All of you are going to kill me, but I have to do this...

Okay I promise to take this author's note down as soon as I post the new chapter, but I felt that it was unfair that the people on deviantart know the reason behind the wait for chapters when all of you don't. ((on a side note: it's really difficult to avoid using "y'all". I'm from the South so that's my usual pronoun.)) First off, I'm a senior in high school and this semester I have 3 AP classes, senior project, and state competition for my speech and debate team. On top of that, most of this story is about stupid things that have happened to me so I only write chapters as stupid events happen.

To minimize the wait time, besides the school stuff that is out of my control, I am asking for reviews or PMs with suggestions. The next chapter is halfway written, and I won't reveal it, but it does involve Cesare chasing everyone while riding a red motorcycle. So if anything stupid has occurred in your lives, please drop me a line, and I'll try my best to include it.

Thanks guys!