A/N This story had problems showing the video names, so APPLE is just short for the actual video name. just add (dot)MOV to the end of it.

This is for the bronies out there :D

The MOV series is made by hotdiggedydemon on YouTube.

The following takes place before and during APPLE.

And yes this story is in the second person.

End A/N

You wake up feeling like crap. Looking around, you spot someone over a large wooden basket of apples. You look closer and realize it is Applejack. You walk closer, but something seems odd about her. As soon as you got within wange to see her face, it hit you like a ton of bricks. That was not the Applejack you knew. A purple unicorn that you recognize was Twilight was walking up to her, and she looked odd as well. You could not shake the feeling that things were completely strange around this place. Then Applejack starts speaking.

"Boy let me tell ya, I sure do love apples."

That line made you realize where you were. You run in the opposite direction, and into where you thought was going to be a safe haven.

You thought wrong.

Upon turning on the lights in the room, you spot a horrific sight that made you nearly pass out. The walls were covered in animal skins and skeletons. A bucket nearly filled with blood was sitting next to a table against the wall. Bunny brains were sitting in the corner with the phrase "Bunny Brain Cornerâ„¢" written in blood next to it.

The entire room was a slaughterhouse.

You then hear something coming from the bucket of blood. A skull bobs up from the bucket, and you are frightened out of your mind. You look at what seemed like a toaster, but it had a skin on top. You look closer, and make it out to be none other than Ditzy Doo, and you are becoming increasingly more terrified out of your mind.

Then, it happened.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

You slowly turn around, hoping to delay the inevitable. Once your entire body is turned, inside the doorway, was a glaring Fluttershy. You were starting to feel relieved that it was her, but something was way more off about her than the others. She had an evil glare, shadows under the eyes and all. You're starting to feel your terror rise rapidly, as you stare into her menacing eyes.


Her expression changes from the glare to an extremely insane look. Her hair went frizzy, she gave a look of anticipation, and out of nowhere, she pulled out a chainsaw. Instantly, you start to freak out and nearly pass out from shock. You try to jump out the window, but fail to break through. You feel dizzy from the impact, and collapse to the ground. The last thing you see is Fluttershy walking toward you, chansaw revving up. You finally pass out, never to wake up again.