Pokemon - I own nothing regarding the game, manga, anime or author's rights. I am merely borrowing without asking.
A Promise Worth Keeping - Chapter 1 Something a go round.

"Wherever you go, I'll follow... I promise." A promise has been made. Now our unlikely hero has to just figure out a way to make sure he sticks to it. But with an alcoholic mother, and an overdeveloped sense of honor... well let's just say it's not easy.



Backwater hick. Small town nobody. Boonie. Rural trash. Podunk redneck. I've heard it all at least once – I was never the one to call the names, but I never it stopped either. I just kept to the sidelines. But... that was back in Mossdeep, where things made sense. Where the water was always the right temperature and kids were always going diving to pass the time. Where talking about astronomy, astrology and oceanography is cool. And having a Golduck was everyone's dream – it could surf, dive and use psychic attacks too, perfectly symbolic of Mossdeep.

But now? Now I'm the odd one out. Pick a topic, any topic. If they understand it, I won't. And if I understand it, they're clueless. What do they talk about? Poffins – Pokéblocks will always be supperior. Contests – who the hell wants a Pokémon battle to look pretty? Seasonal outfits – practical, yes... but I still just take whatever's on top of the stack of clean clothes. And how cute a Pokémon is – gag me, please.

As I pass the sign at the entrance to Twinleaf, I can't help but read the motto: Fresh and Free... Really? Then why do I feel so trapped?

"Haze!" Crap, she's gonna start complaining about me taking so long, isn't she. I looked up, and lo and behold... Ginny's waving me over, yelling something about my hurrying up. And the rush is? "Haze, you know we have that test today, please tell me you have your Pokémon with you!" Oh right, that.

"Nn." I nodded. "Jade and Gray. Jade's easier to pamper, so you're taking her."

"She is?"

"Yeah, you can bathe her with soap water. She loves it and she won't splash around. Don't let the water touch her wings or eyes, and give her a berry when you're done."

"Knowing all that she's still easier?"

"Yup." Why is she looking at me like that? Bathe your own mutt then!

"I take it Grey is a lot more complex to bathe then?"

"Exactly." I smirk, daring her to ask me why, which earns me a swat on the shoulder.

"Smart ass."

"Well, I do know my shit, don't I?" Ginny trips over pebble after I say that. It was not even in her way, might I add.

"Are you trying to get me killed?" Tripping over a pebble is not exactly going to be recorded as 'cause of death'. I just roll my eyes, knowing my opinion would just get me in trouble.

"Weren't we in a rush?"

"OMG!" Yes, she actually said the three letters. She's integrating so well. This year's award in the category of Best Newcomer in Twinleaf goes to... Drum roll please... Ginny! Hmm, but which award should be going to her? A Grammy? An Emmy? Hell, even a Tony would suffice.

She dashes off before I can finish my mental rant.



"Good morning, class. I'm glad to see that you are all here early, like I asked." Francine Stelsman, b.k.a. Miss Frenchie – with and IE, not a Y. Why? 'Cause that's the way... uh huh, uh huh...she likes it. Don't look at me! That was her self introduction during the first class! I suspect Fenchie was a nickname she got in her youth... Wanna try guess why?

Anyway, I've tried disliking this woman time and time again, but her brain dead demeanor and D-cup breasts make for too good a porno actress when I have nothing better to do. And yes, I've told Ginny that. She just laughed until it registered what I meant, then she pummeled me. That girl's got a mean hook.

Well, I might as well do my own roll call until something interesting happens. Miss Frenchie is there, of course. She's the part-timer they found to give this class... which she found appropriate to dub 'Your little friend and U'. Does she know how a fifteen year old can interpret that when he has nothing better to do? Which is every other second of the day.

Well, then there's Ginny. Our families both recently moved here from Mossdeep. Don't look for logic in it, there is none. She has her uniform on, all the girls do, but it just looks better on her. The blazer, the just short enough skirt... the thigh-high socks... white socks, of course. Virgin white.

Anyway, then there are a bunch of other idiots I don't like. The girls all have the IQ of a freshly peeled potato, and the guys... Well, let's just say that this proves Ginny's theory about girls being smarter. Bet you didn't know that Twinleaf is a farming community. Yeah. Take me from an island with the world's leading Space Center, and the average IQ to match, and put me here... Thanks Mom. Let's not even talk about the crap they call a curriculum – national level of education my ass. The only classes I find remotely interesting are the electives.

And the social clubs? Those take the cake. There's something for everyone... if you were born and raised here. There's the Mareep appreciation club, where the members wears nothing but Mareep wool and sing 'Bah Bah Mah-reep' at every occasion. Then there's the Swinub Lovers Committee. They eat nothing but Swinub pork, and enjoy snorting during classes. They don't own Swinub for battling or contests... no, they're good eating in the members' opinion.

The list of pointless rabble and their inane unifying ideology could go on for days. But there is one group that stands quietly in the corner, not caring if you notice... The Poképhiles. Yeah, you read that right. Poké Philiacs. Those who have a tendency towards Pokémon. Sexually, romantically, just a passing curiosity. They don't make any clear distinction. And trust me, it ain't hard to figure out who's a member... They advertise by dressing up like Pokémon, or having just that much more Poké memorabilia than is necessarily healthy. Or make out with their Pokémon.

Why am I grouping them together? I didn't, they did. People who are actually known for banging their Bunearies, and people known for dressing up like a Dragonite decided to create a group together. Makes sense don't it?

"Good, now that everyone's accounted for we can begin. I assume everyone brought a Pokémon that they will be caring for during today's test." Yes, yes. Everyone took out theirs and I handed Jade's Pokéball to Ginny.

"Come on out Grey!" I took out my Premier Ball and released my first Pokémon. I remember how hard I worked on the science fair project that let me win this little fella. Well, to be fair Beldum are genderless, but he doesn't mind me calling him a guy, so...

"Whoa! Is that your Pokémon Haze?" Some dumb blonde behind me asks.

"How are you doing today, Grey?" I always avoid and/or ignore dumb blonds. Didn't you ready that on MySpace?


"Aw come on, Haze! I just wanna know!" She whines.

"Dum. Dum! Beldum bel!" Totally agree with you there, but dumb blond is more accurate. Still, good eye.

"I thought Beldums were all metallic blue." Congratulations, you noticed that my partner is gray instead of the standard blue. I think you've just earned yourself a sticker.

"Mina, don't you have a Pokémon to tend to? This is a test after all." Ginny reminds her, already sopping Jade down carefully.

"Vvvvviiii!" Jade agrees, I think. I usually have to see her eyes to figure out what she's saying.

"OMG, you're right! Momma's coming, Starly!" Potato anyone? They're freshly peeled.

"Bel?" Even Grey is starting to wonder about the girls around here. Not that I blame him.

"Alright, Grey, you ready for your morning polish?" Being a steel/psychic type, water isn't the best thing to use. It won't hurt him, but it just doesn't quite get the job done either. So I keep some chemical cleaner that he doesn't mind me using. It makes his armor shine, and he really just looks happier afterward.

I was already taking out the spray bottle and the cloth I use just for the polish, when I hear someone yelling at their Pokémon behind me. Turning around out of curiosity, I see Catalina Green shouting at her Growlithe. "Stupid mutt! Why won't you sit still! If you don't let me wash you, I won't let you in my house!" She has a bucket of soap water with a sponge in her hand. Clueless.

She starts picking up the bucket to toss its contents onto the visibly shaken Pokémon. "Grey! Use Takedown on that bucket!" I command. Faithfully, my partner rushed over and bashed the bucket mid swing.

