everyone had said their goodbyes and the Mikaelson family was off to New Orleans. Klaus sent a text message to his vampire son, his protégé, Marcel.

"See you some time tonight little Prince."

Marcel read his text and was not pleased with being called little Prince. As far as he was concerned, Klaus had left him in charge over a hundred years. To every supernatural being in New Orleans, he was the true King. At least that is what they were led to believe.

Returning Home

Simone, Kol and Rebecca were in the back of the large SUV arguing about the next movie to watch or how one was sitting too close to the other. Put in tight corridors and the two 17 year olds and one 16 year old turn into more like two seven year olds and a six year old.

"Tell me again, why we drove instead of flew?" Finn asked sitting in the middle row.

"Because our brother here thought we would enjoy the view." Klaus smirked as he glanced over at Elijah.

Finn was about to say something but the three youngest in the back wouldn't stop whining and complaining. He couldn't take it anymore and before Kol knew what happened; Finn had quickly removed him from the very back with their sisters and put him closer upfront with himself.

"Hey, come on, why do I have to be the one that has to sit up here?" Kol fussed.

"It's simple, you're the instigator. I have been listening to both of our sisters asking you to stop either this or that for the past hour. Don't try and deny it." Finn answered simply.

"But Finn." Kol tried.

Finn grabbed a nearby bag and pulled out another tablet and headphones.

"Here, now you can watch whatever movie you want."

"But I don't…"

Kol stopped once he saw the look on Elijah's face looking back at him with disapproval. He sighed but put the headphones on and found something to watch. Elijah turned back around once he was satisfied that Kol got the message to stop whining. Finn too took a breath of relief to the new silence and just looked out the window.

An hour passed before Klaus had to fill up the gas tank. He pulled in.

"Now is a good time to get out and stretch." Elijah advised as he stepped out himself.

"I'm hungry." Kol stated with an unneeded whine to his tone.

Finn sighed and turned to ask the girls if they too wanted a blood bag from the back. He smiled instantly from deep within from what he witnessed. Simone was resting her head on Rebekah's shoulder and sleeping while Rebekah was sleeping and resting her head on top of Simone's. Elijah opened the door for Kol and looked back at their sisters.

"I hope that is a sign that those two will only grow closer." Elijah said.

"I hope so too." Finn answered.

"Okay, yes, they are both just precious, can I eat now?" Kol persisted.

Both Finn and Elijh looked at Kol like he just lost his mind.

"That's it." Elijah growled. He pulled Kol out of the SUV and draped him over his arm as if he were small in nature. With vampire speed, Kol's bottom was propped and Elijah had his hand in motion. He was just about to bring it down as a blood curdling scream came suddenly from Simone. Rebekah practically fell out of the car from a sudden awakening. Elijah placed Kol down and diverted all of his attention onto their youngest sister. She screamed and then flung back into the seat and curled up as best as she could within herself, now just sobbing. Finn got out of his side of the SUV and sped to the backdoor where he was instantly met by Elijah and Klaus with the same idea. They each looked at each other for a mere split second before Elijah opened the door. He reached for Simone.

"NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screamed with a look of true utter terror in her eyes.

Rebekah got out of the utility vehicle and stood next to Kol.

"What in the bloody hell just happened?" Rebekah asked her twin.

"Hell if I know. I was literally just about to get my ass reddened by Elijah and then I was saved by Si's scream. My guess is…." Kol froze when he realized what his baby sister must have had a nightmare about. "My guess she had a nightmare about our daddy dearest." He said with disgust thinking about what he did to her.

Elijah tried again, this time slower. "Simone, sweetheart, it's okay, you're safe. Look around baby sister. It's just us, your siblings, you're not in danger." Elijah used his most soothing tone.

Simone was hugging herself but her breath began to study. She quickly looked around as best as she could with as little movement as possible. Her eyes darted from her three oldest brothers then over to the twins then directly back at Elijah.

"Father isn't here?" She asked as she continued to look further.

"Here? No sweetheart, father is dead, gone forever."

"We thought that before." She replied quickly as her entire body trembled in fear.

Elijah got all the way inside and sat next to Simone. He opened up his arms cautiously. She looked at him for a moment with slight hesitation then quickly flung herself into his arms and started crying again. Elijah simply held her and rocked back and forth. Finn stroked her head before he walked in the back and took out "snacks" for everyone. It was blood cleverly disguised in colored sports drink bottle. He passed them out to each of his siblings. He gave two to Elijah. Elijah looked at the sports bottle with an appalled expression at how undistinguished the packaging was.

