Disclaimer: Midnight and Otaku do not own any of this. They just wish they did... a lot.

Midnight: Yeah! A new story… please doesn't kill me… I promise I won't abandon Neko in Japan. Anyways Otaku and I are writing this story together. So bear with us, and enjoy. Wow, I'm feeling very meek right now. Must be getting sick.

Otaku: Nah. It happens to most of us. Just hope that the wolves all like it.

Tittle: Misplaced and Desperate

Summary: Harry receives a Nintendo and a copy of Pokémon Soul Silver from Hermione as a birthday present to help get his mind off of Sirus' death. Soon after Harry is attacked by some Death Eaters while in the park playing his game. During the battle, Harry is hit by three different spells at the same time while holding his game boy. There's a huge flash of blue light and a crackle of electricity, when it dies down, Harry is gone. Now, when he wakes up, he finds he ain't in Kansas -err- London no more. Yaoi/Slash Possible future Mpreg.

Pairing: Undecided but for those who watch Pokémon this is based on the game not the show, so no Ash.

Midnight: -Positively evil smirk- Let the show begin.

Otaku: -Falls asleep- Right. -Yawns- I'm ready! Yosh!

-Line Break-

Chapter 1

Harry stared at the gift that his best friend sent him. He just couldn't believe it. He couldn't understand why Hermione of all people had sent him this! As the fifteen stared at the innocent silver Nintendo and Pokémon Soul Silver game case that sat on his bed, he still couldn't believe that his academic loving friend had sent him it; instead of a book, for his birthday. Shaking his head, the emerald eyed teen picked up the card attached to the box and read it.


I know you are most likely wondering what possessed me of all people to send you something that wasn't a book. But, you see, my cousin from America had come to visit and he introduced me to the Pokémon games and now I'm hooked. It's so much fun. So when the time came to get you a birthday present, I got you a copy of the new Soul Silver and a DS since I figured your relatives didn't let you have one. Also I completely ignored Dumbledore's order of not sending anything. I know completely out of character for me but oh well, I think it's because I have been hanging around you too much Harry. Anyway, I hope you like it and remember Harry, it wasn't your fault. Have fun and try to catch them all!

-Your loving friend,


Harry chuckled as he read the letter thinking about his best friend. Putting down the letter, he picked up the DS box, taking the game boy out and quickly setting up the clock and his profile. Yawning, Harry laid down, tucking the game and DS under his pillow, promising himself that he would play it tomorrow after he did his chores.

-Scene Break-

The next afternoon found Harry sitting on the only intact swing at the park, Aunt Petunia having kicked him out of the house telling him not to return till dark since some business man was coming over to have dinner with the Dursley's. So Harry figured it was a good time as any to play his game. Harry had just finished going through the beginning tutorial and naming his male character when suddenly he was surrounded by Death Eaters. How the fuck did they find me? Harry thought as he snapped the DS shut and shoved it in the pocket of his oversized hand-me-down pants and pulled out his wand. Cursing, he dodged a spell rolling to the side and shot stunners and jinxes left and right as he ran for it.

The petite black haired teen ran fast as he could, dodging spells and trying to make his way to the other end of the park and the woods. He was almost there when he tripped on a large rock and fell. He heard a sharp crack as the pocket that held his DS struck hard against another rock when he fell, just as three different spell hit him simultaneously. Shit, Harry thought as a large explosion was heard as he was enveloped in a blue light.

-Scene Break-

Harry awoke with a headache that centered at the back of his head, spreading so his eyes were throbbing. He stayed where he was, on his back, head pounding, and every muscle in his body twitching in pain.

"Ow." He whimpered, not wanting to get up, but knowing he had to before something bad happened... like the Death Eaters caught him, took him to Lord Voldetom and tortured information out of him until he was deemed useless and killed in a relatively painful way.

In his head, Harry could just imagine Hermione scolding him for being, Such a bloody pessimist. And- To get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. He felt a fond grin stretch his across his lips before he whimpered once more, that one action causing his face to pulsate in pain.


"What the-" There was a sound coming from his left... and it was right next to his ear. With a startled screech, Harry rolled onto his side, body screaming out in pain- but his survival instincts making him move, even against his own body.

When he breathed, his chest hurt, but it helped calm him down as he looked up at the bloody bird that just stared right back at him. Green eyes connected with brown as the bird- not any bird he's even seen before- made that weird sound again.


