A burst of cold air snuck through the quad, rattling Santana to her bones, as she pulled her jacket tighter around her shivering core. Her sole purpose was to get to her destination, a meeting with her advisor about her senior thesis. She'd thought co-mingling her pre-med major and fine arts minor would be difficult to say the least, but it had nothing on making it across campus in what felt like -4 degree weather.
While the cold kept her hair even smoother, if that was at all possible, it bit at her cheeks and left her nose impossibly red. Her Latin blood was not suited for the cold, and she cursed herself for moving even further up north, until sitting on a bench, oblivious to the cold, she saw a blonde mindlessly tracing shapes into the wooden frame on which she was perched.

"Britt, how in the hell are you not freezing?"
"Kurt told me unicorns never get cold, and I believe him. But I brought a jacket just in case, because the snowflake stickers you put on my calendar make it a lot easier to know whether the sky will be crying frosted flake tears."

Biting her lip to hold back a laugh, Santana cautiously pulled up her coat sleeve to check the time. "Shit. I've got five minutes to make it the rest of the way there. Are you coming, or do you want me to meet you somewhere?"

Brittany flashed her a lopsided smile. "I'll meet you at the apartment a little later. I have to talk to one of my dance professors, and I don't want you to turn into a popsicle waiting for me." She pressed her warm lips onto Santana's nearly frost-bitten ones, and grinned before turning away to head in the opposite direction.

The sudden, unexpected contact flushing her face, Santana found the rest of the walk not nearly as biting, and was surprised when she found herself at her advisor's office door in what felt like no time. After a quick explanation of her research topic, covering musical therapy for pediatric cancer patients, she left the office feeling lighter. One thing down, only a hundred more to go.

A light sprinkling of snow had covered the ground, and the petite latina cursed New York's dismal weather again. Sure, Ohio wasn't the most ideal play to live weather-wise, but the extremes weren't like they were here. She willed her limbs to move as quickly as they could so she could make it to her car and defrost before becoming the frozen delicacy her girlfriend had predicted she would be.


The word wasn't a new one to her lips, as she and Brittany had officially come out as a couple in high school. It was nearly five years from that day, and the word still felt sweet rolling around in Santana's mouth. There were other words that might sound sweeter - fiancee or wife - but girlfriend was enough for now.