Ok, so I basically said SCREW it and wrote this. This is an idea for a HL2 Fan Fic that I have been doodling on my math book in class for... 6 months? I just NOW finished polishing up all the detail, from the main ideas, all the way down to the LITTLEST facts. This is the Story of James Marchi, a human that joined up to serve for the Combine, who is thrust into the wildest journey of his life when, one day, he is out working and happens to get a call, requesting back-up for the one, the only! Gordon Freeman! Anyways, this story'll explain itself over time. I was actually thinking of contacting someone who's a professional at making mods and giving him this idea, but I decided that if I do that, I should at LEAST get some fans opinions on the idea. Who knows, maybe this'll become the next Full Life Consequences! (I wish) Enjoy, my newest story, Quarter Life!

As James Marchi went down in the elevator towards the mission briefing sector of the Citadel, his information scrolled across his helmet screen, even though he has seen it a million times.

James Marchi

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Health Status: 100%

Armor Status: 100%

Civil Protection Rank: Private

Civil Protection member for: 2 years 3 months and 17 days

Civil Protection Member

Undercover Rebellion Operations

Helicopter Pilot in training

Current Weapon: Pulse Rifle

Ammunition: 30/120

Sidearm: 9mm Pistol


Grenades: 3

Melee Weapon: Stun Stick

By the time the Info had finished scanning on his screen, the elevator had reached the floor that the briefing level was on. He stepped out of the elevator to hear orders from the Administrator going through the loud-speakers. He walked down the steel corridor, turned right, and then after walking another 100 yards, turned into the briefing room. As he walked into the room he saw the 3 usual people he ended up seeing when getting a mission. His boss, General Zaroff, stood over the computer typing in coordinates. The head of Briefing, Captain Ten, stood talking to James's best friend and fellow CP, Corporal Preston Gould.

"Ah there you are, James, the General has a new assignment for you." Preston said, walking up to him and shaking his hand. Their uniforms looked like the usual CP uniform, while the Captain and the General's Uniforms were more advanced, and a lot nicer.

"Yes, Marchi, we have a pretty simple day for you." He said, not looking up from his computer. He then brought up a bird's-eye-view of one of the sections of the city, where a train was just pulling into the station and the three men that were on it, two white and one black, were starting to get off. Also oddly enough, a man in a suit was walking in the opposite direction from the train-station, but James never really took any notice to him. "First, you're gonna do a scan of the city around the 18th sector, we have you set up for a couple of block raids here and there too. Then you're gonna do some helicopter training with the captain here. Meet the Captain at Helicopter landing pad 24, the one on top of the Train-station in that area. Afterward you'll just be on guard duty at checkpoint Foxtrot. Get out there. Just take the elevator down to the loading bay. Good luck, soldier."

With that, James was off, going down another elevator and finally reaching the loading bay, where there was a transport ship waiting for him, it's engines roaring and it's hatch open, waiting for his entry. Nearing the ship he saw the six other CP soldiers that were gonna be doing the block raids with him. As he finally sat down and the doors closed, he stared out of the small port hole to see the transport lifting off, and the city below came into view. The whole city was quite large, spanning over 50 miles in every direction, with the Citadel at it's center, it was larger than most Capital Cities were back in the early 2000's, before the portal storms started appearing and the Combine took over after the 7 Hour War. Towards the west of the city was the beaches and also Nova Prospekt, the current Combine Holding Station, or in simple terms, the Combine's "Jail". Then in the North and East were the Forest Lands, the only place where one could really have some nice peace and tranquility, unfortunately the City wouldn't allow citizens outside, and if any of the CP's stepped foot outside the city without the Administrator's permission, they would either be terminated, or have a permanent Off-World assignment, and those are supposedly worse than even being a citizen in the city, so James decided it was best to suck it up and do his duties.

Finally, the transporter touched down on the road outside of the apartment complex, and the soldiers started pouring inside of the apartment. There was a report that a man and a woman that owned an apartment on the second floor were having a relationship and they had to check it out. The apartment complex was about 100 yards from the section's square where the train-station was. The apartment itself was dingy and boring in taste, but suited the citizens living there. There were about 20 residents living there, about 5 per apartment.

"Okay, soldiers." the Sgt. Said as they started up the right hand staircase "When we get there, if they don't open the door, I'll yell 1,2,3, then Tordon, you kick down the door, and Marchi, you stand guard outside so that no citizens can come in. Everyone else, you'll be going in, this is a shoot to kill mission, got it soldiers?"