Unfortunately, that meant that the water splashed Grey and her, but the Growlithe was thankfully spared. "You idiot!" She just shouted at Grey?

"Catalina, hold your tongue!" I warn her. "Grey did as I instructed him to do. And you are the idiot for not knowing that fire type Pokémon hate water! That poor Growlithe is showing incredible restraint for not biting you!" If there's anything I hate, it's idiocy hurting an innocent Pokémon.

"Excuse you! Butt out." Fine, then I won't try to save either of your asses again.

"Haze, Catalina. This is supposed to be an individual test." Miss Frenchie pointed out.

I humph and walk back over to my corner. "Well, Grey, you did great regardless. Come, let's get you dry, then we can polish you up and make you sparkle."


"You like that, huh? How about a berry afterward then?"

"BEL! BELDUM! Dum bel, BELDUM!" He's clearly exited about that.

"Alright deal, but first thing's first. Can you grab the towel from my bag for me?"



Another test aced. If I'd aced a test in Mossdeep I'd be proud of myself, but this place makes it too easy. Don't get the wrong idea though, I hate people who think they know it all. I just simply know more than the average student in this school. And really, it isn't that hard to do.

"Stupid, ungrateful mutt! You made me fail that test on purpose!" Catalina Green. Not only is she brainless, but heartless too. I warned her about the water, but she wouldn't listen. After a quick trip to the school nurse, they staunched the bleeding and bandaged her up. She actually got off easy, if that Growlithe was a bit older, she'd also have burn marks.

"That's it! I'm taking you to the butcher so I can at least eat well tonight!" She threatens. The poor pup's whimpering, with her ears held low and her eyes glued to the ground. She is clearly sorry, but it's hard to fight natural reaction.

"Catalina." I nod my head to her as I walk past. I wasn't going to get involved, it's her problem what she does with her Pokémon. Besides, heartless as she is, she doesn't have the guts to explain to her old man why her new Pokémon would be served for dinner.

"Haze! This is just as much your fault! Why did you have to say something? You probably put that stupid idea in that mongrel's head." Oh, absolutely. How'd you figure that out so quickly? Did you actually think? "You're just going to have to figure out a way to help me make up for the test you made me fail!"

"No problem, I've already figured it out." She's already smiling and jumping happily. Maybe she should wait for me to finish. "All you have to do is go home, lie down and start thinking about the last place you saw your brain. Once you figure that out, then the battle's already won." I say evenly. She was angry before, but I think she's just added a healthy dose of embarrassment to that. The only question is which emotion is controlling her.

"Haze, are you starting another fight?" Ginny asks, trying to sneak up on me.

"She throws cold water on a fire type with teeth, gets bitten and blames everyone but herself? No, I am not starting a fight, I am telling her why she's the idiot in the situation." I could see Catalina grab at the gauze of her bandage, rubbing it gently. "Anyway, I'm going to take Grey for a walk, then I'm going home to get ready to go to the beach."

"Sounds like a plan. Can I come?" Ginny asks.

"Sure, but aren't you gonna ask your stalker first?" I ask her. She turns around and seems surprised when Mina is standing there with a bashful look on her face.

"Hey, Mina. You wanna come along too?"

"You don't mind?" I'm not sure if she's asking Ginny or me, not that it matters.

"Haze." Catalina seems to have something on her chest. "I'm sorry. You're right. I should have listened."

"Can I get that in writing?" I deadpan. She blinks a few times, actually trying to figure that out. She might want to sit down with a full pot of tea... it might take a while.

"I have a favor to ask."

"If you're gonna ask me to teach you anything, you've got the wrong guy. Go to the library and look for a book on caring for your pup. And make sure you apologize, you were too harsh." I've said my piece, so I'll leave it at that.

"But I just apologized!" She just doesn't get it.

"Ginny, you explain. I've got stuff to do." I walk off, no longer caring.

"He meant to your Pokémon." When I hear the soft 'oh', I felt like slapping some sense into her – even if her Growlithe already beat me to the bite.



"Grey! Takedown!" I instruct. My Beldum charges at our opponent. A direct hit! Which isn't that surprising, seeing that it's a bale of hay – it won't really move all that much without help.

"Good job!" I offer a Persim berry, Grey's favorite. Don't ask me why, but he's always raiding mom's Persim tree in the back yard. After I started giving him one for each impressive attack, he learned to not take without me offering it.

"He's really dedicated to his Beldum." Mina says. There was an undercurrent of... something in her voice. Dunno, but that's why I prefer dealing with Pokémon. At least I can understand what a Pokémon is thinking.

"Yeah, his mom's always teasing him about that. She keeps telling him that he speaks more to Grey than to her." Ginny had to open her big mouth. I just roll my eyes, but keep silent otherwise.

"You seem to know him pretty well." Mina sounds jealous. Huh? Why would she be jealous of Ginny knowing me that well? We've known each other since we were wearing pampers, she should know me that well.

"I guess so. But that idiot probably doesn't even realize I'm a girl half the time." She said. Right.

"Sure. All the guys I know wear skirts and stockings to school. An easy mistake." I snark. Mina laughs at her blush.

"That's not what I meant, moron! I meant that you don't see me as a girl. I'm like one of the guys to you." Still blushing. Aw, you're so cute when you're like that. Maybe I should take a picture and hide it under my pillow. Oh wait, that's your thing. My bad.

"No, you're more like a sister. Yes, I do consider you to be my best friend, but a guy? Nah, it's more fun to see the look on the guys' faces when they lose to you in sports. You're being a girl enhances that." Both of them laugh at that one.

"Yeah, I kinda get a kick out of that too." Ginny admits.

"So she's like your sister?" Mina asks, clearly wondering about something.

"Well, yeah. She's cute and all that, but I can't really imagine myself hooking up with her." I watch Ginny for her reaction of out the corner of my eye.

"Haze! Ew!" Ginny agrees with that. Luckily.

"I see." Mina seems to like that tidbit... but why? Forget it, not worth wasting my walk time with Grey.

I look around. We're walking just outside of town on route 201, like we always do. It's one of my favorite pastimes, since walking around in the shallow waters on the skirt of Mossdeep is no longer an option. And all the Pokémon in their natural habitat is definitely part of that.

Seeing flocks of Starly fluttering here and there, packs of Bidoofs loafing around... and the occasional Nidoran, both pink and blue, frolicking. If you were really observant you might see a few Growlithes and Doduos around the way as well – they were getting more and more common with spring now in full bloom. All birds and most fire type avoid the cold like a plague, so winter time is no time to look for them.

Still, it's nice to see the flowers blooming as well. The morning dew had long since evaporated, but there is still an almost mystical glow about the place. It isn't that I dislike Twinleaf Town; it's just that I wish I didn't have to leave Mossdeep to see it.

And not seeing Carmen anymore is not making me happy. I sigh thinking about her. Hell, not seeing a nurse Joy running around the Pokémon Center is odd enough – Twinleaf is too small to actually have a Pokémon Center. Can you imagine that?

With a population of eight-hundred inhabitants, there is just under a half acre per person on average. Mossdeep has nearly ten times that density! Let alone population. But anyway, thinking about it won't change anything. Just don't ask me if I'm happy here.

"So do you like it here, Haze?" Mina had to ask.

Cue snarky retort. "Oh yeah. I love living in a place with more Miltank and Mareep than people."

"I know, right! I used to live in Snowpoint City. I hated it there. Too busy. No one really knows anyone." I would have hated it simply because I know it's covered in snow year round. Wait a minute... she thinks I was being serious? Wow. Gotta love them peeled potatoes.

"I hear there's choice hunting for ice types up there." Ginny changes the subject, knowing that I have another snark just waiting to let loose.

