A/N: AU – Inspired by A: TLA - The Promise Part 1.

Chapter 1 was originally posted as a one-shot entitled "The End." It was a thought that I had to write down in order to get rid of it. It arose from that two-word question that causes a lot of trouble. You know the one: "What if?" Yup. That's the one.

I had asked myself, what if Aang actually followed Avatar Roku's advice and did it? What if he lost control and actually kept his promise? That's when I came up with "The End." Once written I thought I had put it to bed. I was wrong.

It took a while for my imagination to gain some traction, but when it finally did, it went in a completely different direction. So here is "Breaking the Promise" which incorporates "The End" as chapter one and then goes in a different direction.

So we begin this from Katara's point of view and take off from there.

Breaking the Promise

Chapter 1: Nightmare

A nightmare was unfolding before my eyes.

Before me, suspended in the air, in the Avatar state, was Aang. Just beyond him, was the most terrifying sight I've ever beheld to come from the Fire Nation. It was pure fury, driven by grief. Though I was struck with fear, I felt pain emanating from her. A small part of me longed to reach out to comfort her.

Between Aang and Mai, lay former Fire Lord Zuko. He was just brought down by Aang. I wish I could take it all back, but wishing is for fools. It happened so suddenly.

Mai stood before the Avatar, fierce and poised for battle. That he towered over her, surrounded by hurricane force winds, rock, fire and water bands rotating around him, pulsing with his power, did not seem to faze her. She looked like death itself, coiled and ready to strike.

It was but a matter of seconds. Zuko fell dead and Mai rose to take his place. The knives flew. Did she really think they would hit their mark? Aang was a fully realized Avatar. His shield was the elements. They would deflect anything thrown at him. Not even Azula's lightning could penetrate it. Still, the knives flew, followed immediately by her full arsenal of darts and daggers.

Then it happened. Just as Aang had kept his promise; Mai had kept hers.


When Mai had learned about the promise Zuko forced on Aang, she was furious to say the least. That Zuko could ask Aang such a thing without any consideration of how it would affect her, showed that he had given no thought to her and had practically abandoned her again. That Aang had agreed . . . well, that was a different matter entirely.

Mai confronted Aang, cool and deadly. "First, you don't agree to do something like that to a friend. Second, you didn't kill Ozai. You're going to kill Zuko? Third, Zuko asked you to do what? And you said yes? Fourth, if you take Zuko out, who will take his place? Azula? Ozai? Did you even stop to think that if you killed the Fire Lord that the Fire Nation is not going to just sit there and take it? How would that be maintaining the peace?"

Her cool manner and menacing tone gave way to shouting. "What kind of Avatar are you?"

Her composure returned. She continued in a low and lethal voice, "Last and most importantly, if you take away that which I live for, I will take away that which you live for."

There it was; a clear, direct unveiled threat against me. I knew she had nothing against me personally. That made it all the more obvious what the loss of Zuko would mean to her. She was telling Aang, Zuko is to me as Katara is to you.


Mai's arsenal was deployed and deflected as was to be expected. Nothing could penetrate Aang's defenses. But something did penetrate his senses. There was yelling and crying. Someone was attempting to reach him and pull him out.

Blue. That someone wore blue. Water tribe. Katara?

Aang powered down. His feet touched the ground. Sounds of cheers joined the crying. He was held firmly by the shoulders, but he was not able to turn and see who held him. His eyes were fixed on the scene before him. His friends . . . . They were his friends once. Sorrow and regret hit him hard as he looked on the lifeless bodies of Zuko and Mai. The crying he heard was Ty Lee's. She knelt by the fallen Fire Lord and his bride. Surrounding her were the Kyoshi Warriors. They stared at him, a mix of sad and angry faces. Suki turned away, and then knelt to comfort Ty Lee.

Behind him there were shouts of triumph. He could hear Smellerbee rallying her freedom fighters. "The Fire Lord is dead. Long live Avatar Aang!"

He was being shaken violently. The yelling finally reached his brain. "You killed her! You killed my sister! You killed her!" It was then that he turned to see Sokka screaming at him. He looked behind him. On the ground lay Katara.

Mai had aimed for him. He had easily deflected everything she threw at him. In doing so, their course changed. Katara had been hit instead. Mai had kept her promise.

Aang came out of his trance. He fell to his knees, head dropping to his chest and began to cry uncontrollably.

Sokka went numb. He stared at the boy for a moment before looking over to Suki. She held a grieving Ty Lee. He turned the other way and saw Toph. She stood apart from the Freedom Fighters. Her eyes were further clouded with tears.

"I guess this is the end," Sokka said to himself.

Aang thought to himself, it is only the beginning. The hundred year war was ended. The opposition to the Harmony Restoration Movement lay dead. But the world was now plunged into a new kind of darkness. One from which it may not recover.



Katara awoke with a start. Her heart was pounding. Had she screamed? Memory of her dream flooded her.

Aang? "NO!"

Wide awake and scared, she bolted out of bed and ran at full speed towards the boy's room. She rounded the corner and collided with Sokka.


I'm taking a poll on my profile about reader's age groups. I wanted to have a second poll, but it seems I can only have one active poll at a time. So, perhaps you can email me. Let me know if you feel like me. I liked the comic The Promise, but I want more. Do you agree? Do you want more of a favorite character? Did you think something is missing? Do you want a question answered? Perhaps I can entertain you in my fashion till Part 2 comes out and give you that which you crave.

Hit the review button and let me know. Or send me a private message.

I appreciate the feedback!

Your friendly neighborhood Fire Nation Private,

Wang Fire

P.S. - Chapter 2 is already written and I'll post it either this Friday or Saturday.