"Sir yes sir." they all said through their comns. Finally, they reached the doorway, everyone got into position, and the Sgt. knocked on the door, after a couple of seconds of knocking he yelled "123 Go go go!" as Tordon kicked the door down, giving them immediate entry. James then turned to face a citizen with glasses on, an odd sight, for glasses were hardly worn by citizens anymore. His clothes were the usual blue garments, with a number on the left breast. He looked about 22 in age, he had brown hair and a straight face. The man then got too close to James, and he stuck out his hand, a sign to say "Go away, this is none of your business." He then backed up a bit and turned into the apartment door nearest to the stairs. James then heard some people talking inside the apartment, but it was hard to hear what they were saying over the sound of the T.V. they had on, with the administrator's newest broadcast about a letter from a concerned citizen and all that. Finally the guy came back out of the apartment on the other side of the hall from where James was standing, and went up the stairs, soon followed by 4 more CP's coming up to the second floor and then up to the third. Then over a loudspeaker came the announcer's voice.

"Uneven count in apartment complex 234, instant termination is required." She said as James remembered the complex number to be the one he was in.

'Wait a second. Uneven head count? In this apartment?' James thought I wonder if that one guy was trespassing here.'

"Hey Sgt., can Tordon and I go and check out that uneven count?" James yelled into the apartment.

"Yeah, make it quick though. We've got these two taken care of." the Sgt. said from inside the apartment as Tordon came out.

"Get your Stun Stick out, we're looking for a guy with short brown hair and glasses on. If you see him, start the shocker." James said as he heard running above him. The two then started towards the stairs in the direction they heard the footsteps going. As they climbed the stairs, they saw the man, turned on their shock sticks, and ran after him. James was just an inch from hitting him before a door slammed in front of him.

"Head for the roof!" he heard a voice yell from outside.

"Oh no you don't." James said as he started to kick the door, but the guy who was on the other side must have been holding the door back, because it took him 4 tries before the door gave way. As they stepped into the room, James took out the man who was holding the door, then pulled out his pistol and climbed the stairs. Seeing the citizen running away, he fired multiple shots, before his gun ran out of bullets.

"Damn it. Cmon, I know a quick way to stop him." James said to Tordon, as they ran across the rooftops and broke into one of the buildings through one of the windows, giving them a quick short-cut to get in position behind a door.

"When he comes into the hallway on the other side of this door, I'll kick it down, and we'll rush him." James whispered, as he got ready.

Finally hearing the sound of something breaking on the other side of the door, he kicked it in to see the man running almost right at him. With one swing the man was down.. Some other CP's had broke down the door opposite of them, apparently having the same idea, so they gathered in the one room. It was a nice room with an elevator in the corner, and 3 windows facing the street.

Suddenly, there was a crashing sound, and when James turned around, he only saw a foot fly into his face before everything went dark.

5 Minutes Later

"James! JAMES!" he heard the Captain yelling through his Comn. His vision was still REALLY blurry, but it was starting to go back to normal. "James pick up the god damn Comn!"

"What is it?" he said, looking around, seeing the other bodies of the CP's that were lying around. The person that had kicked him and the man who they had captured were both gone. His Armor was down to 89% and his health was still at 100%

"Where are you? You gotta get over to the train-station for Helicopter training." the captain said, thoroughly pissed.

"Oh, sorry, I just had a run in with "Her" again." he said referring to the girl who had kicked him.

"Oh, you ran into Alex? She break your arm again?" he said laughing. Alex was the daughter of Eli Vance, a fugitive in the eyes of the CP's, but a leader for the resistance. Alex was known to hang out in the sector he was in. Last time he ran into her, she had thrown him off of an apartment, and if it weren't for the CP Uniform and Armor he had on, he would have been killed during the fall. It still broke his arm and hospitalized him for a month though.

"Ha ha, very funny." he said "No, but I'm still seeing stars, I'll be over at the train-station in a bit. Just hang on." and with that he left the bodies behind, on his way over to the Train-station.

This ended up WAY better than I had initially thought I would do. Starting this chapter I didn't even THINK of the whole Apartment Block raid, but as I started typing, It came into my head like that. Next chapter will be Helicopter Training, now this Helicopter thing will take up I'm hoping two chapters, and you'll see why, some of you who have played HL2 might already know what I'm planning on doing for the next two chapters. Thanks for reading! Please rate and review, and give me some feed-back on my story! I love to get reviews, good or bad, because it shows what I'm doing good on, and what I need to improve on! Bye-nii!