Little oneshot I had swimming around in my head all day!

I really love the whole 'Cat is Beck and Jade's daughter from the future' idea.

I'm really proud of this one.


Don't ask me how I got here. I'll have no answer because I genuinely don't know. One minute I'm playing with mommy, having one of our closet parties, and then suddenly I'm here. In some unfamiliar world with people I don't know. Well, that's not entirely true. There are two people I know. Mommy and daddy. But they're different. Way different. And they don't know me. That hurts. My own parents don't even know me. But I don't know how long I'll be here for, or when I'll get to go back, so I better just deal with it.

It's lunchtime, my favourite time of day. I'm wandering around the hallways of Hollywood Arts, the school I go to. I don't like school very much. I like to spend my day playing with mommy. It's more fun. I miss it. I miss spending my day with mommy. We would play games, and bake cakes, and when daddy got home we would watch a movie together. I miss it.

But anyway, I then see daddy dragging mommy into a closet. They look mad. I don't like it when they get mad, especially at each other. I get scared when they yell at each other. Maybe if I go see them, they'll stop being mad!

I skip over to the closet and peek my head inside. They're yelling at each other. "Is this a closet party?" I ask excitedly. Maybe it was! Maybe I was closer to getting back home! Mommy and I would have a closet party every day. We would go into mommy and daddy's closet because it was so big, and we'd cover the floor with blankets and pillows, and spend the whole day in there until daddy would get home and he'd come looking for us. He never got mad, he would join in.

But right now mommy and daddy just look at me with that look I don't like. The look that makes me feel stupid. "Look, I have spoons!" I cried, holding up the two metal spoons in my hand. Mommy and I would always take two spoons into our closet parties so we could eat the special pudding that grandma makes. It's always so yummy. But today I have a feeling that there's no pudding.

Daddy grabs my arm and pulls me into the closet and slams the door behind me. I'm scared. Daddy never grabs me, or slams doors. He's always happy. I miss that daddy. He tells me that he and mommy need my opinion on something.

"Is it on global warming?" I ask. Grandpa is always talking about global warming. I don't really know what it is, but he always talks about it. But right now I guess that's not what mommy and daddy are talking about.

"No," Daddy tells me, giving me the look again. God I hate that look.

"Cause I don't think that's really happening," I continue. I turn to mommy and tell her about how I went to the movies and it was cold. She just looks at me. The mommy I know loves going to the movies. We go every Saturday no matter what. But this isn't the mommy I know. As I continue talking, daddy yells my name.

The only time daddy yells my name is when we're playing hide and seek. I always win. I'm so small that I can fit into places he never thinks to look! I always scare him too! I jump out and shout "Hi!" and it always scares him. I miss my daddy.

"Hi!" I cry, like I usually do. He tells me that he needs my opinion on them. My opinion? I love my mommy and daddy, why would he have to ask?

Mommy scoffs, "Why not just ask a monkey?" she says. I pipe up and tell her about the movie we went to see about the monkey who wore glasses and carried a gun. That was the last movie we saw together before I ended up here. It was a good movie. Mommy liked it.

Daddy sighs, "Don't you think Jade and I fight a lot?" he asked. It's weird to hear him call mommy by her real name. I never hear him do that. He always calls her 'mommy' in front of me. But then I remember that it's different now. That he's different now.

They start to argue in front of me. I never like hearing them argue. They never argued back home, they were always happy. I try to chip in with my thoughts but they keep cutting me off. I don't like this. I try to leave but mommy grabs me and pulls me back. She never grabs me. She always holds my hand. I like holding her hand. Her hands are always soft and warm. Comforting.

"I thought this was a closet party," I whimper, looking up at daddy to see if he had any reaction. Nothing. I don't like this. They're too different. I want my mommy and daddy back. Not these strangers. Daddy's voice gets louder as he yells at mommy. He never yells at mommy. He loves her. One time, when I was little, me and daddy baked a cake for mommy as a surprise. But daddy isn't very good at baking, so the kitchen got messy. But mommy laughed when she saw it. She didn't get mad, she just hugged us and laughed. They didn't yell at each other. Daddy is scary when he yells. I want to go home. I'm scared.

"I'm under my bed, I'm under my bed, I'm under my bed," I chant. I only do this when I'm scared. Like that time when daddy took me on a ghost ride at the theme park at the beach, and it was really scary. I feel safe under my bed. Nothing can get me there. Not even a monster. It's my safe place. It's the only place I want to be right now. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home. Home to my mommy who has closet parties with me. Home to my daddy who takes me to the theme park. Home to my grandma who makes yummy pudding. Home to my grandpa who rants about global warming. Just home.

I begin to hyperventilate. I'm going to faint. I can't deal with this anymore. Maybe when I wake up I'll be home. Maybe. Mommy and daddy are yelling louder now. I can't take it. I grab on to mommy's arm as I lose consciousness. She doesn't even help me as I fall to the ground unconscious.

I just want to go home.