Disclaimer: I do not own Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht no matter how much I wish I did. But, I do own the Oc characters and the imagination that thought up this story, Enjoy!

Author Note: Yes, for this part of the series this is the end...but more will come in the second book! Don't you just love me? Anyway, here is it, the last chapter of Xenosaga: Divine Mother, bit of a cliffy but you will still love me...won't you? And now may I present...Chapter Ten!

Chapter Ten: The End

Wilhelm watched as Clover's crystal body was placed in a container able to house her power and then place on the U-TIC ship.

"This is the second time I am placing my faith in you Margulis, don't test it."

"Yes sir!"

The silverette looked towards the ship once more before walking away. Margulis and Pellegri saluted to him as he did so, the woman's eyes lingering to him.

"Are you certain you wish to do this?" she asked.

"They are orders…I cannot disobey."

The silver haired woman watched her Commander walk away towards the ship before her thoughts began to wander.

Jin Uzuki hurried to drop the groceries in the kitchen before going over to the phone as it announced an incoming call. Pressing the call button he put it on screen view.

"Hello" he said as he turned to go put away the ice cream before-


He stopped. Slowly, he turned to the screen to find a woman he had not seen in years…and really hoped he'd never see again.

"I have news on Clover you may want to know."

Chaos cursed as he watched the footage with the others on the Durandal's bridge. After saving Momo Shion had gone to Clover's room to see if she was okay. Chaos had told her she was not feeling well when Shion asked about her before they left to the Song of Nephilim.

However, when Shion came to the bridge screaming about Clover being gone Jr. had the ship scanned but nothing was found, then they looked at the ship's video data. And sure enough a hall monitor had viewed Clover being taken.

"Oh no…Clover" whimpered Momo.

"When did this happen!?" yelled Jr.

"Video feed shows it happened over an hour ago."

"Just when the Rhine maiden took out the Gnosis. Clover left then…" said Shion still in a daze, knowing her sister in law was missing.

"Scan the area!" ordered Jr.

"Scanning…there are no signs of Clover Uzuki found in this location, scans do detect a gate out occurred not long after Mrs. Uzuki was taken."

Jr. cursed, "Who could have possibly taken her and not breached the scanners!?"

"Maybe…it was that man."

Everyone turned to Momo.

"The one dressed in blue armor…maybe he did it" she said.

"It is a possibility…and this possess a problem" said Ziggy.

"Why?" asked Shion.

"This is classified, however I do not see why I should not tell you. I was given orders to take both Momo and Clover to 2nd Miltia."

"Why Clover? I can understand Momo, but-"

Ziggy shook his head, "That was all I was told, I was not given further information. Why it had to be done was not specified."

"Not hard to guess…it was the Federation" said Jr. as he crossed his arms.


"But…Clover is just a citizen of 2nd Miltia, she has nothing to do with the Federation!" said Shion.


They looked at Momo once again who seemed to be thinking on something.

"When we were held by the U-TIC…that man, Clover called him…Margulis…he said that someone had asked him to take Clover" said the small pinkette.

Shion's mouth fell open in shock, "But…who on earth would want her!?" she yelled, growing more frantic.

"I am sorry Shion, I wish I could tell you" said Ziggy.

"I may know."

Shion turned sharply to Gaignun, everyone looking at him as well.

"I spoke with Helmer…and he informed me…that it was…the Vector CEO that requested she be…detained."

Shion stared at him in disbelief as did everyone else.

Vector's CEO!?

Shion began to hyperventilate, her worry and confusion over Clover scaling and in the back of her mind she wondered…

How was she going to tell her brother?

Main Cannons locked, Target: Song of Nephilim

May yah no yay maiya so hei ma

Zo hei man noche ne hei yay

Pellegri entered the hanger and walked in towards where Margulis stood, observing Clover through her cylinder glass container, the electricity that rippled from her blue crystal body licking out at the glass as if testing it.

"14 years have passed since I last saw her."

She stopped to stand next to him, gazing at the beauty of the crystalized human.

"She looks like a sleeping princess incased in crystal" she said.

"She does."

Pellegri thought a moment before looking at her Commander, "Sir, I know your history with Miss Uzuki…yet…I don't understand why you are doing this. Is she not-"


She stopped at the warning in his voice.

"That was a long time ago. And besides, she did not choose me," he turned sharply and marched out of the hanger, "She chose Uzuki."

A ma noche ai yay so he ya

No hei ya maiyo che lay hei

The hatred he spoke that name with shook her to her core and even she felt fear that he would kill her. She looked after him before looking at Clover.

"You are lucky…having the hearts of men just fall for you…" with that she walked out of the hanger.

She never noticed the tear that fell down Clover's cheek and solidify to crystal.

Noche noche so lay yeh-ee yay

Noche noche so lay yeh-ee yay



The End…of Part I

Song: In the Beginning There Was

Title screen song for Xenosaga II

Composer and Arrangements by: Yuki Kajuira

Tis COMPLETED! The first book of Xenosaga: Divine Mother is done! Egg nog for everyone! And yes, there will be a second part! So stay tuned!

Thanks for reading and being faithful to this story and please review! Till next time!
