Hey all, I am so sorry for the wait and so hope you are following me. Here's the deal there was a blackout when I was going to post it, then I got lazy, then busy, then lazy again. So here is the final chapter of the Competition of the Century. Warning it is an Ikarishipping chapter, but it still gives good info and I think that even haters of Ikarishipping could enjoy the cuteness.

Anyway I don't own Pokémon, and enjoy.


In a Pokémon centre somewhere in Unova a blue haired teenage girl is sitting on a bed in a sports bra and sweats typing away on her computer, this is what it says:

Dear Virtual Diary,

Today is the one year anniversary of the finale of the only season of Japanese Idol or as everyone calls it now the Competition of the Century. After all that happened during the show, the host, the judges, and the producers all agreed to cancel the show. They said it was because of bum ratings, but we all knew it was because they were scared of who they might get as contestants if they ran another season, and I don't blame them given what that season brought.

Anyway, on a more positive note, May used her winnings to go on an around the world coordinating journey with Drew, which they are enjoying a lot, especially the contests. It's amazing really, even though they are dating they still act like rivals, and are still able to give it their all when they're in contests against each other, I guess that's love. While May is off having fun, her trophy has not been so lucky cooped up in the police evidence locker for having been used to knock Briar out.

Speaking of Briar, he is still in jail (thankfully), though I don't think Jackie will ever get over him. In the first months he was in jail, she visited him every week (man she is nice), but after to many knocks around and attempts on her life (he never did get over losing) she just stopped, even explained why to him before going for good too. Surprisingly that taught him a lesson, and he hasn't stopped trying to get her back since, but she won't forgive him and I don't blame her. I don't know where she is right now, but last time I heard from her she was in Cherrygrove city training a baby Abra she caught (she sent me pictures, he is so cute), so she is probably somewhere in Johto still, but definitely not in Goldenrod city. She won't go near that place with a ten foot pole; I guess it's the memories. They don't affect me much, but I'd still want to have someone with me if I ever go there. Jackie is taking a leave of absence from guys, or so she says, right now, but I think she just needs time to sort out her feelings towards Briar.

On a happy love note, Soledad and Harley are getting married soon and I will get to see May and Drew at the wedding (yay) as they are in the wedding party, other than that there is not much to say other than that their coordinator school in Slateport city is still going well (not that I've ever seen it). In more mushy stuff news Ash and Misty are travelling in some region somewhere (there has been too many to keep track), having a blast I bet. Any rate, I am still keeping in touch with Zoey, Kenny (who has a girlfriend, I feel so left out) and Ursula (surprisingly) too, and they are still entering contests, unlike me (not that I would tell them that).

Sigh, back to sad notes. I still haven't heard from Paul, I guess it's possible he got over me; I definitely haven't gotten over him. In fact, I am so attached to him that I couldn't even go back to Sinnoh after the competition, for fear of bumping into him (which sounds silly now). At the time I didn't go to Kanto or Hoenn either because they were love bird central with Ash and Misty, and May and Drew (I really am happy for them though). My only options were stay in Johto to relive memories and fear Paul finding me or get on a plane and fly to Unova. Needless to say I decided on the Unova choice and having been relaxing here ever since. I have been entering gym battles though to pass the time and I already have six badges, just two more and I can enter the Unova league. That's something I never thought I'd say, but when you're in a region that you don't want to leave, but doesn't have contests, you need something to do.

I still haven't told anyone about my gym battling, not even Ash. I guess I could be a little embarrassed that I'm still not over Paul (no one knows that either) or that I, a self-proclaimed top coordinator am really enjoying gym battling. I guess I just don't want to talk about my feelings that much, wow Paul must have really rubbed off on me, or underneath my bubbly, outgoing exterior I've been like this the whole time, afraid to show my feelings. That must be why I write this: because it's the only way I can truly express my feelings, again like Paul and again still not over him. Man I'm worse than Misty and Jackie combined, at least 8 years of waiting from Misty finally paid off, but Jackie's pinning after a dangerous incarcerated man and I'm still hoping to hear from a guy I left two years ago. Yup, I'm worse than both – oh someone's knocking that's it for now and I really should get over Paul,


The knocking continues, louder now.

"Alright, I'm coming, yeesh," Dawn calls out as she closes her laptop, gets up off the bed , and pulls a black skirt on and her sweatpants off all in one move, instantly making her stylish in her bright pink sports bra and ponytail. She then slips on flats as she walks over to the door and opens it.

"Paul?" Dawn says surprised as the door opens to reveal the purple haired teenager in his customary blue jacket.

