Chapter 27, Sierra POV:

The pain was unbearable. I just wanted to go back to sleep and feel nothing. This was the worst I had ever felt in my life, literally.

I laid there though and went through it since I really had no one to blame but myself. If I would have come clean earlier to Jacob, Charlie, Claire or somebody then I might not have been in this condition. Most likely I would not even be in the hospital right now had I said something.

I kept my eyes closed even though I was awake. It was obvious to me that I was in the hospital and the hospital monitors that kept beeping proved it. It got boring after awhile and I knew I was going to have to face everyone so why not just get it done and over with now. In my mind that was better than prolonging things. I would tell the truth though. No more lies. I would finally come clean. It was what was best for everyone. Especially me. I was just so tired of lying at this point. Still I knew that I was the only one to blame for that.

Slowly I opened up my eyes and blinked a few times. Well today was one of those days that the sun was shinning bright in the sky. I sighed and slowly turned my head. My fingers felt a little numb and it seemed that they were starting to wake up. All I could really feel though was pain. It hurt, bad.

"Charlie," I muttered seeing his figure. He turned around quickly and then ran to me kissing my forehead.

"Thank god, Sierra? How do you feel?" He asked me.

"It hurts." I mumbled not really wanting to complain since I didn't have a right to. If I would have told the truth I most likely would have never been put in the hospital.

"Where?" Charlie asked quickly.


"Okay. I will be right back to get the doctor. You hang in there," Charlie told me kissing my head before starting towards the door.

"Charlie," I groaned. It hurt to talk to loud. Charlie spun around. "Thank you."

He nodded before leaving. I was glad that he did not hate me. I know that I had been a total bitch and I was sorry for it. I hoped that none of them hated me. Jasper, Bella, Claire and Jacob. Especially Jacob. I loved him so much and I was so sorry. Just thinking about it made me start crying.

Each and everyone of them had every right to be mad at me. I could only hope that they would forgive me. If they didn't I could understand.

Charlie came back in with the doctor. I did not expect the doctor to be Carlisle so when I saw him I sat up.

"Carlisle, what are you doing here?" I asked. I took this time to really look at Carlisle, he looked the same. Of course he did I mean he was a vampire for gods sake.

"Hello Sierra. It's been awhile, hasn't it." Carlisle smiled brightly when he said this. "Alright Charlie I need you to step out for a couple of minutes."

Charlie did not move until I looked up at him, "It's okay."

Charlie sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Yeah. I should ugh, go call everyone and tell them that you are awake."

Once Charlie was gone I looked up at Carlisle, "How long have I been out?"

"About three days."


I was quite as Carlisle examined me. I winced a little when he touched my ribs but for the most part I was perfectly fine.

"Alright. Well we are going to keep you in the hospital for a few more days. You need to be very careful of your ribs." Carlisle told me seriously and I nodded. "You have a slight concussion but for the most part you should be fine."

"Thank you."

"You know that you are going to have to tell the truth."

I did not meet his gaze I just looked around him. "I know."

"Alright well enough talk for now. People want to see you." Right on that cue Claire came storming through the door. I could tell she had been crying and she had fresh tears coming down her face.

"Oh my god," I then noted Quil behind her. "I am so glad that you are okay." Claire came over and gave me a big hug. Her fresh tears hitting the crook of my neck. I hugged her back tightly.

"It's okay Claire." I rubbed her back slightly before I started crying. She was my best friend and I pushed her away. I said things that I shouldn't have. And I was truly sorry for it.

"I think we should give them a moment," Carlisle murmured to Quil. It was a couple of seconds before I heard footsteps and then I heard the door close.

"I am so sorry Claire." I said moving so I could see her face. "I am sorry that I lied to you and I am so sorry that I avoided you among other things! I was wrong and you just don't know how sorry I am." My face was covered in tears at this point. I felt horrible for the things I said to her and everyone else.

"Shh, calm down, Sierra. It's okay."

"No it's not. I understand if you are mad at me and if you hate me I just wanted to tell you that I am so sorry."

"Shh. Calm down before the doctors have to come in here," Claire said noticing how my heart monitor was about to go through the roof. I calmed down slightly.

"Are you okay?" Claire asked me.

I shrugged. "I guess."

"Does it hurt?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I have to be careful of my ribs and shit." I chuckled and so did Claire.

"You scared the hell out of me, Sierra. All of us! Jacob was the worst." Jacob.

"What happened with Jacob?"

"I think Jacob should tell you the story." I nodded and respected that. I wanted to hear most of it from him.

"It was him who found me right?"

"Yeah it was. God he was so worried. He would not even eat. All of the guys had to force him to."

