Helloooo, People of Fanfiction... I have adopted this story from LouLouCullen... The first chapter is her's but everything else will be mine... I haven't changed too much in this first chapter... just a few words here and there... For those of you who have read this from LouLou, me changing those few words won't affect anything... like if you don't read this chapter again you won't miss anything... You might not even noticed which words I have changed... :) Anyway, Thank you LouLou for letting me adopt this story... :) I will be updating as often as I can... I also have another story that I am working on, Kicked Out With A Happily ForEver After, I will try to update them both at least once a week... This will be my second fanfic going out of the story lines, so please don't hate... If you have any ideas, suggestions or questions review or pm me... Ok enough of my babbling, on with the story...

Chapter 1 of Who's Behind This? starts... NOW!

Chapter 1: Love & Bliss

Edward POV...

Enjoying the warm July evening with my family; lounging in the back yard with my Bella in may arms; Bella claimed it was muggy out so my cool skin kept her from sweating and making her feel uncomfortable. I was not going to complain or say 'no' to my Bella, if she wanted to be in my arms, I was perfectly content and happy to have her there.

Bella's happiness is my happiness.

Carlisle had set a bonfire earlier this evening; Esme had bought all of the fixings for Bella so she could roast marshmallows and make s'mores, and hot dog's for her dinner. Bella thought Emmett roasting marshmallows was one of the funniest things she had ever seen. Emmett would either burn the marshmallows to a crisp or not heat them through enough-due to him turning the little stick too fast.

"Watch a pro Emmett!" Bella laughed. Emmett scowled at her and tossed the roasting stick at Bella. I caught it and hissed at him.

"So there!" Bella laughed again and we all joined in; Emmett snarled under his breath which only made Bella laugh even harder.

"Yeah, yeah little sister, show up the vampire!

"Hells yes! Do you know how nice it is to be better at something than you or any of you for that matter." Bella said smugly. "It wounds the ego a little when everyone else around you can do so much more than you can. So take it and swallow your vampire pride big brother!" Bella teased.

"Big words for such a little girl, are you sure you are not hurting your one thought process brain of yours." Emmett sneered.

Alice hissed at him furious and Rosalie smacked him up side the head.

"It's okay Emmy, I can't help that my one track mind is too much for your multiple thought process; you can't help that you get distracted so easily. Look Emmett in the woods it a...a...a..."Bella said.

"Bella...don't antagonize your brother." Esme scolded-just barley holding in her laughter.

Emmett of course fell for it and we all burst out laughing. Emmett hissed furious and got up to walk away.

"Don't choke big brother, I really don't think CPR works on your thought process."

"You just got shown up by your little human sister!" Jasper laughed.

"Shut up!" he snarled. "Just remember one thing little sister; you may be smarter...but I am stronger than my little brother and once he is gone nothing will stop me from getting to you." Emmett threatened darkly.

"You know empty threats get you know where Emmett!" Bella snapped.

"Whatever Bella, just watch your back and sleep with one eye open."

"Emmett McCarthy Cullen!" Esme hissed. "You will not threaten your sister like that ever again! Your scaring her, and if you even think of hurting your brother to get at Bella you will follow though with the repercussions. Is that understood?"

"Yes mom; I'm sorry Bella. You know I would never hurt you. I would scare you half to death, but never ever, ever would I hurt you." Emmett apologized.

"It's all good Emmy, you know I have a soft spot for ya." Bella giggled; it made Emmett smile widely.

Before Bella could blink she was up in one of Emmett's big bear hugs; he laughed at the surprised and shocked look on Bella's face.

"You will never know how happy I am that Edward had the strength to not kill you!"

"Emmett!" Rosalie hissed.

"Emmett...air...lungs...breathe...human." Bella gasped.

"Sorry little sis." Emmett chuckled putting Bella on her feet.

Acting on instinct I quickly pulled Bella close to my body, embracing her tightly until she could breathe properly.

"Over reaction much bro?" Jasper thought eyeing my up; calming everyone's mood.

"That was a little uncalled for Edward, you know Emmett would never hurt her on purpose!" Rosalie's thoughts hissed at me.

"Forgive me Emmett; I was acting on instinct only. I know you would never hurt Bella." I apologized.

"It's all good bro, I understand your worries...well kind of." Emmett said smiling in reassurance. I just nodded and buried my face in the crook of Bella's neck and inhaled her deeply.

"You know, love; the rain makes you scent smell twice as good and the camp fire seems to dull your scent." I mused frowning.

"That must be a nice change for you Edward." Carlisle commented.

Bella looked at him like he slapped her in the face; Carlisle flinched and Esme squeezed his hand tightly.

"What is up with Bella?" Emmett thought confused.

"What on earth did I say to make Bella react that way; she looks like I hurt her." Carlisle thought horrified.

I had to explain quickly before the others got too far ahead of themselves.

"It's all right my love, " I said trying to sooth Bella and ran a finger across her collarbone. "No, Carlisle, I love the way Bella smells to me, even though it is painful for me still her blood does not call to me like it used to." I explained.

"What!" everyone but Bella yelled wide eyed, mouths hanging open.

"How?" Jasper demanded stunned.

"Why?" Carlisle asked.

Before I answered Bella got up and went into the kitchen, she knew why and did not want to be reminded of her dark past, without me and my family.

"I'm fine Alice...really." Bella said before walking in the house.

"Bella already knows what I am going to tell you and she really does not like being reminded of her dark ages." I explained looking at Alice. "Bella does still smell the same to me; that will never change-thank god-but my reactions have..."

"But why...how?" Emmett intterupted still confused.

"If you let me explain without intterupting me again, I will tell you."

"Sorry." Emmett thought.

"As I was saying, the way Bella smells to me is the same but when I...thought...she...was...dead." I choked on the word; Esme joined me and wrapped her arms around me. "It cured me instantly; my entire being shies away anything that would inspire that kind of pain again. Bella can't live without a heart beat or her blood. " I explained. "Bella's blood, body and heart is kind of like my own personal temple. Bella herself is my entire being; that is why I went to Italy, it wasn't just the grief." I finally admitted. "I do not think any one of you would understand what it's like. To protect something so fragile and perfect and beautiful and special and then have it crumble and die in front of you; it is beyond any words any person could form or feel. A human would have to be in the most pain imaginable times a thousand...to feel what I felt that twenty four hours. When I realized Bella was alive and well and in my arms; a violent joy spread though me like a wild fire and very nearly crippled me with it's strength."

"Wow...that's...I don't think I have the words for that one." Jasper said after a few moments of silence.

"I could never imagine that kind of pain son, I do not think for one moment I could ever come close to feeling that kind of pain ever." Carlisle whispered.

Everyone else was left speechless and tightly hugging there soul mates.

Love and bliss started to surround us when out of nowhere Bella's ear piercing scream of agony hit my ears along with the sound of shattering glass.

Okay so again this was LouLou's Chapter... Chapter 2 - The words 'The End' will be mine... Please If you haven't read my other story 'Kicked Out With A Happily ForEver After' go read and review... Thank you...
