Okay here is what I think should have happened in Rowdy Rudy. For all who haven't seen it go on YouTube, they have it up.

Kim's POV

Okay I haven't seen a guy pucker up close before, but Milton was obliviously doing it wrong because I wanted to barf. I mean if that is how we look when we kiss no wonderI haven't done it before. Then Jack walked in.

"Hey Kim hey….. Milton."

"Hey Jack." I replied.

If you don't mind my asking, what in the name of Bobby Wasabi are you doing." I didn't get it, it was pretty oblivious. Then again I holding a picture of Julie and Milton trying to kiss it with a horrible puckering face, I could see why e was confused.

"Well Milton wants to kiss Julie, and he wants it to be perfect so he is practicing on his picture."

"Oh" said Jack a little confused still.

"Well the reason I'm helping him is because I got them together so I have too."

"Hey I helped too." No he didn't but then something crossed my mind. A smirk firmed on my lips.

"Your right Jack, soooo it's your turn to help him."

"Eww.. gross. No I'm not helping a dude kiss a picture."

"Please Jack. For me." I said frowning with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay fine for like ten minutes."

"Thanks Jack."

"Yeah yeah."

"I just can't do it." Declared Milton.

"Come on, we'll take it slow, like getting in a hot tub."

"Eww gross I don't get in hot tubs they are fiillllled with germs." He stated all scientifically.

"For the love of god.. it is just a stupid kiss." Without thinking I grabbed Jack's shirt and kissed him. I pulled away two seconds later.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't…" I was cut off by Jack kissing me, I tangled my fingers in his hair and he wrapped his hands around my waist.

We pulled apart and he whispered, "Maybe I should help you more often."