What I could never tell you

*This is around Christmas time for the first part it will jump later. Oh and Brittany and Santana are together. This is around the end of season 2 maybe and neither Rachel nor Quinn is dating Finn. Nor is Quinn dating Sam. I don't own Glee. Oh and I know it's not very good

Chapter 1

As the sun comes up over western Ohio, the members of New Directions woke, of course some were more willing to face the day than others. Today's mission for the misfit glee club was to perform in a mall over 2 hours away. Mr. Schue choose to accept the gig because it was far enough from Lima that none of the kids would complain about anyone they knew seeing them, and it was close to Christmas that the sprit (of Christmas of course) filled people everywhere, along with the store fronts.

A set list was made, with majority help from Rachel; and aside from a lot of complaining from the others they were ready. By 7 every one of the 12 glee kids along with their 3 teacher chaperones were in the schools parking lot waiting for the bus. Shivering from the cold weather that was already upon them that Sunday morning they all listened to, or at least tried to listen to, Mr. Schue's instructions for the day; he finished the boring details the he had been repeating for the past few day and Brittany was mouthing along with it whilst the others just looked pissed about having to hear it again. Finally he came upon a detail that he purposefully forgot to mention "ok everyone last thing" they all were now sporting a look of confession well except for Finn and Brittany who wore that expression constantly "you will be paired up" everyone immediately began to move to be with who they wished "hold on guys, for this trip I have assigned you your partners" he said almost regretting his words.

As expected all groaned and whined, "Ok, ok guys. It's just for today" they all seemed to accept his logic hoping that at least he would think to pair friends together, he had known them long enough to know who hung out with who. "That's the spirit, ok here we go" he was stalling and every last one of them knew that when he stalled most were not going to like it, he took a deep breath and silently prayed that this wouldn't go as bad as the many times that he played this situation out in his head.

"Finn with-" Finn's eyes wondered to both Rachel and Quinn, who were both on opposite sides of the group, with a hopeful look on his face they both gave him a dirty look "Mercedes" both of their faces dropped "oh hell to the NO, I get paired with scarecrow over their?" his face morphed back to its default confused look "alright, just move over to my left please" "but" she began to protest however he held up his hand and they both grumbled but complied eager who else got the short end of the stick.

He continued "Mike with Kurt" they moved to stand with Finn and Mercedes, neither seemed to unhappy as Blaine attended Dalton most likely getting to sleep in this morning, and Mike trusted Tina or rather Tina trusted Mike. "Sam with Tina" both looked at each other and smiled a friendly smile. It was now getting harder for the people left to be positive but as the people before seemed to be with others that they could at least stand, "Brittany with Puck" Puck smirked and Santana looked murderous "Puck you lay a hand on my girl and you will wake up tomorrow as Nora Puckerman, understand?" she growled, his face immediately paled knowing that when it came to Brittany, Santana made good on her threats. Brittany gave a peck on the cheek to Santana before skipping toward the paired group and Santana's scowl became a closed lip smile, Puck trailed behind with his hands deep in his front pockets.

Now 4 people left and Santana was hoping for Quinn even if they had a rocky relationship in the past they could still get along she hoped anyway, she still couldn't stand Artie for calling Brittany stupid, and Berry was a no she barely kept from going lima heights on her short ass on a daily basis and she only had to deal with her an hour. Rachel was having a similar internal struggle though had opposite view points she wished for Artie as it was no secret that Santana didn't care for her and had to be held back once before when Rachel tried taking over glee club, and Quinn recently just ignored her but her past actions made it clear at least in Rachel's mind.

"Alright, Santana is with um Artie" all went pale, Artie knew that Santana still held a grudge for when he accidently called Brittany stupid, Rachel and Quinn knew after that there was no one left, and now Santana was pissed all over again not only would she have to look after Puck and his hands but she had to drag along wheels everywhere. He wheeled himself beside her but she pushed him away hard, not hard enough to knock him out of his chair but hard enough that he and everyone around understood she was not in the mood to be talked to by anyone, except Brittany of course.

