Disclaimer- Stephanie Meyer owns Twilight, the lucky duck. I only own my own characters.

~Nessie POV~

Nessie, you're my imprint. These four words fill my mind, and however hard I try, I can't forget them. The only boy I've ever liked, my brother, my best friend, is now the answer to all of my problems. My mind is filled with emotions, hurt, shock, love, betrayal, relief, and they're all jumbled up inside me big fat head. Why did it have to come down to this? I mean, I'm thrilled and everything, but why is he telling me this now?

A/N- This is my first story so please review so that I can become a better writer! Sorry for the short chapter, I'm just getting into the feel of the story, you know? Anyways, PLEASE REVIEW! I promise the next chapters will be longer, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks.