
Reiji walked past the pokemon centre and sighed. He walked back and checked just to be sure that what he had seen he had seen. The flyer was there: "Unsatisfied with the pathetic challenge at Tobari Gym. Want a real challenge. Come to the Day Care on the edge of the City and ask for the younger brother." The writing was clearly Shinji's and the aim clear. The intent clearly needed talking about. With that, Reiji turned around and walked towards Tobari Gym. Sumomo would need an apology too. The closer he got the more flyers he saw with even some blue tack on the door of the gym itself. Clearly Sumomo was already aware of Shinji's nasty idea.

Sumomo frowned at the sight of Reiji and when she spoke it was almost a growl, "I was wondering when you would get here. Where is that little brat you call a brother?" The ripped up flier was in her hands.

Calmly Reiji replied, "He's at home. Still, not able to travel. Would you like to tell him off with me?"

"It would be a pleasure." With that, they walked together. Every time Sumomo saw a flier, she angrily ripped it to shreds. She muttered, "This is too much even for Shinji."

Reiji apologised.

Sumomo didn't reply. She liked Reiji: he was a good friend, but his inability to control his little brother annoyed her no end. This apology didn't mean that this would be the end of anything. She was sure of that.

As they approached the Day Care they heard a battle taking place. Clearly, the fliers were working.

Reiji put his hand out to stop Sumomo from interrupting the battle. They waited until it was over and watched Shinji cream his opponent.

Sumomo clenched her fists as Shinji gave the following advice to his 'challenger': "Come back after you've got some decent pokemon. I was at a type disadvantage to you."

Reiji coughed to get his brother's attention as the 'challenger' left in tears. He then asked, "What is this about?"

"I need to battle lots if I'm to become a better trainer. That's all. Do you two have a problem with that?"

"No, I don't." Reiji said softly before harshening his voice, "but I do have problems with how you're treating my friends. Whilst I appreciate that you're battling far a way from the babies this time, I'd like it if you treated my human friends with dignity too."

Sumomo asked, "And what's with that advice: come back with decent pokemon indeed."

Shinji ignored Sumomo and kept his eye on Reiji. "I'm not doing anything wrong."

Reiji knew that Shinji would say something like that so he spelled things out for him, "Shinji I don't mind you setting up a gym, of sorts, to bring challengers to you, but you shouldn't bad mouth Sumomo at the same time."

Shinji closed his eyes and smirked. He loved his brother dearly but sometimes he could be so dense. "That's advertising, Aniki. I want the best trainers coming to me so with the fliers to make myself sound as strong as I can I let my ego loose. There's no ill intent."

Taken a little back, Reiji almost apologised, having not realised that yes, Shinji could very well be that socially inept. Sumomo though asked, "In that case, why didn't you just put stronger than a gym leader instead of calling out me?"

Still smirking Shinji replied, "more relatable."

Reiji smirked himself and said, "In that case, you won't mind having a rematch with Sumomo and showing her how neutral you really are with her."

Sumomo cheerfully agreed, "I'm up for it."

Reiji excitedly continued, "You could advertise it. Think of how many challengers you could get with all the attention from seeing a match between the two greatest trainers in Tobari City."

With that Shinji snapped, "She is not one of the greatest, Aniki. Only you are anywhere near my level. I don't even get why you wish to associate with that weakling." Shinji then turned away annoyed a little with himself but mainly with Sumomo.

"I want to prove to you that I'm not week."

Reiji scowled and asked, "Is your problem with Sumomo even anything to do with her supposed weakness, Shinji?"

Frustrated Shinji shouted, "Why do you care?"

"Because I love you. It's what brothers do." Reiji wanted to pull in for a hug but he knew that Shinji wouldn't like it, even if he wasn't aware why.

Shinji remained quiet, unable to say what he wanted to say and just stared at his older brother, attempting to quell his annoyance.

Sumomo then asked, "If I was week, would I really not be worthy of Reiji's friendship?" Shinji's fists started to shake knowing that he couldn't reply so Sumomo continued, "What right do you have to chose Reiji's friendships anyway? He's like a parent to you, not the other way round."

"You have no idea what Aniki is like to me." With that Shinji walked away but he turned round and said, "I'll stop the fliers though since it bothers him so much." It was like he was doing them a great favour when really he was just taking back something he never should have done.