"Oh, for sure! I still have a few Snorunts I caught before I left. No one here seems to understand their charm." Well that's actually surprising. Most people don't see their charm, but she does? Hmm, interesting.

"That's nice. Are you taking care of them?" I ask, half curious.

"I try to, but I caught too many. I kinda planned on giving 'em to people when I came here last year. They're kinda just huddled together between the Swinubs." Swinub farming is all but impossible in Hoenn, it's too warm for it there.

"Sad." I say, for once being honest.

"Yeah. Too bad you don't want one. You seem to have a knack for caring for Pokémon." Huh? Who said anything about me not wanting one? She isn't stopping there either. "In fact, I found two eggs this morning. So we've got another two that just happen to need a loving home."

Two eggs? I've got no space for two... but one wouldn't hurt. Still, no one offers something for nothing. Having no opinion is probably for the best right now.



Later down at the beach, if you can call it that, I decide to test the waters by diving in. It was really just dirt running down into water, but I get half my exercise from swimming so I trod on stubbornly.

It's only been about a month since it got warm enough to not stop your heart immediately, so it still isn't the comfortable, cool water I was used to. But still. Starting with my usual laps, I completely ignore the two girls that are here with me. Why? Cause Mina doesn't even own a swimsuit, so she decided on swimming in a sports bra and a pair of panties... Yeah. You try figuring that girl out.

Ginny is at least more modest, with her usual navy blue one piece. Showing less is more, in my opinion – something that Ginny actually understands. Anyway, I usually do about three laps up and down the bay. Seeing that it's about a half mile long, that says a lot. It takes me most of the afternoon.

I didn't even get to finish my first lap though, because I notice someone was standing right in the way as I make my way back. It may be a dirt beach, instead of the sand I'm used to, but the water is just as clear. So I clearly see the pale white legs and the light green... bikini bottoms... standing in front of me. Obviously Mina wants something. I could just go around her, hell I could even stop and see what she wants. Nah, neither is any fun. I decide to dive right between her legs and swim on. She obviously has the same idea, because I notice her move her feet farther apart. In my mind, it's as simple as that. No ulterior motifs, no tricks, no perverted closer looks.

Until I actually dive between her ankles, and she clamps her legs to trap me. I twist and turn, trying to wiggle free, but something caught my eye. There's the glint of something metallic above me, and it makes me look just to make sure what it is – a naval piercing I hadn't noticed before.

That's when I notice something else: her panties are damn near see through when wet... Which is made even more obvious with a dark triangular patch kinda grabs my attention. YES, GRABS! Dammit I wasn't aiming to look at her like that!

Anyway, moving on. I need to breathe sometime soon, so I tickle the back of her knees to have her let me go – which works well enough. She jumps in surprise, and I swim off. I figure that was the last of that, and aim to continue my laps.

Looping back at the end of the bay, I notice her waiting on me again. This time up to her neck in the water. She's slightly bended, because the water is not deep enough. Ginny's there this time too, but standing a good bit closer to the shore.

I continue swimming, wondering what will happen this time. The closer I got, the more detail I can make out, and there are quite a few details to make out. With a slight chill to the water, her nipples are hard as rock and now that I know it's there, the triangle seems more pronounced. But the fact that her legs are spread pretty wide may have helped.

Not wanting to create a scene, I decide to swim about a meter away from her. And yet when I get there, I hit right into her. And while freestyling... of course my hand hits first. I'm certain that I cop a very healthy – or unhealthy if she reacts violently – feel of her bosom. I jump up, already muttering an apology.

She smiles. "All this beach and you keep bumping into me." Is all she has to say about that, but she still isn't getting out of the way.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna head back. It's a bit too cold for my liking." Ginny is hugging herself to keep warm.

"Alright, Ginny, I'll see you tomorrow then. I still got two laps to go." I wave, then get back to it.

Now, with Ginny no longer there, and no one else in view... Mina seems to grow bolder. When I come back this time, she is inviting me to come to her with one finger. They say that curiosity killed the Meowth, but I'm no Pokémon. What could it hurt to see what she wants?

"It's cold. I need someone to warm me up." Just as I'm about ask her what she means, she walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck to pull me close. Ever had a girl with stiff nipples hug you? It's kinda hard not to notice. "That feels better." Does it now?

Staying true to every swimmer I knew in Mossdeep, I'm wearing a Speedo, goggles and a swimming cap... nothing else. So I'm sure you can understand that I am thinking about newly hatched Pokémon, algebraic equations and old nuns to not have something to explain.

"Did you enjoy the underwater scenery?" She asks. It could have been innocent enough, but my mind heard her asking about the show she was giving me.

"Yeah, it's nice." I answer as neutrally as I can.

"Just nice?" She almost seems upset. Well obviously she wasn't talking about the coral or the Magicarp swimming about.

"I'd say beautiful, but I'd need to know which scenery you meant." She blushes. You damn near give me a strip show, then you blush when I want confirmation? What are you playing at?

"Me, of course." You're beautiful and completely retarded. With a splash of horny, apparently.

"I dunno, I didn't get to see much yet." Deny, deny, deny, then lie. It's been saving marriages since before I was born, so why not use it to my advantage?

"What did you want to see then?" A deeper blush.

"Dunno, any recommendations?"

"I might, but I dunno what you like." Keeping it vague? Well, let's see how vague you can keep it.

"When seeing something for the first time, seeing everything is always recommended."

Her eyes are half lidded and she's speaking softly. "Everything, everything?"

When at a yard sale, always bargain for the price of wares. "Everything, everything."

She looks around nervously. I honestly don't believe she'll do it. "Fine, but under water."

"How did you plan on changing later then?" I wonder, still not believing she'll do it.

"I didn't plan that far ahead. I never go swimming." Oh, wow. Shocking. She didn't think. Hmm.

"Fair enough." I'm already to the point of just swimming off and ignoring her. I'm sorry, I just don't care. That is, until she pushes me back a bit, and seems to dance around a bit. I look down, only to see that her sports bra is now the only thing she's wearing. I want to dive down for a better look... but a thought hits me: it's better to check what I'm dealing with. I decide to grab her ass, and squeeze a little. She doesn't resist at all, and seems almost happy about it. Still not entirely sure, I kiss her.

The kiss is return with a fire I can't match; she is hot and obviously ready. But ready for what? Keeping one hand on her derriere, I move the other to her chest. Never breaking the kiss, I slip my hand up her sports bra and cup her bare breast. Hell, her only reaction is a moan when I flick her nipple.

Now, this may sound strange, but I've gotten girls this far and they all got pissed when I went one step further. So I wasn't sure how far this one would let me go. The hand that was still on her backside starts slipping lower, and lower. She doesn't stop me when I slip my hand between her butt cheeks.

She doesn't stop me when I place my finger on her anus either. Or when my hand explores further... I run a finger across her snatch. It's really just to see her reaction, but I barely get one. Deciding to push my luck, I push a little and start rubbing my finger between her lips, not quite entering her canal, but still very intimate. I rub up and down, looking for the spot that gets the most feedback, which seems to me this nubby little piece of flesh at the top of her slit. The second I touch it, she moans into my mouth.

Obviously she isn't stopping me any time soon, so I continued exploring. My right hand is still playing with her breast, but I decide to make this more interesting for her. I let my left index drift a little lower, allowing it to start circling her entrance, and I bring my right hand down to keep her button occupied. Still no resistance, and still only moaning and kissing me. Well, fine. I applied a little pressure to my left index finger, wanting to see if a virgin was letting me do all this.

