it easier to kiss him. His hands leisurely brushed down her sides to wrap his arms around her waist, tugging her flush against him. One of his hands raked up her back, making her shiver, before dragging up the back of her head, knotting into her own auburn hair. He let their kiss linger for a moment longer, only to pull back and lean up lightly kissing her forehead.

Looking down at his Yuuki he couldn't stop a small grin from tugging at his lips. The look she gave him was worth a million dollars, her eyes hazed in want and confusion with a light flush to her cheeks. And those lips… Those luscious lips slightly parted, clearly wanting more of him. She would get what she wanted soon enough.

Unraveling his arms from around her, he took a step back, making her arms drop to her side. She was stunned, which was obvious as the desire in her eyes soon turned to shock. "Kaname I-… What…" she couldn't even speak! Humans… Such feeble creatures, and Yuuki was his favorite. Seconds later, Zero came through the woods into the clearing with the four people; two conscious, two unconscious.

"Kaname, what are you still doing here. You're pets are all wound up from the smell of blood in the air." He sneered, walking over to Yuuki and her practically petrified frame. "Yuuki, head master wants to see you, we need to go." His eyes scanned over the girl in curiosity before she came too. "Oh! I figured as much, but umm… What about them?" she asked, pointing to the two passed out girls. Just as she asked, another vampire dropped from the tree. Yuuki's eyes widened in surprise, in terror almost! Had she been there the whole time? Had she just seen what had transpired between the two of them? Had… Had her first kiss just had an audience?

"Seiren, please take these two their dorm rooms." Kaname said coolly, never taking his eyes off of Yuuki. And as soon as his servant was there, she was gone with a few words lingering in the air. "Yes my lord." Yuuki looked to where the two girls had been, and was shocked to find that they were gone… Had that slender female really been able to take them with such ease? As though he read her mind, Zero looked down at his friend who quickly readjusted her expression. "You seem to forget Yuuki… They're monsters with super strength and inhuman speed, and an ache for blood." He said with mild disgust before looking back to Kaname, who in time brought his gaze to the silver haired boy, before Yuuki. "I'll see you later, Yuuki… Please stay safe" he said as though nothing had occurred before walking back into the empty brush.