I've done this before but its basically 50 Words - One Sentence sort of prompt.

I think it turned out alright (I mean, I got my YukioRin muse started, so yeah). I might continue some of the mini-prompts into an actual oneshot, just because of how well it turned out. Some of the prompts go together with one another, so lets see if you can find all of them that go together~

Title & Summery: Bravado (prompt 39) 50 words, one sentences. Go. Range from brotherly love to pure incest (warning).

01 Coma

Yukio wonders when he'll wake up; when he'll see that beautiful smile of his; if he ever sees that smile of his.

02 Warmth

Rin notices that Yukio can't stand the cold (that's why he can endure hot weather), so when he sees his younger brother shivering, he lends him his scarf.

03 Shadows

Yukio has always felt as if he was in his brother's shadows – until that night came when he realized that it was always him that has kept his own brother in his shadows.

04 Sunset

"It's pretty, isn't it, Yukio?"

05 Sunrise

"Somehow... it looks like it's radiating around us, Nii-san,"

06 Driven

For the first time, Yukio's been driven to the edge;

07 Edge

For the first time, Yukio's slapped his own brother.

08 Airport

When Rin first heard his brother's acceptance at True Cross, he wondered whether or not he'll be flying there.

09 Ancient

"Stop bringing up ancient times, Yukio!"

10 Window

When Rin sits and stares outside the window, he isn't all surprised to find Yukio out there, coming back from a mission, smiling at him; he smiles back.

11 Angel

"Heh, I'm no angel, Yukio,"

12 Roses

It was odd, receiving roses from your own older brother on Valentines; nonetheless, he still took them.

13 Innocence

When Rin had accidentally broke his brother's favorite pair of glasses, he tried to feint innocence – it didn't work as well as he thought it would.

14 Kingdom

"No, Nii-san, you cannot just kill the king like that."

15 Options

"Stop being such a pain; it's only a game, Yukio!"

16 Nurturing

At nights like these, he feel much better in the arms of his small, older brother.

17 Crest

Where Rin would gently hold his younger brother in his arms while staring at the crest moon in the dark sky.

18 Cactus

"Hey, Yukio, what are you – OOWWWWW!"

19 Passion

The lips molded perfectly together and the silence spoke of a forbidden passion and togetherness.

20 Picturesque

He found himself staring at his brother laughing so hard, he looked like he was going to fall over.

21 Dream-like

Rin smiled, it seemed almost dream-like.

22 Reflection

Being twins, they were suppose to be the utter reflection of one another.

23 Festive

"Stop being a party-pooper, Yukio!"

24 Pristine

One does not simply mess up Yukio's side of the room – Okumura Rin would know so.

25 Creation

"N-Nii-san, what is that monstrosity?"

26 Tapestry

"Y-Yukio... close the curtains, already!"

27 Grandeur

Okumura Rin was absolutely amazing – he absolutely was.

28 Lavish

So much, that he just wants to lock him up and lavish him to death.

30 Historical

"In historical times– Nii-san, are you listening?"

31 Mistletoe

Even if it was Rin's idea, he didn't expect him to follow it through– it was just a mistletoe!"

32 Mythical

There is something so mysterious about Yukio that he feels overwhelmed by him.

33 Longevity

"Y-Yukio, I'm scared to live in a world without you."

34 Romantic

Rin wonders who is the more romantic of the two: him or Yukio?

35 Visionary

"Hey, where are you looking at, you pervert?"

36 Shamrock

"Nii-san, I found it, the four-leaf clover!"

37 Wheelchair

His heart breaks when he sees Yukio roll out of the hospital in a wheelchair.

38 Fault

All he can think is, it's all his fault.

39 Bravado

"Nii-san, you are the pure essence of bravado."

40 Chocolate

He wants to see it, the smile that Yukio'll give him for when he gives him the chocolates he made.

41 Cloud

Rin stretches his hands out to touch the clouds, only to have it fully grasped by another hand and greeted by a pair of glasses and a smile.

41 Happy

"Nii-san is the best when he's happy,"

42 Sad

Nii-san isn't the best when he's sad— Yukio aches from it.

43 Lick

His body shuddered as a long, slick tongue licked the underside of his neck.

44 Hurt

It hurts when Yukio degrades him but it hurts even more when he pulls away.

45 Mountain

Because there are a mountain of things he wants to say to pull him closer, not farther.

46 Rain

He pulls out a clear umbrella and holds it over his head— he wonders if its rain on his face, not tears.

47 Strange

"You were always so strange, Nii-san."

48 Shampoo

"Yukio, you're gonna get shampoo in my eyes!"

49 Giggle

Under a dare, Rin was told to act as girly as possible.

50 Underestimate

Yukio underestimated his ability to be in control— he quickly made due in ripping his clothes off.