Dr. Reid's 'other' side


Rated: PG-13/R/NC-17

Timeline: AU

Genre: friendship; humor; fluffy comedy; porn w/ plot

Disclaimer: I do NOT own "Criminal Minds" or the characters recognizable from the show.

Hey, I know some of you may have read this fic but I became anxious to edit it a little bit because of some mistakes that I made the first time I posted it and they irritate me. So I deleted the previous story and now I'll upload it again chapter by chapter. Why? Unfortunately I feel sleepy all day long and I have to study for SAT and for school and did I mention I want to sleep? (I hate getting up early) Anyway back to the subject – I can't check the whole thing in one go :( and that's why one chapter at a time…

For those of you who have read it the first time – take a look again – now it should be better…
And for those of you who still haven't…

Enjoy =]


It was a calm week for the BAU. The day was Friday and they didn't have any hard cases throughout the week. The team decided to go to a club and have some fun.

"So, Morgan, are you planning on not going home alone tonight?" asked Prentiss with a grin.

Morgan gave her a smirk. "I'm more interested in Reid's intentions for tonight." Said Morgan putting his hand on Reid's shoulder and smiling.

"Intentions. I don't have any intentions." Reid said looking kind of confused.

"Come on pretty boy." Laughed Morgan.

"Hot stuff, leave my young genius alone." Said Garcia with her usual joyful voice.

"OK baby girl, your call." Smiled Morgan.

They left the federal building and walked to a club nearby, their walk was filled with witty comments and laughter. When they entered they found a table and Reid and Morgan went for drinks; Reid to remember who ordered what and Morgan to carry most of the drinks back to the table. They had a toast and talked about various things. Soon after their third drink they stared to separate. Rossi went home, Hotch as well. Morgan went on the dance floor and so did Emily. JJ, Reid and Garcia were left to look after the table. JJ was looking around.

"Who are you looking for?" asked her Reid with a smile.

"Will. He should be around here somewhere. Ah, there he is." Said JJ.

"Hey." Greeted Will when he walked to their table.

"Hey." Reid and Garcia said simultaneously.

"Come on; let's dance." JJ stood of her chair and took Will's hand leading him to the dance floor.

That left Reid and Garcia sitting on the table looking awkwardly around. They drank their drinks and Reid went for more. They drunk them too mostly in silence but after that third one they started a chat about the people in the club and their co-workers. They talked about Morgan picking up on the girls and Prentiss who was talking to that guy all night. JJ and Will had left earlier. And Emily left with the guy to "grab some coffee" which expression made Garcia laugh hard which made Reid laugh. Their drunk-talk went on and on as the drinks went down and down. Soon Morgan and some girl walked to the table where Reid and Garcia were laughing at nothing.

"Guys that's Jodie." Said Morgan to his friends.

"Jodie." Repeated Garcia and laughed.

"Hi, Jodie." Said Reid and waved which made Penelope laugh even harder. Spence gave her a look then looked back at Jodie. "I'm doroctor… Doctor Spencer Reid." He said in a slurring way.

"You couldn't pronounce doctor," Garcia shouted and laughed.

Jodie looked at Morgan rather confused. "Is he really a doctor?" she asked.

Penelope stood up and pointed a finger at Jodie while saying "He is a…" she looked at Spence, "Doroctor."

"I can't believe you got Reid drunk." Said Morgan shaking his head. "I'm getting you two on taxies."

"But I haven't finished my drink yet." Frowned Penelope.

"Come on Garcia. You'll both be tanking me in the morning." Morgan said and they left the place.

Outside there were two taxies.

"We'll wait for a third one to come?" asked Reid looking at Morgan's date for the night who looked back at him for a second then at Garcia who was also staring at the girl who now didn't know where to keep her eyes. Morgan noticed her inconvenience.

"No, you and Garcia are getting on this one." Morgan answered the question and pointed at a taxi.

The two climbed in and pushed each other. Garcia again started to laugh like crazy while Morgan told their addresses to the driver. Then he and Jodie walked to the other cab. He opened the door for her and they sat together on the back seat. Both taxies drove off.

The cab where Penelope and Reid were stopped in front of Garcia's place. Both Reid and Penelope walked out of the car.

"Why are you coming with me?" Garcia looked inquiringly at Spence.

"First if I were to come prior to when you would, you wouldn't be satisfied. And second I thought this was my place." Reid drawled.

"You. Are. Drunk. Mon chéri!" stated Garcia. "Come on. Let's get you a coffee." She invited him in.

"Hey! Hey! Wait! You forgot to pay me!" the taxi driver shouted but they didn't pay any attention to him and just walked inside. The driver stepped out of his car and banged on the front door of the building but he heard nothing from inside and walked back to his car.

Penelope opened the front door of her apartment.

"Come in." she said and laughed as she recalled his interesting comment the last time she used the word "come".

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, nothing. How do you like your coffee?"

"With caffeine." Reid leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen and watched Garcia making coffee.

In a few minutes it was done and they walked to the sofa in the living room and sat there to drink their coffee.

"Do you want me to play some music?" asked Penelope and put her cup on the coffee table.

"I didn't know you could play." Reid looked at her and also put his cup on the coffee table.

"Not me." She pushed him on the shoulder but her hand slipped and she fell on his lap. "Oops." She sat back up and looked at Reid who now had a smirk on his face. "What?" she laughed.

"Nothing, nothing." He answered as it was his turn to tease.

"No! Tell me!" Garcia laughed.

"Make me!" Reid pushed her a little.

"Heeeey! Don't push me!"

"Or what?" Reid started to tickle her.

Penelope laughed and tried to get his hands away from her tummy. "Stop tickling me!" she tried to say but he either didn't hear or didn't listen.

Garcia finally managed to stand up and ran around the sofa to the bedroom and back with Reid chasing her. After about a minute Spence caught her arm and sat on the bed. Penelope stood in front of him smiling, not trying to run away. Reid intertwined his fingers with hers and pulled her so that she would straddle his lap. They looked at each other from a close distance for a few moments and then started laughing again. Garcia moved from Reid's lap and lay next to him on the bed trying hard not to burst out laughing again.

"Can you imagine us?" she asked between gasps and laughs.

"Nope. Not really. You?"

Penelope shook her head 'no'. In a minute she sat up again and looked at Spence seriously. "We should do it."

"What?" he asked surprised.

"Yeah… we should do it. Me and you. Just think about it." She said and they thought… deeply… for about a minute.

"What were we thinking about?" asked Penelope.

"I… I don't remember." Reid looked at her. "Do you have gin and tonic?"


They walked to the kitchen and Garcia took out of a cupboard a bottle of gin and tonic water from the fridge. She gave Reid two tall glasses and poured three fingers of gin then two fingers of tonic. She then looked at the half empty glasses and frowned.

"More gin." She said.

"More gin." Repeated Spence.

Garcia topped up the glasses with gin and after that drink…

Black out.