"I'm sorry it's not up to your high standards your prince," Finn mocked, "but, it needed to be hidden from the public eye did it not?"

Kol couldn't help but let a chuckle escape his lips. Elijah finally returned his attention back onto him.

"You, come sit back here with me and Simone."


"Now." Elijah demanded firmly.

Kol thought for a moment to defy him. Elijah simply raised his right eyebrow and hardened his expression. Kol no longer hesitated. Elijah turned back to Finn once Kol was sitting next to him and Simone, "I suppose it will have to do, for now so thank you."


Several hours had passed until the Mikaelson siblings arrived at their old stomping grounds. Klaus parked in the back of their huge estate. They were greeted right away by a sexy, macchiato skin colored, perfect muscle toned, twenty year old looking young man and a few members of his team.

"Marcel, my little prince," Klaus smirked, "I presume our rooms are ready like I instructed."

"Klaus, please don't call me little prince, you know I hate that." Marcel pleaded.

"Mmmm well we shall see, if I am pleased with your work, I'll keep the nick name under wraps."

There was a chuckle which made both Klaus and Marcel turn. Marcel sighed heavily as he was embarrassed by what his vampire made-father had just said to him.

"Step closer." Klaus ordered feeling annoyed that there were a high number of strangers at his family's home.

The young man stepped forward with hesitance. He looked to be around twenty-two. He was tall, handsome, perfectly oval long face, bright blue eyes and naturally red, kissable lips. Klaus looked him up and down and knew right away he would prove to be some kind of trouble.

"Your name?"


"Thierry, how long have you known my Marcel?"

"Sixty years sir."

"Alright, so I take it he trusts you which is why and ONLY why I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; and, I won't just kick you out this very second. I have two very beautiful sisters, keep your distance. Do I make myself clear?"

"Ye yes sir."

Rebekah walked over, "Nick, seriously come on, we aren't even here three minutes and you're already ruining my social life."

"Well, if I want to fully ruin your life I have to make sure I start right away, no reason to start tomorrow what I can do now." Klaus smirked.

Rebekah rolled her eyes then looked at Marcel. "Please tell me you kept my bedroom the way I left it."

"Bekah, that was hundred years ago. I have sense, developed a team for this city. I needed the rooms for my men."

"Are you telling me I can't have my old bedroom back!?" Rebekah asked in a tiff.

"I didn't say that. We cleared the room; it's just down to simple bedroom furniture, nothing more."

"Well, as long as I have that particular room, I'm happy, thank you Marcel." Rebekah said happily, grabbed only one bag and went inside.

Kol and Finn walked over along with Elijah carrying Simone. She had a blanket over her head and body.

"Is that Simone? Is she okay?" Marcel asked from genuine concern.

Elijah shook his head no.

"Did you manage to clear out her old bedroom as well?" Klaus asked.

"Yes, just like you instructed, you each have your exact rooms back. They just need to be re-designed."

"Fair enough, Elijah why don't you put Simone up to bed and then Marcel can fill us in with what is the newest and greatest with our city."

"Do I have to be there?" Kol sighed.

"No, but you are about to go to bed with the desire to only sleep on your stomach." Klaus answered.

"What did I do?" He asked somewhat surprised.

"Seriously? You literally just had a tone when you asked if you had to be at the meeting."

"Ugh, okay, I'm sorry, I just…"

"I know, tired, hungry and really concerned about Simone. We all are, so please just behave. The less we have to focus on correcting your bad behavior the more time we can focus on helping our sister."

Kol sighed but it was a humbled sigh. "You're right Nik, I'm sorry. I'll start helping now. If I can just have my "special cup" filled up please I can take Si up to bed."

Finn for one appreciated Kol's change in attitude. He retrieved a fresh blood filled bottle and brought it back over for his youngest brother. Kol took Simone from Elijah and the bottle from Finn and headed inside.

"Marcel, have your boys, which, by association, my boys, unload the car and then meet Elijah, Finn and me out by the side south terrace.

Once Marcel was alone with Thierry and three other young vampires were unloading and unpacking; Thierry looked at Marcel with a puzzled expression.

"What?" Marcel asked abruptly.

"I just want to know what happened. You told me this was YOUR city and no one is ever taking it away from you. Then "daddy" shows up and in like thirty seconds you're totally doing what he says, why?"

"Why? Because he is the closest thing to a father I have EVER had; and, if I even think about crossing his line, well, let's just say I too will only have a desire to sleep on my stomach."

"Damn, harsh."

"You have no idea my friend, no idea."


Thank you for reading! Please review. OXOX