Nope. She's been broken in. Well, no point in holding back now. I dip my finger into her, making sure to start slow and easy. It's kinda hard to tell if she's wet or not, with us being in water, but it isn't hard to tell that she's tight. No sex recently... I think.

She's starting to breathe harder, and she's grinding herself on me. Probably doesn't even know she's doing that. Curiosity's a bitch. "You're getting close aren't you?" She nods. "A shame, I have laps to finish. I'll see you later." Before she even realizes what I said, I'm swimming off.

It is particularly satisfying to hear her cursing my name once she noticed I wasn't joking.



I make it home a little later than I usually would, which means I'm about to be cursed out. Still, I try to avoid the inevitable. I open the door as softly as I can, hoping that Mom won't notice. When I close the door and turn to make my way upstairs…

"Where have you been young man? You're twenty minutes late!" Gee, thanks. I would never notice that I wasn't on schedule without you constant harping on what time I should leave, come back, take a shower, brush my teeth. Oh, and let's not forget eating faster or slower than you planned.

"It took longer than I planned with swimming. Had to make sure I did my cool down lap properly, otherwise I'll be sore in the morning." I know it's pointless, but I still have to try.

"You've been going swimming in near freezing water for weeks, and you expect me to believe that today of all days you'd come back later than usual?" So sorry I didn't make it 'home' in perfect timing with your divine plans. How dare I?

"You're right, Mom. I was busy fingering a girl between laps. That's why it took longer." Everyone's so used to my snarks that no one would look past it for a grain of truth.

"You had best watch your words, Hazel! I'm not happy with you right now! So go take your shower and hurry up! You're good for nothing father is coming over this afternoon and I want none of the usual crap you two go on about!" Yes, master of the known universe. How could one so lowly as myself ever question your infallible logic and will? "And stop thinking those snide remarks of yours! It's not as bad as saying it, but it's bad enough to think it!" Snark aside, I have to fight back a snort this time. Even on my worst days I never meet up to your level of competence, Mom.

Having finally made it back to my refuge, I shut my bedroom door as quietly as humanly possible and start arranging everything as it should be. Releasing Grey – who snuggles into his pillow on my bed – and Jade – who has a basket suspended mid air in the far corner of my room that she lands in. Pokéballs on the desk, clothes in the hamper, Dex on my pillow... Job well done, now to jump in the shower. The only thing that is running through my head the entire time, is that summer's around the corner and I could be out of this house for a solid three months.

Sure, most idiots quit school at age ten to go on their grand adventure with their Pokémon. Sure, most people my age have jobs and are bringing home the bacon for their family (whether that meant their parents, spouse or kids is their business). Sure, I'll even admit that most had hidden bases scattered around the continent. I have none of those things. I want to become a doctor, and that means more schooling than anyone else my age. So instead of leaving at age ten, I stuck around.

Don't be fooled though. I am nowhere near this house when summer hits! Hell no! For that matter, I'm usually only home when I have to be. So that means the sun was going down, or I have an egg to take care of – Jade being the only example of that.

Turning on the hot water, I peruse the day's events. Nothing interesting in school – shocking. Took Grey for a long walk – I've got to start including Jade in our walks. Fingered a hillbilly hoe on the beach. And I told my mom all about it, whether she believed me or not was her ass. Well, not bad, but not my best day either.

Well, down to business. Soap... scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub. Rinse, rinse. Shampoo, squeeze, close, place. Massage... massage... massage... massage... rinse. Toothbrush and -paste. Squeeze from the bottom of the tube, liberally applied... shuck shuck shuck... shuck shuck shuck... shuck shuck. Switch sides. Shuck shuck shuck... shuck shuck shuck... shuck shuck. Tongue, bleh! I hate how it feels to scrub my tongue!

Anyway, spit, rinse, spit, rinse, spit, wash mouth with mouth wash. Wash face, turn off water completely, shake out shower head. Towel off. Alright. Deo, comb hair... hmm, gel? Nah, I'll be going to bed soon enough. Comb, comb, part, comb comb. Perfect? No, but good enough. Okay, done. Um, boxer, khakis, plain white shirt, yes with the V-neck, and a windbreaker. Don't ask why I wear it indoors, because I don't know. I just do. Alright, that's that. Now, I just need to go check on things in the barn and I'm done with my daily routine. After that I can text Ginny and see what she's up to.

I walk back into my room, put the Dex back in my back pocket and grabbed the two Pokéballs on my desk. Ginny was kind enough to sow in six pockets on the inside of my jacket, three on the right, three on the left. Grey was my first Pokémon, a shiny Beldum, so he gets the highest pocket on the left. Jade was my second... so she gets to top right pocket. A science fair project back in Mossdeep was about making a homemade incubator for a Pokémon egg. They picked the project, so they supplied the eggs.

My incubator was a cut above the rest, seeing that it could accommodate nearly any type. There was a large bowl to fit the egg, with enough room in case you wanted to add sand, ice or water. A large lamp head was fitted with four infrared bulbs – which could be switched on and off individually, so you can control how warm the eggs gets. And there was a malfunctioning heating blanket that shocks the hell out of you – for electric types. And as for psychic, dark and ghost types? Well there's a build in MP3 play with Mozart for babies, the theme song to Castlevania, and the hills have eyes – just the sounds, none of the visuals. Who wants a crack at figuring out which matches which?

They were so impressed that I won first prize... Grey. Jade hatched a few weeks later. A two for one deal, got to love it. The only trouble is, I kind of ended up training Jade more than Grey, but that had to do with Grey only knowing Takedown. So Jade's already a Vibrava, while Grey's still just a Beldum. I rub both of their heads, and we head out. I still have things to do before I could call this a successful day.



"Vvvvvvi?" Jade asks as we enter the barn. She's probably wondering what we need to do. I climb up the ladder in the back, make my way into the only part of the ranch that mom never snoops. This is where I do my research on Pokémon, where I keep my incubator... and where I run to when Mom's driving me nuts. My bedroom is my refuge, true. But Mom has a nasty habit of entering without knocking... This place is my sanctuary. I doubt she even knows it's here.

"We're just making sure everything's set up and that my incubator is still in working condition. I might be able to get a Snorunt egg, so I wanna be prepared." I explain honestly.

"Vvvvvi!" No, no other Pokémon could replace either of you. Stop getting jealous. I rub her head instead of actually saying it, but I notice Grey's eyes glow red for a moment. Jade calms down pretty quickly after that, for some reason. Hm, I wonder what that was about.

"You know," I begin absentmindedly. I'm already turning on the infrared lamps and testing if it still worked as it should. "I'll be turning sixteen this summer. And mom still treats me like I'm six. My own fault, I suppose. I should have just hightailed it like everyone else the day I turned ten."

"Bel..." "Vvvvvvviiiiiiii..." Both seem put out by my mood. I can't blame them, though. Anyway, this stuff is working. Now to clean this place up and to see what time Dad's supposed to be coming over.



I barely even open the front door to get inside when, "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up." Mom starts. Great. And with Dad in the house, she'll be twice as bitchy as usually. She needs to get laid. Or at least take something for withdrawal symptoms.

"Hey, Dad. How was the trip?" Ignoring her is for the best right now. It'll piss her off, but it will keep me sane.

"Interesting. But that's beside the point. I wanted to talk to you, privately." Don't got to tell me twice.

"Come on, I need to talk Grey and Jade for a walk anyway." I turn and start walking out the house before Mom can complain – which can be counted on as much as the sun rising.

I bring Dad with me to the barn and up the ladder. Luckily I already cleaned up the place. The sun has already set, so I turn on the lights and offer him a seat on one of the bales of hay that are sitting around. "So what's on your mind, dad?" I wonder, rubbing Jade on her head again. I make sure to rub Grey's head too, to avoid any jealousy between the two.