"Put a shirt on troublesome," he says looking at her sports bra. Dawn doesn't even flinch, but says calmly instead, "If you want to make up that is no way to start," Paul looks a bit taken aback, but sighs after a few seconds.

"You're right can I come inside so we can talk, we have a lot to catch up on," Dawn looks at him for a second wondering whether to trust him then replies with "Yeah ok," before letting him pass into the room before closing the door. Dawn then sits down on her bed opposite Paul who is sitting on the other bed in the room. There is an awkward silence for a while before Paul speaks.

"You were great in the competition, too bad you didn't win,"

"Yeah well that was a year ago, it's old news," Dawn says not looking at Paul.

"Is that song you sang to me still old news?"

"No" she replies still not looking at him.

"Huh, this isn't easy for me to say, but I know I've made mistakes and I'm sorry. I will try not to be as possessive this time," Paul holds his breath as he waits for Dawn to answer.

"This time. This time. What makes you think there will be a this time? You didn't call or try to find me for almost a year, how do you think that makes me feel, huh? To sing my heart out trying to get an apology from you and not so much as get a text saying anything, even that you didn't care or had moved on for over a year. I'm not sure why I kept holding on this long," she says with tears in her eyes.

"Arrg! You are unbelievable troublesome, if you wanted to be found why didn't you come back to Sinnoh, if fact why did you leave Japan? If you wanted me to find you, you sure didn't make it easy," Paul says scrunching a pillow in his hands for anger management.

"I left because I didn't think that I could face you at first, but by the time I realized my mistake I didn't want to leave Unova I was having such a good time. Sorry, I should have tried to contact you so you could find me more easily, but I thought that it was your decision to make as to whether to come back to me, not mine," she says struggling to keep her tears back. Seeing this Paul moves over to her bed and hugs her, allowing her to cry into his chest.

"I-I know you don't like this," Dawn says trying to get up, but Paul just shushes her.

"You don't have to worry about crying around me anymore, it's just another thing that I was wrong about. Sometimes you girls just need a good cry," he says as Dawn looks up smiles and cuddles into him some more tears drying up.

After about ten minutes of cuddling in silence Dawn sits up and starts giggling while Paul looks at her confused.

"I was just thinking all we could have avoided if we had this talk sooner," Dawn says smiling.

"Yeah I guess you're right," Paul says with a small smile on his face, "So what have you been up to for the past year, I mean there aren't any contests in the Unova region, so what could you possibly doing?" he continues.

"Well. . .gym battling," Dawn says blushing.


"Seriously, I already have six badges," she replies getting out her badge case and showing him.

"Now I feel inadequate, I only have four," Paul says gawking at her badges.

"Wait so you've been traveling around Unova?"

"Yeah, that's sort of how I found you. I had just gotten my forth badge in Nimbasa city when I noticed you in the background of a news report from Driftveil city. At that point I had almost lost hope of finding you so when I saw the report I went over there, but you were gone by the time I got there. Luckily Nurse Joy told me you were here in Mistralten city so I was able to find you, getting your room number from another Nurse Joy."

"Well I'm glad you found me because you're the first person I've told about my gym battling, and it feels good to have told someone," Dawn says smiling.

"That's good to know, but if you haven't told anyone, what do they think you are doing?"

"Uh, yearlong Unova vacation," she says sheepishly.

"Well guess that works, we'll tell 'em in time though," Paul smiles at Dawn, the only person who can make him smile.


"Yeah we, if you still want to be my girlfriend," he says scratching his head.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Dawn screeches kissing Paul full on the lips toppling him over onto the bed.

After a few minutes they get up and Paul turns to Dawn, "So you want to train?"

"Sure just give me a sec."

"Kay, meet you on the battle field," Paul says as he leaves the room. Dawn then throws a loose t-shirt on over her sports bra and opens her computer again. She types a few sentences in her virtual diary, then leaves to go be with Paul leaving her computer open showing these words:

Dear Virtual Diary,

Paul came back to me today and a major misunderstanding was cleared up and we are a better couple for it. Soon everyone will know my secret and I don't care as long as I have Paul by my side, to love me for me. So I guess in the end everyone can have a happy ending, even Paul, and maybe even Jackie someday too.

DD – Diamond Dawn Berlitz, and maybe someday Dawn Shinji!

Hope you enjoyed the story. It was fun writing this, but I am so glad it is over now. Just so you know that was my little girl Pokémon shipping fantasy and soon I will start writing a story that will basically be episodes of May and Drew's Johto journey if they made a show of it. Anywhoo that is it for now, thanks again for staying with me this past more than a year, I think, and keep following me,