Rachel went over to Quinn's side, as now that the pairing was done people were milling around, while still waiting on the bus, she gave the blonde an apologetic smile and looked down not wanting the look that she knew Quinn would most likely give her, after a few seconds she got enough courage to chance a look at her expecting malice in her hazel eyes and instead she met a look of concern, followed by a shy smile. However before Rachel could fully attempt to comprehend why Quinn of all people was giving her those looks Quinn's expression morphed back to neutral and she moved to go and talk to Santana and Brittany.

"Gee sorry you got paired up with the hobbit, Q" Santana commented or at least tried to without snickering which wasn't working well until Brittany elbowed her in the ribs "be nice, I really like Rachel she is like a baby in high school" both Santana and Quinn gave a similar look of 'what' but let it pass as this was typical Brittany. "Well it's just for today so no big deal" Quinn brushed it off and Santana raised an eyebrow "what's up with you today?" Santana scoffed, "I guess I'm just tired or something" Santana seemed to accept it and went on to complain about Artie.

Not too far away Rachel was having a similar conversation with Mercedes's and Kurt. Mercedes was currently going on about something or other involving Finns dancing skills but Rachel wasn't listening she was lost in her own mind pondering why Quinn hadn't went as ballistic as Santana had. "Rachel… Rachel?" suddenly the distant voices became clear once more "Huh?" she asked slightly shaking her head to quickly clear the rest of the fog that remained, "you didn't hear a word did you" Mercedes huffed "girl I am going through a crisis how am I going to put up with that" "it's only one day" Rachel huffed back, "Rachel is right, you may have gotten paired up with Mr. cant-dance-if-his-life-depended-on-it but Rachel got paired up with the ice queen herself, who knows by the end of the day we may be loading a Rachel-sickle onto the bus" Kurt joked and both him and Mercedes howled in laughter attracting the attention of most of the people around. Once their laughter died down Rachel hissed "guys stop that's not funny, I'm already freaking out enough as it is, besides recently she hasn't done anything to me so maybe today I'm safe" Rachel wasn't sure if she was trying to defend Quinn or convince herself not to worry, neither were Kurt or Mercedes or Quinn who had been eavesdropping for quite some time.

Any wish to continue had been stopped when Miss Pillsbury pointed to something outside of the parking lot "oh look the bus is here" she chirped in her rather chipper high voice that for those who were still not fully awake it made them cringe. Still the arrival of the bus was a great relief to all because though the sun began to rise not too long ago it was still freezing. As the doors opened Coach Beiste (who was their third and final chaperone) was able to get in front of the door and effectively stop everyone's entry so Mr. Schue could say one more thing, "alright one more thing" everyone sighed and rolled their eyes "you have to sit with your partners on the bus" most were expecting it though none were too happy "look people it's not like I'm asking you to hold hands just sit with them"

With all on the bus tension could be sensed mostly coming from Santana, but when she merely put her headphones in, leaned back and closed her eyes, all three chaperones seemed to relax. They were off some of the teens took to talking with other pairs close by, listening to music, and still others preferred to look out the barren landscape that passed. Rachel was tense and nervously shaking next to Quinn awaiting the worst "Rachel?" she whispered afraid that she would lose it if she said it any louder though she did jump "yes Quinn" she tensed even more "look Rachel I understand given our past that you may be little scared of me, hell you are scared of me, but how about let's call it a trues if only for today it's not like were at school where everyone expects us to be enemies, today we can just relax and be friends"

Quinn was offering this and Rachel couldn't believe it, so many times she offered friendship or at least a trues and here the blonde was offering both, every time she offered similar she was shot down by said blonde, and even though she knew it was temporary she was not going to turn it down. "Alright Quinn you have yourself a deal" Rachel outstretched her hand as if to seal the deal, it took a second but Quinn took the divas hand and shock, thinking that at least it would get her to stop shaking like a Chihuahua. Rachel with her new found agreement in mind relaxed as did Quinn, about 5 minutes passed and the science was broken by surprisingly Quinn "you want to listen to music with me?" Rachel smiled "I'd love to" Quinn held out an ear bud and pushed shuffle, the hours passed and Rachel realized that Quinn had a wonderful mix that included Broadway much too her liking, and it occurred to Rachel that the bad feeling she woke up this morning might have been wrong… so why was it still with her.