"You still only have those two Pokémon?" He asks. Hmm, strange. He's usually more forthcoming with his thoughts.

"Yeah, Jade and Grey take care of me, so I take care of them." I wonder at his motifs. Besides, even if I have the space to house more... having more life forms around for Mom to traumatize is just wrong.

"Hmm, I see. Well they seem to trust you. You're obviously taking very good care of them."

"They seem to think so." I laugh.

"Bel!" Grey nudged me in my side, probably looking for another berry.

"Grey, if you keep eating all your berries, you won't have any space for your dinner later."

"Bel, beldum, Dum, bel!" Fine, twist my arm why don't you. I give him a berry, and laugh at the gleeful shout he offers in return.

"Still, fair is far. Do you want a berry too, Jade?"

"VVVvvviiiII!" That sounds like a yes to me.

"Fine, but just this one and no more snacking." I really need to get my hands on a berry blender so I can start making my PokéBlocks again. It's either that, or I gotta start making Poffins. I cringe at the thought.

Through the entire exchange, Dad was just watching me. He does that a lot. Just sitting there, monitoring everything, seeing everything, but saying nothing about it. He calls it 'being mindful of shifting winds' – a sailor through and through, that one.

"I've been wondering for some time now if you were ready to be a real man. And to be honest, with how you behave with your mother I've been extra careful." He says.

"That isn't fair and you know it." I reply.

"I am not trying to rear her up, am I?" Fine, I'll shut up. I cross my arms and turn to him to listen. "But I am trying to rear you as best I can. And your attitude towards her, deserved or not, is not as it should be." Great, she gets to act a fool twenty-four seven and I end up paying for it. Again!

I sigh. "Sorry, sir."

"Good, now about this lack of Pokémon you have going on. How do you plan on defending yourself if a Pokémon attacks you while you're swimming?" He wonders.

"So long as they are on the water surface, both Grey and Jade can handle it. They always have." I tell him. It isn't common for me to have to defend myself, but it does happen – they aren't called 'wild' Pokémon for their table manners and etiquette.

"True, and while diving? You and I both know that you're dying to go diving again." Almost as bad as I want to get the hell up out of here! Fine, I get your point.

"I guess I'll have to catch a water Pokémon then. I really wish I had taken that Mudkip when I had the chance." He smiles. Obviously I understand what he's getting at, at least in his eyes.

"Good. Then there's someone I want che ta meet." He took out a Pokéball, releasing a Pokémon I've never seen before.

"Ga? Tir..." A blue skinned turtle popped its head out of its gray, iron-like shell.

"This's Tirtouga and she's only recently hatched. She's about a third as long as she will be when full grown, so she'll be needing lots of care and she'll need someone to teach her the ropes." I gaze in her eyes, trying to figure her out a bit.


"Hi there. I'm Hazel, but everyone calls me Haze. Do you like berries?" I offer one. She opens her mouth, but instead of risking a finger – or a whole hand – I flick it so it'll land in her mouth. She munches a bit on it, obviously trying to decide if she likes it.

"Tir... Tirtou! Ga, tirTouGA!" She obviously likes it. It'll be hard to tell if she's smiling or not, but I'm already used to that with Grey.

"Hmm, what to call you though? Cobalt? Nah, that sounds like a guy. How about Sapphire? Yeah, that sounds nice. What do you think about it, girl? Sapphire?"

"Tir...?" She opened her mouth, waiting for another berry. Obviously she doesn't care what I call her, so long as I feed her.

"Alright, but just one more. We'll be eating soon, okay?"

"Ga!" That obviously means either 'yes', or 'okay'. I take out my last berry and flick it into her mouth. Grey and Jade both laugh at the contented munching that follows.



"Hey, Mom, I want you to meet Sapphire." I announce after setting three bowls of food, instead of two. I figure Sapphire would want more of a seafood meal than berries, so she's getting the Tentacool special. Grey's been craving a lot more iron in his diet, so I put a few crushed berries and a handful of lug nuts – don't ask, he loves it. And Jade gets herself a double serving of Caterpie and Weedle pate. Gross you say? Well, sorry, but that is they're natural prey, so why should I feed them only berries and force them into being vegetarians?

"Touga!" Sapphire says as a self introduction.

"Oh, so that's the way it is? Buying my son's affection with Pokémon?" Oh shit, here we go.

"You know better than that, Mi-"

"Aren't you leaving? The hotel owner likes to lock up by ten, and Hazel is going upstairs to work on his homework right after he eats." I actually have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from yelling. She always does that shit! Pissing me off days before he's scheduled to arrive, then doing everything to sabotage him being my life.

"You're right, of course. I'm sorry. Haze, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I nod, wanting to tell him how sorry I am for wanting to come in so soon.

"If you're still in town when school lets out." Dad didn't even answer her. He lets himself out and quietly closes the door. I don't say a word of complaint, trying my best to live by the standards dad set for me.

"Did you want me to help you cook dinner?" I ask, hoping to have this difficult transition go as smoothly as humanly possible.

"No, it's fine. It's already cooked. Just make sure you wash your hands." She seems to deflate a bit, in absence of my usual snark. Maybe I really am part of the reason we never could get along?

Dinner is remarkably quiet. But then, I never did like talking while eating – or just talking to Mom in general. She made the usual: rice, meat, greens and two fruits for dessert.

Still, the meal feels vaguely reminiscent of how she raised me: everything the way she wants it. The pork – fresh off Mina's family's farm – was cut into perfect half inch cubes, the daikons and carrots were cut into long strips, almost like she wanted to make coleslaw out of it. The onions were cuts so fine that I honestly couldn't identify it, if not for the taste. The fruits – peaches and lychees – were peeled (the peaches were at least) and cut in four even pieces. I wonder how many bottles of gin were sacrificed for this meal to be anywhere near good – and no I don't mean as an ingredient. Everything was done exactly as she desired it. Down to the last grain of rice. If it didn't make the cut, it never saw the dinner table – she'd rather eat out or order in.

This is the kind of home I was raised in, if you could even call it a home. This perfect bowl of food, exactly organized to her design. This house, that was designed, furnished and cleaned just the way she wanted. My weekly schedule, set up according to my preplanned school agenda and how she wanted me to spend my time.

Orderly. Tidy. Clean... Sterile. I can actually still remember the last time I just jumped up and did something, hell I can tell you every time I just did something. Because she'd never let me forget it. It wasn't her idea, so it was pure evil. Blasphemy. And it was treated as such.

I'm not even sure if me becoming a doctor is my idea or hers.



-What you up to? – Ginny- I read my messages once I got up in my room. Mom thinks I'm doing homework, but quite frankly that crap gets done in class. Too much time on my hands while the teachers are trying to convince the other students that the lesson makes sense.

-Nothing. Just going to run some SSB.- I think a bit longer. -Dad gave me a Tirtouga tonight!-

-Tirtouga? Never heard of it.-

-Water/Rock type turtle. Named her Sapphire.- I explain.

-Weren't they extinct?- Like I'm supposed to know that?

-Dunno, didn't do any research on her yet.-

-It's a her?-

-Yeah, is that a problem?-

-Of course not! I just figured you'd want more guys than girls.-

-Ew! I don't swing that way, Gin. :P- I tease.

-Well fine, get jiggy with your P-mon then. Lol-

-At least they're smarter than the chicks in this backwater town.- Jeez I hate it here.