"You know you have to give a statement right?" Claire asked after awhile and I just nodded. A couple of seconds later I decided to speak. "Yeah. I know."

"Sierra you have to tell the truth," I could here the begging in her voice.

"I know and I will."

"Promise?" Claire asked holding out her pinkie finger.

"I promise." I said before clasping my pinkie finger with hers.

Claire and I watched TV for awhile. People were in and out of my hospital room all day but there was only one person that I truly wanted to see. Jacob. Claire left later on with Quil and I told Charlie to go home and get some rest. He argued with me but he left. I was alone and that was okay even though I just wanted to see Jacob so I could tell him how sorry I was.

Currently I was reading the paper that Charlie had left. Nothing really interesting was in there. I was glad that nothing about Cody was in there or anything. That was the last thing I needed the whole town to know, even though I was pretty sure they all knew for the most part. I mean this was, Forks.

"Stress is not good for you."

I put down the paper slowly and put it off to the side. "Who said anything about stress?"

"I could see it all over your face Si-Si."

"Yeah. It's kind of hard to be stress free." I raised my gaze and looked Jacob in the eye before patting a spot on the bed. He walked over slowly and sat down by me.

"How are you?"

"I've been better. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize."

I scoffed. "Yeah, I do Jake. If I had been honest from the beginning we wouldn't be here right now."

Jacob pushed a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear. I could not help relax under his touch.

"I don't blame you, I blame him!" Jacob spat Cody's name. I could understand though.

"What happened after you found me?"

"No one told you?"

"I asked Claire not to tell me. I wanted to here the story from you."

"I found you on the floor and I lost it for a second. I was about to phase and go find him!" Jacob looked away from me and I pulled his face back to mines. "You looked so broken and so helpless. I rushed you here to the hospital. For a a second it seemed like you stopped breathing and I went crazy. I called Carlisle when I was driving her and all of the Cullen's were here when I arrived. Emmett and Jasper went to find Cody but I couldn't leave you. Not at that moment."

I smiled at him. "It's okay Jake. Look if you don't want to talk about it right now that is okay but I just want you to know that you saved my life and I am sorry for the way I acted and I love you."

I noticed how his eyes got big on the last part as did mine. I really did not mean to say that out loud. I would not talk myself out of it. I loved him. It was a fact.

"You love me." It was not a question.

"Yes, I do. I have for awhile now."

"Then why still date him?"

"Because...because I was scared and because I did not want things to get weird between us like they did after our first kiss." I told him honestly.

"I have to tell you something." I nodded but all I felt was insecure. I mean I just told him that I loved him but I was foolish to think that there might be a chance that he would say it back.

"Well you know that we are wolves." I nodded again. What did that have to do with anything? "Well as wolves we are able to do this thing called imprinting."

"What's that?" I wondered frowning.

"When you find the one for you? You look at that person in the eyes and they suddenly become your everything. Your number one in life. Your reason for living. The air you breathe. All you want to do is protect them. You would jump in front of a car for them."

I gulped. "Have you imprinted?"


"On who?"

"When you were a baby and Charlie brought you to my house I imprinted on you."

"You love me?" He nodded. "Is it willing or forced?" I could not help but asked.

"No I am not forced to love you. Just because we imprint does not mean we have to be with that person even though that's what usually happens. Sam and Emily, Jared and Kim, Quil and Claire and the other couples of the pack. I can be whatever you need, a brother, a friend, a best friend or..." I cut of his trailing by touching my lips to his. We kept still for a moment before our mouths moved as one.

I moved away and touched my forehead to his. "You have no idea how much I wanted to do that."

Jacob laughed. "The feeling is mutual."

"Do you forgive me?" I asked seriously after a few seconds.

"There is nothing that I have to forgive you for." I frowned. There was a lot he had to forgive me for. "But if it makes you feel better, yes I forgive you."

"Thank you."

"Do you forgive me?"

"For what? You didn't do anything."

"Yes. I did."

"What did you do?"

"I should not have pushed you away when you first kissed me. If I wouldn't have pushed you away then we would not be here."

"If I wouldn't have lied we wouldn't be here!"

"Just tell me you forgive me."

I rolled my eyes. He was giving me that stupid Jacob grin. He always knew how to make me smile. No matter what the situation was. "I forgive you."

"I love you."

"I love you too." I did and I wanted to be with him forever. I have a him a soft kiss before resting my head on his shoulder and taking in his woodsy scent. I knew that it was a scent I would be able to smell forever.

Just wanted to thank everyone who has ever reviewed on this story, liked it or put it as a favorite! That means a lot to me! Enjoy your weekend! :)