Pokemon - I own nothing regarding the game, manga, anime or author's rights. I am merely borrowing without asking.
A Promise Worth Keeping - Discontinuation notice.

"Wherever you go, I'll follow... I promise." A promise has been made. Now our unlikely hero has to just figure out a way to make sure he sticks to it. But with an alcoholic mother, and an overdeveloped sense of honour... well let's just say it's not easy.



For those of you who are still interested in this story, it's decided... A Promise Worth Keeping is getting revamped! I'm going to leave this story here, and put up a 'new' story with a new vision so that those who enjoy reading this still can, but I won't be continuing it in this form.

Some basic highlight differences. It will no longer be two alternating PoVs as it is now. Yes, it will still be about Haze and Ginny, the history will be the same, and the basic direction will remain the same. However, the mistakes I've made will not be repeated. Once I have more information available I'll post a notice on my profile and 'update' you here as well. I really like this story, but I just can't work with the male PoV thing very well. Sorry.

At any rate. You can expect the first chapter to be up in less than a week.