Espio stood there in shock but then looked down, his eyes watering. "He hurt Monitor?" Espio asked, lips trembling "What did he do to my friend?" Zeke looked up at Espio. "He stabbed him, Espio, fucking asshole, he told me where you guys live and..." Vector looked at me then at Espio. "Shadow...I..." Espio was looking down "I'm so sorry..."

"Nows not the time Espio" Zeke said "We can talk about this later, just please come with me you guys." Zeke held Espio's hand and began running. I turned to Vector and Charmy. "If you're coming, make sure you hide." I stated before dashing off next to Zeke and Espio. The pink chameleon looked at me, still crying. "Shadow...I...I didn't tell you because...I..." I held his hand and continued to run. "I said I know everything, I was there at the party" I admitted "In the closet...I saw...It... It was horrible..."

"MONITOR!" Zeke shouted running to the injured salamander. We had arrived on a beach. Me and Espio also ran up to him. "Monitor...Uh..." Espio was terrified. He knelt down and looked at the stab wounds in his leg and arm. "M...Monitor..." Espio cried loudly and I hugged Espio in comfort. "Monitor I'm so sorry this happened to you, I hope you get better soon." Monitor smiled at me and Espio and leaned his head on Zeke's chest. "I'm fine he missed 'nytin serias. Ya guys shuld leave, we discovered deres a tracking device on ya phone Es, and he looked through all ma texts...He wants ya dead Shadow, and he wants...He plans on taking Espio away...Ya need to hide, we don't want ya getting raped 'nymore, Shadow 'as cryin cuz he felt so helpless."

Espio blushed but then looked down at his phone and threw it on the floor. He closed his eyes and turned invisible. "...I...I am so sorry...I put you all through such a hard time..." Espio muttered. "You FUCKING IDIOT!" We heard someone scream. We turned to see Feroz walking to us. "WHERE THE FUCK IS ESPIO?" He began walking up to me. "Espio please run, I'll be alright, I promise, I'm the ultimate lifeform." I whispered walking to Feroz.

"Leave Espio alone, he doesn't want you anymore, not after everything you've made him go through" I said as he grabbed by my wrist pushing me against a giant stone. I winced as my head banged hard against the rock. "Who the fuck are you? His boyfriend? Oh wait, that's me" Feroz shouted kicking my lowers. I winced and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall back. "You asshole raping my best friend and treating him like a toy!" I shouted as I tried to kick him, but he grabbed by my ankle and I fell on the floor.

He stood up with his foot on my chest. "Espio doesn't need anyone but me" Feroz shouted grabbing by my neck. I tried to push him away but every time I tried his grab got harder. My airway was blocked and I thought I was going to pass out there and then.

"Please don't hurt him!"

Feroz moved his hand from my neck and stepped off me, I was weak, I couldn't breathe well, I was taking deep breaths in and out and coughing. "Why are you doing this Feroz? Why did you hurt my friend?" Espio began to cry and he pointed over to Monitor who was now being taken away in an ambulance, the ambulance people did not even glance over at us once. "Because that fucktard over there told this fuckass here that I abuse and rape you" Feroz then shoved Espio against the rock and ripped off his shirt. "For everyones mistakes, you will suffer" He said biting Espio's neck.

I saw Vector, a green blur, in the distance, charging at us, Charmy behind him. "I WILL NOT LET YOU LAY A HAND ON ESPIO!" He was screaming. Feroz turned to see them, he didn't care, and so he ripped off all of Espio's clothes so he was naked. Espio sobbed. "Please don't Fer-N-No!" Espio screamed as Feroz lifted his legs up, showing off his ass and hole. Feroz pulled down his own trousers and Espio screamed loudly.

"NO! FEROZ STOP! Ow..." Espio closed his eyes tightly "" Vector finally got to us and pushed Feroz away. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?" Vector shouted at him as he picked up his weak Chameleon friend. "I won't let him touch you again..." Vector said, giving Espio over to Charmy. "Take him 'there'" Vector commanded, as Charmy nodded and flew up and away with Espio. "You idiot..." I coughed getting up "how dare you try to rape him in front of us!"

I wobbled over to them but I couldn't stand properly and I lost my balance. "You asshole will pay for ruining my fun" Feroz said as I fell to the floor. "I won't let you hurt anyone!" Vector shouted standing in front of me "you used Espio, dated him, and then...You ruined his life! I knew Espio was unhappy but I didn't expect it to come from someone he loved...YOU HEARTLESS AS-"

Feroz stabbed him.
He stabbed Vector.

"VECTOR!" I screamed as he fell onto the floor. I closed my eyes tightly and began to cry. Feroz walked up to me as I hugged Vector tightly. "No..." I whispered and closed my eyes. My ears twicted to the sound of a police car and opened my eyes to see several cars had surrounded us.

"What a suprise Feroz" a cop said getting out the car. Feroz stepped back but another cop quickly went behind him and grabbed him by his wrists. "Your under arrest." They pulled him into the car and then another cop ran up to us. "We'll get him to the hospital, and fast!" I nodded and jumped up following him to his car. He drove off quickly. I fainted.

'...Shadow! Vector! Oh my God no! Did he do this to you? I-I...I'm so sorry...You hate me now don't you...He's in jail now?...Uh...I'm glad he can't hurt anyone anymore...Is Shadow alright now? Good..."HEY SHADOW!"'

I opened my eyes to see Charmy sitting on the bed which I was sleeping in. "You alright? Apparently you were knocked dead and...Yeah." I sat up slowly and looked at Charmy. I nodded and looked over at Espio who was stroking Vector's tummy, bloody and in bandages. "Vector you hate me...Don't you?" Vector shook his head and pointed to Espio's bruises up and down his body. "I...Once I knew...I had to...Do something...I was glad to fight for you Espio." Espio smiled.

"I'm glad 'es gone now" A familar, lisped voice said entering "n I'm glad 'ou all iz ok." Monitor was in a wheelchair, being pushed by Zeke. "That asshole paralyzed Monitor's leg, he may not be able to walk again...But I will alway help you baby" Zeke said kissing Monitor's cheek. Espio looked down. "If only...I got out of it...Sooner...I should've listened to you Monitor...I... I made everyone suffer now..." I pushed myself out of bed and hugged Espio slowly.

"Es don't ya tink so badly, can't ya see dat it's good now, ya can start over n' forget about dat asshole who treated ya like shit. Ya friends luv ya and will do their best to help yu through, like me n Zeke." Zeke blushed and hugged his companion tightly purring. Vector smiled and chuckled at Espio. "You're all amazing...Really...Without you guys...I don't think I would've make it." Espio burried his face in my chest and hugged me tightly. "I'm such a bastard lying to you Vector, saying I was on a mission when I was just getting beaten up...I loved him though...And after I realised...He hurt Monitor, it all went..." Espio sobbed and snuggled more.

"Espio your pretty cool" Charmy said hugging Espio from behind "you like...lived with badness, and...tried to stay happy still, I would've run ages ago." Espio smiled and bit his lip slowly. "Yeah...But it's ok now..." Espio whispered. Zeke looked at Espio and smiled. "I'm going to go take Monitor home now, I have his medication now" Zeke said "I need my baby to rest you see." Espio nodded and I looked over at Zeke and Monitor. "I guess we won't be seeing you guys for a while...So...Bye" I said "good luck with everything." Espio nodded in agreement and waved to them as they left the room.

Vector closed his eyes and yawned. "I'm still sleepy guys" Vector said "and my stomach kills." Espio smiled a bit and kissed Vector's belly, causing him to blush like...Fuck. "Rest well Vector, my knight." Espio laughed, we got up and lied down on my bed. Espio snuggled close to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I knew...I...I didn't want you getting in anymore trouble...Or hating me...Espio... But...I'm glad everythings sorted." I said, hugging Espio tightly. Espio groaned a bit then yawned and hugged back. Charmy watched us snuggle for a bit then flew in and slept with Vector. "I'm not mad...More suprised...Mmmm..." Espio pressed his lips against my neck kissing. "I hope your neck heals soon...I'm sorry he tried to choke you to death...It happened to me once I know how horrible it feels..."

I stroked Espio's cheek and kissed it slowly. "I won't let anyone hurt you Espio, you know that don't you...Just need me and I'll be there." Espio began to blush as I kissed his chin then kissed his bottom lip. He opened his mouth ever so slightly. "Shadow..." Espio panted as I kissed his lips. He kissed back and hugged me tighter. Then he stopped kissing looked down blushing madly.

"Shadow...I love you."