A/N: Alright, readers. I have a confession to make.

No matter how persnickety I am when it comes to canon, no matter how much I try to stick true to the character's personalities and the actual parameters of the show, when it comes to Merlin fanfiction, I have a guilty pleasure.

Time travel.

I don't know. Something about the prospect of the characters meeting their older/younger selves just enthralls me. It takes all the character development that occurs throughout the show and throws it into 100 percent contrast. Plus, something about the interaction between older/younger selves is just kind of quirky and fun.

I've read a good handful of time travel stories in the Merlin category before, and I'll be honest: I think it's hard to get a good time travel plotline going while keeping everyone in character. Still, I've read a few that give me hope, and on that note, I'm going to give it my best shot to write an interesting, engaging, realistic-to-canon piece where Merlin and Arthur meet themselves through time travel, in more way that one.

So, because I have hit a huge writer's block in A Second Chance (despite having the entire plot outlined and ready to go), here we go. Although I hadn't originally planned to post this, please enjoy Recrudesce

NOTE: For reference, this story takes place several years after the events of A Second Chance ( I know, I know, I'm horrible for posting it before its predecessor is finished…)

It shouldn't have been possible. There was no reasonable, acceptable, feasible explanation for the fact that somehow, someway, Morgana was alive.

Merlin's chest heaved as he pressed himself against a wall. He could still here the rubble settling in the decimated throne room where Morgana had attacked. Upon her arrival, Gwen had fled under Gwaine's protection. Arthur had tried to reason with Morgana, but the witch had attacked before he could finish. Now, only half-conscious with an arm ripped out of socket, Arthur sat against the wall where Merlin had dragged him.

"Wheresshe?" He slurred, gritting his teeth against the pain. Merlin crouched down beside him and let his hand hover over the king's shoulder.

"Gesleán þæs cláwung." His eyes glowed and the pain melted from Arthur's shoulder. "It may not hurt, but it's still damaged. Try not to move it," Merlin told him.

Arthur wondered briefly if Merlin realized how Gaius-like he could sound in these situations. "Thank you, Merlin," He had more control of his voice now that the pain was gone.

Merlin only grunted and craned his neck around the corner, seeking any sign of Morgana. "I'm not sure," He replied to Arthur's initial question. "I thought she'd be looking for us, but…" He sighed. "It'll be best if we move. Come on." He helped the King up by his good arm, and Arthur hung onto his friend as they walked. Somewhere between the throne room and the floor, he'd developed a limp.

"Where's Guinevere?"

"With Gwaine. I sent them to the North Keep."

"Will they be safe? Gwen and the baby?"

"Of course. I put up protective wards around that tower ages ago."

"Oh, you're not a complete idiot, then. That's nice to know."

"I wouldn't say that to the man who's saving your royal ass again."

"You're not saving my ass. I can take care of it myself, thanks."

"Whatever you say, Sire."

They rounded a corner and ducked into a small alcove. Merlin let Arthur down then went to peek around to the next hallway.

"What about Raina?" Arthur asked, trying not to fidget. His arm didn't hurt nearly as much as it did before Merlin bewitched it, but it still tingled uncomfortably. Merlin glanced at him, hurt.

"You don't think I already thought of that? I sent Leon after her and told him to take her after Gwaine to the North Keep."

"Oh. Of course." Arthur blinked, realizing it had been a silly question.

"Prat." Merlin turned his head back around to spy again.

Officially, Merlin was Court Sorcerer and Royal Advisor. Unofficially, he was the protector and guardian of not only the king and queen, but also their daughter and unborn child. Thinking over it now, Arthur realized that it was a bit patronizing of him to doubt Merlin's protective abilities. Arthur and his family would always be protected. Then, a thought occurred to him, and Arthur frowned.

"And what of Balin?" He asked. This time, Merlin didn't react. An uneasy feeling wormed its way into Arthur's gut. "Merlin?" he repeated, more anxiously.

"…Balin knows how to look after himself." Merlin said curtly. He didn't say anything else, but Arthur could see his adam's apple bobble, and felt a wave of guilt. Merlin shouldn't be here with him, he should be out finding Balin. Still, the King didn't say anything – what could he say?

