Beginning note: I don't own Spirited Away, I'm not making any money off it, and this is all for the funzys.

Ablution - A ceremonial act of washing parts of the body or sacred containers.


It wasn't often that Chihiro got a moment to herself to really think about her adventures in the Spirit World. She had devoted her youth to pretending they had never happened, and that they were just some horrible, crazy dream brought on by the bacon cheese burger she'd consumed before they had set out the morning they'd moved. Her teenage years were spent trying to desperately reclaim the magic she once had in abundance but that seemed to be absent in her current life.

Now she spent her days painting, illustrating every moment she could remember and hoping that somehow, if she made the images real enough, she would tap into that thrumming magic again and unlock the vibration in her soul she felt every time she she walked by a shrine or though a gate.

And she was close, so very close. The very air hummed in the twilight around her, shifting restlessly against her skin and waiting for something.

Note: Hey! Look! A new story! Never fear; I'm already 22 drabbles into this and they are all in a word document waiting in the wings to be posted. This was actually started just for the shits and giggles of it; a way to relieve my boredom the other night, and annoy I Agree who is so good as to put up with my more annoying tendencies.