-Cut the crap, you and I both know you were getting it on with Mina.-

-Wrong. We made out, but I have my standards for a gf.-

-Like what?-

-An IQ over 80 for starters!- For those who don't know, the statistic minimum to not be considered retarded… is an IQ over 80.

-LMAO! You are horrible sometimes. LOL-

-Anyway, your dad easing up on the summer plans yet?- We started planning ahead this time and are going to take the whole summer to explore Sinnoh, to see what we landed ourselves in. We each picked two places we wanted to see and drew up an itinerary with routes, travel times and sites to see along the way.

It was mostly her dad that was being the stickler for details, but I didn't mind in the least – I was used to it.

-No. He's still freaking out about the Roger episode!- I laugh when I read that. Who cares if that was a year ago? Her dad's nothing if not protective of his daughters.

-Can't blame the man there. He did catch you making out topless.-

-Not the point! I'm old enough to figure that out for myself now! I swear, I'm never gonna treat my kids like this!- Sure you won't... I will. Roger is a prick that has no taste and was already screwing three other girls I knew about. Won't be missing that pompous prick!

-Maybe, maybe not. But at least you can talk to him.-

-No, but you can! Daddy listens to you! PLEASE!- Jeez, alright.

-Fine. But I dunno when I'll be able to. I'm planning on skipping out on my laps tomorrow to spend some time with dad.-

-I figured you would.- -Sometimes I think I know you better than your mom does.-

-Really? And it took you this long to figure that out? Gin, you okay?-

-You get a reply from the Med school in Saffron yet?- Changing the subject are we?

-Yes. They want me to take the entrance exam next fall.- Good thing I applied this much in advance, or I'd have to get the money to fly there. They're willing to let me take it under supervision in the school, since I'm still a student there.

-COOL! You are soo gonna ace that exam!- Yeah, we'll see. -I'm so excited for you!-

-Breathe, Gin. It's an exam not an acceptance letter.-

-SO? It's a start!- Fine. Miss the point.

-Anyway, I'm gonna call it a night. See you tomorrow.-




There are three things I hate about mornings. One is taking out the garbage. Why Mom wants it done at seven in the morning is something I'm not meant to understand.

The second is making breakfast. Mom is 'teaching me to be independent' by giving me breakfast duty. It's more like she's too lazy – or hungover – to do it her damn self, but I'll just keep that opinion to myself. After feeding Jade, Grey and now Sapphire as well, I make breakfast for Mom and me, then I wash the dishes too.

The last is going to school. Let's see, math... snooze. Chemistry, interesting but I already passed this semester back on Mossdeep. Either Mossdeep High is really ahead, or these twits are really behind. Who wants to guess what I think? PE, well at least I can stretch my legs. Biology... I learned about Human Reproduction a few years ago... besides the whole hour is spent telling the students to shut up.

And to end my day... English Lit. I actually enjoy that class, for the most part. But most of the students only look forward to the parts where Miss Lopunny's boy toy of the week comes in and they make out in front the class. Well, regardless I had to pack my books, get ready and I would be off for another fun day.

"Incoming text from Ginny." I hear my Dex announcing a new message. I take it out and flick it open.

-Mina is freaking out, she can't figure out if you two are an item or not. What to tell her?-

-Nothing, tell her to ask me.-

-Sounds good. Hey, what do you know about Tyler?-

-That he's as horny as they come. He's always bragging about how he banged which girl during the showers after PE.-

-Ur kidding.-

-Gin, if you want a decent guy, the only one I know is Al. He's the only one that actually stays faithful of the bunch.-

-Including you?-

-No! Not including me. You know how I operate.-

-The only promise worth making, is a promise worth keeping.-

-Exactly!- Wait a minute... -And since when was I even on your menu?-

-So when you talking to daddy about the summer trip.- Changing subjects again? I'm going to train Grey to tell me what the hell girls are thinking.

-Dad's gonna be in town today and tomorrow. I'll come over the day after and we'll talk to your dad then.- -Sound good?-

-Cool, now hurry up! I am not coming late because of you again!- Right...

Well, I bathe, dress and I'm out the door within ten minutes. And that includes my morning shave. Yeah, I shave. Shut up!

Ginny's waiting with her stalker a few steps behind her. "Morning. How're the girls?" Ginny greets me, probably making a reference to Mina. Still she likes to say that since Grey is genderless, he can technically be considered either or both... Yikes. One of the reasons I never want a Ditto...

"They're fine. Are we walking or not?" We started our usual fifteen minute walk to Twinleaf's one and only school. The elementary school takes up the first floor, the secondary takes up the top two. "Hey, Aron should be joining us after the summer right?"

"Yeah, he's really looking forward to that. He's been bugging me about when you were gonna teach him to swim." Crap, I promised I'd teach him.

"Well, once the water warms up a bit, we can start dealing with that."

"Can't be breaking your promises, right?"


"You're just going to act like I'm not here, aren't you?" Mina opines.

"People who have to bribe acquaintances with Pokémon, shouldn't have opinions on how they're treated."

"Is that what you think that was about?" She sounds hurt.

"No, but I know it was leading up to that. Why else would you be willing to skinny dip with someone you hardly know?" Hillbilly hoe 101: offer sex and they'll like you.


"Look, Mina, isn't that Tyler? He's been asking about you all week." Ginny butts in. There's a complete one-eighty in Mina's attitude. She's gushing about something or the other, and she dashes off to flirt.

"Meh, easy come, easy go." I joke. Those two are already kissing.

"Jeez, some girls got it easy." Ginny is obviously jealous. That's not like her.

"How so?"

"They can just run up to the guy they want and start making out. No stress, no worries." Yeah, and that's the source of teenage pregnancies, rampant Venereal Diseases and one parent households.

"Yeah, but that isn't a relationship that can last. The real deal takes years to forge, but lasts a lifetime." I inform her sagely. Shit, look at my parents and their one night stand. All they got out of it was one miserable son – me.

"You think so?" She has a faraway look in her eyes, obviously thinking about something.

"I know so. Now let's go dump these books, they're heavy."



Turning the corner to get to our lockers, Catalina Green is waiting for me. Great. I just got rid of one! "Catalina." I nod to her, hoping she'd just get out of the way.

"I did as you asked." She began, offering neither greeting nor salutation. Congratulations.

"Good. Now, I need to get to my locker." She didn't budge.

"You were right." Written evidence, child. Written. "Growlithe's been behaving much better now that I treat her differently. I really wanted to thank you." Send me a postcard, it'll take less time. Then I notice something... she's hiding her hands behind her back. She's hiding something. Not something like an object, more like something she wants me to see without her telling me.

"Don't worry about it." I really hope this isn't going where I think it's going.

"Haze, I really want to." Welcome to Hillbilly Hoe Highschool. All our students are taught the works, from blowjobs to skinny dipping with strangers. Sign your daughters up now!

"Catalina, look. I just broke up with someone. I'm just not ready for another relationship so soon." I lie through my teeth. Now will you get out of my way?

"I can help you heal." No, you can't. You can't even get out of the way.

"Ginny's already helping me with that. She's been real good, counseling me through hard times." I see Ginny's eyes light up with an impish delight. What did I just sign on to?

"True, he really needed it too. Don't worry, baby. Momma's gonna take real good care of you." She hugged me from behind. Okay, no more drama classes for you, missy!

"Oh. Well, I can still help." She offered, giving Ginny the death glare. And girls are the fairer sex? I hope they meant better looking, because this insanity is far from fair.

"Don't worry about it Catalina. Just give me your number, and I'll call you when I'm ready." I offer. Whatever gets her out of my way quicker. That seems to ice down her hotheadedness.