"Come on, we need to get you to the Keep, too. You can barely stand, let alone swing a sword."

Arthur knew that when Merlin was in battle mode, there was no arguing with him. He let the warlock haul him up and begin a quick hobble toward their destination.

Halfway there, Morgana intercepted them.

Not missing a beat, Merlin swerved behind a pillar as she raised her hands against them. The fireball singed the tips of his hair, and he could hear it explode against rock somewhere behind them as he dropped Arthur against the column.

"Stay here, and for God's sake, don't be a prat," which was Merlin's affectionate way of saying let me handle this. Although Arthur had a growing list of reasons why he should be a prat, He didn't have much of a choice, immobile as he was. He twisted his head around to try and see whatever action was about to unfold. Injured or not, if worst came to worst, he would defend Merlin.

"Emrys." Morgana spat the words like poison. "It's been a while. You'll forgive me if I say I haven't missed you in the slightest."

"How are you here?" Merlin asked, his hands poised to rise in defense at any moment.

"Wouldn't you like to know." She continued toward them.

"I was there, I saw you, I was there when-"

"When what?" Her voice cracked like a whip. "When you murdered me?"

Merlin actually looked taken aback. "So you did die, then."

"I was there."

Merlin's eyebrows were like stone as he racked his brain for an answer, any answer. "But… How?"

Neither he nor Arthur were expecting Morgana to laugh. But she did, a light and coy sound that rang with a sing-songy undertone. I know something you don't know, her eyes teased.

"All those years, you were right about him, Arthur," She smirked, her eyes never leaving Merlin's face. "He is an idiot."

Merlin shrugged the insult aside, but his mind raged, trying decipher her meaning. She saw it behind his eyes and her smile grew.

"You trust him too much, you know. Powerful Emrys. Magical Emrys. Undefeated, wise Emrys." She only shook her head and looked Merlin up and down. "Oh, how the mighty will fall. I will see to that much."

"What are you talking about?" Arthur was struggling to stand. For once, Merlin didn't bother to tell him off.

Morgana looked positively giddy. "Oh, look at you two. You have no idea." She looked back at Merlin. "You think you know the ways of the Old Religion. You think you know everything there is to know about magic." Her face transformed into a wild, vicious look. "Well you're wrong. I know things, I can do things that you can't possibly comprehend."

As Arthur hobbled over, Merlin could only stare.

"In a sense, I already have." She giggled as though she'd made a joke, but sobered again quickly in another terrifying shift of mood. "And I will."

Then, she raised her hands and began the incantation. At first, Merlin had raised his hands to make a shield, but then he really listened to what she was saying. He didn't understand the spell, but one phrase caught his ear:


Morgana was saying a teleportation spell.

Merlin lunged forward in a burst of determination. All these years haunted by her death, now tormented by her undead soul, Merlin was not going to let her escape. Not now. Not ever again. Not on his life.

"Merlin!" Arthur struggled across the floor. Merlin hardly heard him. If he could only touch her…

Arthur grabbed his foot, as though to stop him, and Merlin fell forward. Just as Morgana began to fade into her spell, Merlin reached out a hand and grabbed onto the hem of her dress.

Suddenly, everything was twisting and churning and screaming and whirling. In the back of his mind, Merlin thought he could hear Arthur screaming from the pain in his shoulder. In a oscillating voice that he could only half understand, Merlin could hear Morgana utter the beginnings of a deadly enchantment. "NO!" Amid the confusion, Merlin couldn't physically locate Arthur, so he threw out his magic itself around the king like a protective blanket. A second later, pain laced through him and flung him out of the enchantment. Arthur fell on top of him and rolled off to one side, unconscious. Merlin followed soon after. All was black.

A/N: Okay, so there are some things you probably won't understand just yet. That's okay. Unfortunately, later chapters will probably have some spoilers for A Second Chance. …I really guess I should work on that some before I continue this. But anyway. I hope y'all enjoyed it. Sorry this first chapter was so short.