He looked off to the side, trying to see if the bloody thing had an owner he could yell at. The damned thing gave him a near heart attack, it did. But, the rest of the... bloody hell! He was in a forest!

The trees were glowing, a halo outlining the vegetation as the sun shined down onto the two... wasn't it night when the Death Munchers attacked? Had he been sleeping this whole time? Where was everyone and where was he?

The bird it seemed, was tired of being ignored as it hopped forward, head tilted to the side, curious. Hedwig was the same, and his experience with the Snowy Owl helped decipher whatever the damned thing was trying to convey.

"I don't have anything on me." He grumbled, trying to stand as he was already on his knees... not that it helped much. His body still hurt, his head still ached, and the pressure behind his eyes hadn't lessened in the slightest.


"What are you?" Harry murmured, ignoring what he could of the pain that literally trembled through his body. Another few minutes passed until he gave up, falling forward into the soft, green grass. Face cradled, he turned it to the side to keep an eye on the bird, who- while Harry was busy- had hopped closer until it was about a foot away.

"Pigsty!" A young voice called, making Harry groan. He knew he was in no way ready for a fight, his wand no where in sight and his inability to actually stand for one reason. "Pigsty!" The voice came again, the bird having turned its head around, keen and sharp eyes focusing on something the Wizard couldn't see.

"That's your name?" Harry questioned, incredulous. "Who names a bloody bird Pigsty?" The bird just gave him a look, wings spreading until it was about two feet in width. "What are you-" The damn thing ignored him, powerful wings lifting the bird up into the air, flying off in the direction of the voice... and leaving Harry alone, face smothered by the tall grass.


"Traitor." He muttered, not really caring since the bird actually scared the crap out of him. Sneak attack. Yup that's it. The bird was going to lead an armada of Death Munchers to him, so the stupid lap dogs could torture him until he screamed for his mommy. Pessimism Harry! The Wizard rolled his eyes, Hermione was still with him... even if she really wasn't.

"Where are you taking me Pigsty!" It was the same voice that was calling for the bird before, except this time, it was closer. See. Sneak. Attack. But, of course he was wrong. Why could he be right for once? It's not like he wanted to be tortured to death, it's just the principle of the thing.

Out of the foliage came a young man... teen... child... whatever. The kid looked about twelve, or maybe thirteen. He didn't know the difference, all he did know, was that the kid-who-was-younger-than-him... was taller. About two inches or so.

Damn Dursleys and their stupid inclination to starve him.

"Pigsty, what are you-" The kid paused, brown eyes akin to the bird who was floating in front of a semi-grown face. "This is what you wanted to show me? A child who was stupid enough to walk into the tall grass?" This set Harry's teeth.

"Oi! I'll have you know I'm fifteen, thank you very much!" He shouted as loud as he could, resulting in pain racking his body, a low groan escaping his mouth.

The kid gave him a dubious look, as if he didn't believe him before walking forward to sit cross legged in front of the crippled Wizard.

"What're you doing out here?" The kid asked rudely, the wind rustling brown hair. Was everything about the kid brown? Brown eyes, brown hair... semi brown clothes.

Harry stifled a whimper, fuck him if he ever showed weakness in front of his junior. "Depends-" He gulped down the pain. "Depends on where here is." This got him a disbelieving glare.

"How could you not know where here is? Did a Pidgeot drop you on your head, maybe?" He was beginning to dislike this kid... severely.

"Would you just tell me where I am?" He growled out impatiently, the bloody bird landing onto his head, his hair a comfy nest for the thing. The kid, I really need to find out his name, smirked.

"You're in the forest a little outside of New Bark Town." He ignored the confused look he got from Harry, casting a critical eye on the scraps and lacerations on his person. "Now, if you please-" The kid said with mock-politeness. "Would you tell me who you are and why you're out where the wild Pokemon could eat you?"

Otaku: Ha! I'm first to do the thing down here. Review if you please. Cause if you do, I'll give you a kiss... or not :3

Midnight: -Rolls eyes fondly-

Otaku: -Hides behind a wall and peeks out at the awaiting crowds- I know, I know! You guys are waiting for, 'The Lord and Lady of Sin.' 'It Gets Better.' 'Herbivore in a Carnivores' World.' And 'Wing's Soul.'

Damn. I never noticed how much IWP I have out. Maybe I'll put all but one on Hiatus so I focus only on that one story. Okay. That's what Imma do.