"Alright, here." She grabs a pen out of nowhere and starts writing her digits on my palm. Shit, there goes the 'I can't find it' excuse. Once she's done, she kisses my hand and she's off.

"What the hell was that about?" I wonder out loud. Honestly I can't even tell if I was asking was about Catalina, or Ginny.



First hour. Math. Yippie. I already finished this book and they are still on chapter one. What's more, I finished it last year, before summer even let out in Mossdeep. Don't worry though, just fifty-eight minutes and forty-two seconds left.

Well, I've got nothing better to do now, so I might as well start texting Ginny and see what she's up to. I make sure to put my Dex on silent just in case.

-Ginny, you learning anything?-

-Oh, yeah. For sure!- -Did you know that Valentine's Day is more than just a good time to go shopping?-

-What class do you have?- That isn't anything I ever needed to learn, that's for sure.

-Home Ec. You'd think we had to learn something other than make out tactics.-

-Gotta learn how to get a home started, I guess.-

-Haze, if you make me laugh I'm killing you during Chemistry.-

-What and risk having to partner up with anyone else?- -Besides, at least that will make it interesting.-

-Interesting is not always a good thing with you.-

-Hey! We could always try making that miracle drink again? I bet we could get someone to drink it.-

-Yeah, but we'd get suspended again!- -Daddy would kill me if I get suspended!-

-Nah, he wouldn't kill you. He'd kill me and make you watch.-

-Somehow that makes sense.- -And you being the evil mastermind doesn't help.-

-I'm not evil. I'm misunderstood.-

There's a long pause. -Great, now I have detention. Thanks.-

-Want some company? I bet we could get Miss Frenchie to wet herself again.-

-Well, duh! You should get in trouble for getting me in trouble.-

Easily arranged. "Mister Manfred? What's the square route of sixty nine?" One thing that gets these idiots laughing, and the teacher upset, is anything that can be interpreted as being dirty. That means anything to do with sixty nine... eight... any number between thirty-two and sixty-four... Yes, this class is falling desperately behind.

"I'd have to get my calculator... but it's roughly eight... something. Why?"

"So the route of sixty-nine is ate something?" I ask 'innocently'. Tyler was already laughing. Horny prick.

"So you think your funny, mister? Detention!" He points to the door angrily. He now has to take the rest of the class to calm the idiot brigade down. Poor guy.

-Arranged, see you in detention.-



"Jeez, you work quick." Ginny is waiting outside the detention hall door. Because detention is as popular a hobby as Pokémon battles, the Principal decided to have all flunkies (a pet name he gave anyone who got detention) march out of the class they got assigned detention in and straight to a standard room for the remainder of that class. Those who disobeyed the arrangement have to stay after school.

Well, let's just say that detention is pretty populated during certain classes. "I do my best. Now, shall we see what spots are left?" We entered the 'hall of fame' and are immediately greeted by the entire soccer team, and more than a few Poképhiles.

"Genevieve, Hazel. What a surprise to see you two here... together." Miss Frenchie knows if one of us reports to detention, the other is never far behind.

"I'm pretty sure we signed up under Ginny and Haze. You must have not gotten the memo." I snark. Only Mom calls me Hazel, and no one calls her Genevieve.

"This isn't a pleasure cruise. Sit down." She commands, pointing to the back of the room. Standard rules: first in, first row.

"Fine, but I'm complaining to my travel agent about this mix up. I paid for an all inclusive boat trip to Mossdeep." Everyone is already chuckling, but Miss Frenchie just rolls her eyes.

Ginny and I make our way to the back. She is already taking out her nail polish and I'm taking out my Dex to start researching Sapphire. I made sure to download everything I could find on the net, and uploaded it to my Dex – odds of me not having the time during class are zero.

"Genevieve, this is not a health spa. Put the makeup away."

"Miss Frenchie?" I raise my hand, being all polite. She knows me well enough to know that means trouble.

"Yes, Hazel?" She's already exasperated.

"That's not makeup, it's nail polish. And if my guess is right, I'd say... hot pink?"

"Nope, bubblegum pink." Hey, I was close right? At least I didn't call it orange.

"Hazel, stop being a prick." I smile at her barb. A little too broadly. She just breached school policy.

"Haze." Ginny warns. I can't help it. She started it anyway! "Haze! Let it go!"

"What's she gonna do? Give me detention?" The class – my fellow flunkies – are snickering now. "The difference is, her own tongue could cost her her job."

"HAZE!" Ginny punches me in the arm.

"Fine. But forewarning, staff aren't allowed to call the students anything but their given name, surname, or mister or missy which is gender specific. Principal's rules. Learn them well." I quiet down, actually willing to let it go. Ginny's my conscience – my own personal Jiminy Kricketot. So if she insists, I tend to listen.



Chemisty is all about salts. Not kitchen salt – that's just one instance, specifically Sodium Chloride. Chemically a salt is just a base and an acid that neutralized each other and can be fit into organic and non organic categories. Don't try to understand, just nod and keep moving.

So what's today's lesson? Calculating concentrations in Mol. Wow! Aren't we smart. Considering that I had to calculate this shit back in primary school for the standard volcano made with vinegar and baking soda experiment. Why? Because the Science Fair judges are always rocket scientists and they want to challenge us. Yeah. Again, why am I in Twinleaf?

Anyway, after making hydrogen blow up in a bubbly bowl of soap water – always good for a laugh when someone screams from the bang – we decide to actually get serious and get some work done. Which takes us like five minutes. I may be good, but Ginny?

"Ginny, you know you wrote this damn book right?" I tease.

"Nah, if I did I'd be rich." She waves it off. "Besides, it's not hard to remember details after the fact."

"True. So now what? We've got ninety minutes left and all our experiments are done."

"Can we go?" Ginny asks the teacher. Practicum days always meant we can leave if our calculations are correct. She checks our already cleaned beakers, already put away burners, and double checks our numbers. She doesn't have a reason to tell us no, so we are outta here!

Free time means either detention hall, or cafeteria. We hate both options, so we head for the roof. After bumping into someone humping their Lopunny, we went to the other side of the roof... where we met Tyler and Mina banging each others' brains out. Wow, I'm really missing out. She could be pregnant with anyone's child, or have any number of Venereal Diseases. Good thing I gargled when I got home.

"We really were better off in Mossdeep." Ginny announces, as we make our way to the third corner. There we are met with Al – yes the same Al that I would recommend for Ginny 'cause he was the nicest of the bunch – getting ass pounded by a Ninetails and giving a Haunter a blowjob.

"Well, you were right... all the good guys are looking for boyfriends." I snark. Ginny just laughs and we try the last corner – which happens to be empty.

"Finally!" Ginny sits down, staring off into the horizon.

"Okay, rock paper siscors for who pays for snacks?" I offer.

"Nah, not feeling snacky yet. Besides I barely just had breakfast." She is obviously far, far away.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I nudge my elbow in her side. She always seems to be a million miles away these days.

"It's just..." She really seems out of it this time. Normally she'd be able to tell me what she was thinking without batting an eye. "I dunno. Stuff, I guess."

"Thinking about the future again?" I fish, hoping to get her to open up. This isn't like her at all.

"Yeah. I got a letter yesterday about my entrance exams... I dunno if I wanna take it though."

"What study?"


"Ginny, you've been psyched about that for years!" Okay, this is really getting weird. We used to talk about going to Saffron U. together since forever! What gives?

"It's in Castelia." Oh. "It's a great opportunity, because they offer a better curriculum than Saffron, but it does mean-"

"That you'd be in Unova and not Kanto. So?" I ask her seriously. "We promised ourselves we'd be the best we could be. And if Castelia U. offers that, than I say take it!"


