I am so incredibly sorry that this took so long to get up. I was going to write it during the week, but my best friend and her fiancé split and she needed me to be there for her. I swear I didn't forget about this story. There's only this one chapter left, I couldn't leave you guys hanging like that!

Enjoy the final chapter!

"When I was eleven, my parents took me horse back riding." Logan's eyes widen at the sound of a voice behind him. "Something spooked the horse and I fell off. I broke my arm in three different places and I was convinced that it was the worst pain I could ever possibly experience."

Logan turns to find Quinn standing behind him, looking nervous and sad and a little bit of something else that he can't quite place. He goes to stand up, not really sure what that will accomplish, but knowing that he doesn't want to her to be towering above him like she is, especially not after what had happened earlier. Before he can even get off the sand, however, she moves forwards and settles down next him, facing the ocean.

"And until about two weeks ago I was right." She continues and even though Logan desperately wants to say something, he doesn't because he's afraid if he interrupts her she might never finish. "And then I saw Mark kissing Brooke and it felt like someone had punched me in the gut and even though it wasn't a physical pain it was still the most horrible experience of my life. And then I was convinced that nothing could ever hurt as bad as that. Being lied to and loosing someone I thought I loved all at once."

She turns to face him and he can clearly see the tears that are clinging to her eyelashes. "But it turns out I was wrong again. Because a little over a week later you said what you said and I felt like the whole world was just falling apart. It hurt so much I had trouble breathing." Guilt floods through Logan at her words. "That's why I said what I did earlier."


Quinn smiles, but it's tight and all Logan wants to do is wrap her in a hug until that smile melts into a more natural, genuine one. "It's not that I don't forgive you. I mean, I was hurt and furious until Zoey and Lola made me go to the green. You flew a boy band halfway around the world for me, Logan. I know you must really be sorry."

"I am." He tells her, hoping she can hear the sincerity in his voice. "I made the biggest mistake of my life that day. And I've been trying to tell you that since about five minutes after you walked away when we got back to campus."

"Zoey and Lola mentioned that when they came to talk to me after I left earlier. I want you to know that I didn't say what I said because I don't forgive you. You made a mistake. You're human. And you're Logan Reese. And even though I know you can be this kind, caring, amazingly sweet guy, I know you can also be hard headed, shallow, and spoiled. And that those things aren't just going to go away or change overnight. But if that was how much it hurt after, what? Twenty-four hours of being something more than friends with you, how much would it hurt if we were serious and it ended? I just don't think I can put myself in a position where I can be hurt like that again. I just don't think I can do it."

"I understand." His voice kind of cracks when he says it, but he can't even be upset about it because any hope he'd had when she'd first shown up on the beach is completely crushed now.

"But…" His head whips around to face her as she continues talking. "I want to try."


She nods. "I talked to Zoey and Lola and they told him how miserable you were and how none of our friends had ever seen you like that. That this was more than just a passing thing for you." His face breaks into a smile because this has managed to be both the best and worst few minutes of his life and he's quite glad that "best" is winning out. "And if you're willing to work on some things with me then I'm willing to give us another shot."

Logan finally does pull her against him, wrapping his arms around her small frame and burying his face in her hair. "Anything." He tells her. "Whatever you need from me, I'll do it."

Quinn returns the hug quickly before pulling back so she can talk to him again. "The most important thing is that I need you to promise that you're going to be in this for real. I'm not saying you have to promise the rest of your life to me. Things might not work out, but if we do break up, it's going to be for a valid reason and not because people are talking about us or making fun of us. No more moments like in the limo ride back to PCA."

Logan nods. He had planned on doing that already, but he's so happy to have another chance that he'd get her the moon if she wanted it. "I can do that."

She smiles again, this time much more easily. "Good. I'm sure there are things I need to work on too-"

"You're perfect." He interrupts her; bring her hand up and kissing the palm of it lightly. "Just the way you are."

She laughs gently. "That's sweet, but I know it's not true. But we'll work on it together, okay?"

He nods eagerly again. "Can I-can I kiss you now?"

Quinn brings her face closer to his, their noses barely brushing. "I'd really like that."

He allows himself another small smile before bringing their lips together, cradling her face in his hands. This past week had been absolute hell for Logan but this makes it all worth it. Because Quinn tastes amazing, feels amazing, just is amazing and Logan already doesn't want to imagine life without her.

And he's going to do everything in his power to make sure he never has to.


It turns out they do both have to work on things. But it's worth it. They've never been happier and all their friends, although they were weirded out at first, are genuinely happy for them. They fight, like all couples, but they always work it out. Because the fighting sucks, but Logan really likes the making up part.

People talk, a lot, for a while after they first announce their relationship. Both Quinn and Logan get disbelieving looks and questions as to what they could possibly be thinking. Quinn politely tells them that they don't know the whole story and ignores any other questions they might have. Logan, less politely, tells them to mind their own damn business and stop being idiots. And he never once thinks about breaking up with her.

He takes her to Vaccaro for their one-month anniversary. They run into Zoey and James there and both couples want some alone time so they eat their meals separately, but they end up splitting a delicious chocolate soufflé at the end of the night and it's a perfect date for all four of them.

He tells her he loves her at prom, holding her close as they sway to some cheesy love song that he's pretty sure he'll never remember the name of. He will remember the way her eyes light up at his words though. And he'll definitely remember the swelling in his heart as she whispers the words back to him before kissing him sweetly.

He proposes to her just before graduation because he's absolutely sure she's the only person he's ever going to want to be with for the rest of his life. She says yes and all of their friends congratulate them and everything about the moment feels perfect and right.

On their last day as high school students Logan thinks back to the very first time they all meet. How it had been over a boys v girls basketball game. That had happened a lot when girls first came to PCA. It sometimes seemed more like a battle of the sexes TV show rather than a co-ed boarding school. And somehow those times seemed simpler. Girls were either the enemy or a nice set of lips, good for the occasional make-out session. He was Logan Reese, playboy extraordinaire. But now some of his best friends are girls and he's Logan Reese, fiancé of the school's valedictorian and the first of his friends to settle down.

So, no, things aren't quite as simple as they used to be.

But Logan wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world.

Oh my gosh, you guys, this is done. Like officially done. I hope you guys liked it. I know the ending was probably ridiculously cheesy, but I couldn't help myself.

Well, leave me a review and let me know what you think!