"But nothing, Ginny. You know I'd be there every chance I get. Hell, I could even ask Dad about getting you part time work if you want it. You know his HQ is there."


"But what, Gin?"

"I dunno, Haze... It feels off."

"You scared?" She nods, obviously nervous about something. "About what?" She shrugs, but her eyes are fixed on me long enough to mean something. "Me? What about me?" She's silent and is hiding her face from my view. She does that whenever she doesn't want me to figure out what's on her mind.

"Gin, look at me." I grab her chin and guide her attention back to me. "Talk to me, Ginny. You know we could always tell each other everything."

She's shaking her head, no. "Not this."

"Yes, this. I promised I'd never get mad about anything you said, right?" That was nearly five years ago, and she's severely tested that promise since.

"Haze, I... I can't" Her eyes are shimmering, obviously to the point of crying.

"Hey, come here." I tug her into a hug. Obviously it – whatever 'it' is – is huge! The last time she clammed up like this was when her Geodude died.

"I think I'm in love, Haze." And the problem is?

"Yeah? What's he like?" At least she's talking. It doesn't matter what I ask, so long as I keep her talking. Even if her face is buried in my neck for the time being.

"He's kind, gentle." Obviously no one from Twinleaf. "Cute smile, smart." Shit, that's it. She was in love back in Mossdeep. None of these idiots here could possibly get called smart.

"Butterflies whenever you talk to him?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "Not anymore." She sighs. "I used to be so nervous around him, but now I just feel safe. Like I was destined to be in his arms."

"You got it bad, Gin." I laugh. We always tell each other about our crushes and all that. But I've never heard her talking about a guy like this.

"Yeah. I just wish he felt the same." She grabs me a little tighter.

"What makes you think he doesn't?" I'm really getting worried about her. She's never this emotional while talking about just a crush. She's head over heels for whoever this guy is.

"I know he doesn't. He's... I'm... I just-"

"So this is the counseling you're giving my boyfriend?" Catalina Green. Ginny went stiff in my arms; something about Catalina is bothering her.

"Fuck off, Green. We're busy." I tell her venomously. If there's anything I hate more than peeled potatoes, it's idiots that don't know that they're talking about.

"But Haze, I thought we-"

"Wow, you can think. I'll have to remember that. Now, as I said, we're busy. Leave." Shit, she's getting that kicked puppy look.

"You would really choose that bimbo over me?" No, not kicked puppy. This is the you-shot-my-puppy-you-bastard look. Damn, how do I get myself in these situations?

"For your information, Green. I will always put Ginny in front of everyone. Fact. Learn it. Leave." I know I'm harsher than needed, but I don't care. Ginny needs me right now, and I am not letting Catalina's PMS bullshit make things harder on her. Catalina storms off, but I know we haven't heard the last of her. She's the self proclaimed owner of Twinleaf, since her family has the most money. She's too used to getting anything she wants – the spoiled brat.

"Now," I turned back to Ginny, pushing her back gently. "you were about to tell me about that guy." Tears were running down the sides of her face, messing up what little makeup she usually wears. But there is a look in her eyes I'm not used to seeing, not on her at least.

Pupils dilated, eyes half lidded, deep blush on her cheeks... and a nervous tension everywhere. Shit. I'm not ready for this! I can't risk losing my best friend, not over anything! Especially not over my assholish tendencies!

"Gin, I-" Before I can let her down easy, her lips are plastered against mine. The feel of her soft lips, the taste of the watermelon lip gloss... the smell of her hair... the warmth she gave me so freely, pulling me closer and closer to her. There is a hunger in her kiss, but it wasn't rash... no, it is like candlelight, soft and gentle.

Before I even know what was really going on, I lose myself in her kiss. I wrap my arms around her a little tighter, pulling her closer to me than anyone could ever be – physically and emotionally.

I've never felt closer to anyone in my life. Never felt more aroused... Never felt more scared!

I break the kiss, trying to think of something to tell her, to show her... "Ginny I-"

"I'm scared too, Haze." All forms of protest die immediately. "I know how you feel about relationships... about how you don't want to grow up to be like your parents." Not making it better there, genius.


"But I know you. And I love you, Haze." I freeze. Those words... I've longed to hear those words my whole life. I longed to hear my parents say it – dad's not the mushy type, he'd rather show it... and mom... I'm not even going there.

"Gin, you and I both know that statistically-"

"Haze, stop thinking." She commands. Then she put her hands over my heart. "What do you feel?"

"Scared. Scared shitless. Undeniably and deathly afraid." She laughs, knowing that was coming. I don't want to hurt you... but I don't know how I could not hurt you. It's not like I have a very good example of a loving relationship, or a happy home...

"What else?" She has that look again...

Dammit! I know what I feel for you! I've been feeling it for years! But I'm no good for you! Don't you understand that? Please, understand that. "I... Gin..."

"Do you want to kiss me again?" Stop with the kissy face! I need to... She's coming in closer again. I can feel my chest constrict, making it impossible to breathe. My heart is racing and those damnable butterflies in my gut are pissing me off! "Kiss me, Haze."

I try shouting at myself in my head to run as fast as I could, but my body betrays me. My lips act on their own and run off with hers. My hands are massaging her lower back, and the only reason my lungs don't explode from lack of oxygen, is because they wanted to be filled with the scent of her hair again.

I've never been so at war with myself... and yet, I've never felt so whole.



"Dad, stop playing around! This is serious!" Why did I ask him in again?

"You're right. I'm sorry. So tell me, seriously this time... What's the problem?" He's fighting not to laugh, the prick. I look around, refusing to look at him and his not-even-close-to-being-hidden glee. We are in Doctor Harrison's greenhouse, which was set up as a habitat for water Pokémon during winter, among other things.

Sapphire is doing some laps to get her stamina up and get her used to being in water – I don't want her in open waters until I know she can handle herself. And Jade is sunning, for some reason she enjoys laying in the sun more than anything. Grey is just loafing around, but he would come nudge me every now and again for another berry. And Pistachio is running up and down like her tail's on fire – don't ask me why Ginny would name her Poochyena after an ice cream flavor. But then, naming them after colors isn't exactly a step up.

For some reason, she took to water like a fish. And with her playful nature she keeps jumping in and playing with Sapphire. It's hilarious.

"I don't know what the problem is. I just know I don't ever want it to become a problem." I tell him honestly.

"Well, that is a good way to start a relationship. Wanting to keep her happy is very noble." He's more serious now. I guess me not ranting about Ginny turning into my mother helped sober him up a bit. "As for her becoming your mother. I doubt she has it in her."

"Yeah, I'm sure Mom was sweet and innocent at one point." I grouse.

"I wouldn't know. The only thing we seem to really know about the other is directly related to you." Beer, helping miserable people have sex since 1492.

"Thanks, dad. You're helping."

"Haze you and I both know that I don't have luck with women. All I've ever had was my company and my ship." Yeah, yeah. You're ever faithful to your true mistress, the sea. "But you're not me. Nor are you your mother. You are your own man, and you have your own life to lead. All I can do is guide you to where it is you want to go."

"So what would you do in my shoes?" I wonder if he really was the best person to ask this to. It can't hurt, at any rate.

"Hold her tight and never let her go." He says, a somber expression on his face. "Not all of us are lucky enough to have the love of our lives love us back."

It was times like this that made me hate my mother. Knowing that through it all, Dad and I love her. Knowing that through it all, she never cared.

End Chapter 1



A/N: There you have it, chapter 1. What do you think people?

Cleaned up and put into the 'new' format. Yes, the following chapters will be cleaned up eventually. 20-07-2014