Disclaimer: All characters and things associated with Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. This writing is for pure entertainment only.

Summary: Set in the distant future. Hermione and Ron are about to get married, though Hermione isn't sure if Ron is ready. However, when she is given the chance to see all of her options, Hermione must choose the right path for herself.


"Hermione…" A soft, familiar voice filled Hermione's ears, though it sounded so far away.

A shake; someone was shaking Hermione gently.

"Hermione?" Ron's distinct voice now filled the young witches ears and Hermione's eyes fluttered opened.

Hermione's eyes adjusted and she saw Ron sitting in front of her. She glanced around and realized she was still asleep on the couch at the Burrow; right where she had been after she had taken the potion from Mrs. Weasley.

"Hermione, why are you sleeping on the couch?" Ron asked, whispering.

Hermione shook her head, still a bit groggy from all that had happened. "What time is it?"

"Its well past three in the morning, love." Ron's eyes dropped to his hands. He had promised Hermione he would be back hours ago, though he had lost track of time at the bar and before he knew it, it was well into the early hours of the morning.

Hermione rubber her eyes, trying to comprehend Ron's words, but the effects of the potion were still heavy and she felt as though she could fall right back asleep.

"Hermione, please don't tell me you slept out here waiting for me to come home…" Ron said, his ears flushing red though it was impossible for Hermione to see this in the dark.

Suddenly, Hermione remembered everything from early in the day; the flowers, the wedding, Ron saying he would be right back, the potion, her futures, and she quickly sat up, her eyes locking with Ron's. She had to tell him. "Ron…I—"

"Hold on, Hermione, before you say anything else…" Ron cut her off, pulling something out from behind his back and handing them to her. It was a bouquet of a dozen red roses.

"Ron? What's this?" Hermione asked.

Ron's eyes burned a deeper red then before, if possible. "I knew I was late…I just…I lost track of time…and the wedding has been stressing me out…but, well, I got you this…because I don't ever want to make you think you aren't the most important thing in my life…so I figured, what better way to say that then with a dozen roses?"

Hermione gave a soft smile at the flowers in Ron's hand.

"And…well…when I went to pick these up, I got to thinkin', since they are pretty and all…that maybe…well…roses could be the flower for our wedding…" Ron's ears went red again.

Hermione blinked twice, smiling slightly. Rose. It was beautiful.

Ron took Hermione's smile as encouragement to continue. "I know I've been acting like a prat lately, not helping you and all…and its just, well...I'm not very good with stuff like that, and I want your wedding to be perfect, 'cause that's what you deserve."

Hermione shook her head in disbelief. She didn't need a perfect wedding, she needed Ron. That was all that matter; she was more certain of that then anything. "Ron…I just want you…the wedding just is a way to make it official."

Ron smiled genuinely at her. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting here…you should go up and get some rest…"

Suddenly, Hermione remembered how she had gotten on the couch in the first place, and she knew she needed to tell Ron no matter how upset he may get. "Ron, I—"

"Hermione, dear! I need help in the kitchen!" Mrs. Weasley suddenly rushed into the living room from the stairs.

Ron stood straight up, confused at his mother's sudden appearance. "Mum? What are you doing up? Its bloody late!"

"Ron, lower your voice, dear, the rest of the family is sleeping…and I just remembered I needed help with something, from Hermione." Mrs. Weasley said simply.

Ron glanced over at Hermione who was now sitting up on the couch, also looking confused by Mrs. Weasley's request. She simply shrugged at Ron, not knowing what else to say.

"Come on now, off to bed, Ron. Hermione will be up soon…" Mrs. Weasley shoed her youngest son up the stairs before he could say another word. She waited until she heard Ron's door close up the stairs before turning to Hermione.

"Well, in the kitchen with you, dear." Mrs. Weasley moved toward the kitchen, motioning for Hermione to follow her.

Hermione was confused, but did as she was asked, and moved into the kitchen after Mrs. Weasley.

"Sit, dear…" Mrs. Weasley instructed once Hermione entered the kitchen.

Hermione did as she was told and slouched into one of the kitchen chairs, looking up at Mrs. Weasley with confusion dancing in her brown eyes.

"We need to talk, dear, about the potion I gave you earlier…" Mrs. Weasley seemed to be choosing her words carefully.

Hermione nodded feverishly. "Thank you. It really cleared—"

"Did it help you make up your mind, then?" Mrs. Weasley cut Hermione off.

Hermione nodded.

"And…" MRs. Weasley pressed.

Hermione glanced away for a moment, feeling silly about having to explain to Mrs. Weasley how much she had doubted her son. Hermione knew she should have never done that; she should have never stooped so low as to take a potion to make sure her future was set the way she wanted it. Thinking about it now, however, Hermione was surprised Mrs. Weasley would have even given her it. Why would Mrs. Weasley want Ron with a girl who wasn't sure he was it for her? Hermione knew, now more then ever, Ron was, yet she hadn't been certain earlier that night.

"Well?" Mrs. Weasley pressed.

"It's Ron. It's always been Ron. My future with him…its what I wanted…" Hermione said simply.

Mrs. Weasley just nodded, allowing the room to fill with silence.

After a long moment of watching the older woman, Hermione saw something flash across Mrs. Wealsey's mouth quickly. A smirk?

"You knew it would be Ron…" Hermione said, rather then asked.

Mrs. Weasley just nodded. "I've seen you two together. You are in love. You two always have been."

"So then…why did you give me that potion? Mrs. Weasley, why would you want Ron with someone who doubted him?" Hermione had to know.

"You didn't doubt him, Hermione. You were just getting nervous, dear." Mrs. Weasley said.

Hermione cocked her eyebrow in even more confusion now. "But I did doubt him, didn't I? That was the whole point of that potion, too show me how miserable I would be without him and how I shouldn't doubt him in the first place…"

"Hermione, that potion didn't show you your exact future." Mrs. Weasley said.

"What?" Hermione shook her head in confusion. "But you said…"

"I may have fibbed a bit, dear. That potion does show you the future, but only the way you truly want it to be. If you had a brilliant future with Ron, and a miserable future any other way, it wasn't because that's exactly what will happen. The potion only show you what you truly want. If you really want to be happy with Ron, if that's what your deepest desire is, then it shows that…and if it showed you miserable without him, then its because deep down, whether you realize it or not, you feel like you would be lost without him." Mrs. Weasley said.

Hermione thought for a long moment, trying to absorb what Mrs. Weasley had said. She managed to grasp it, but still needed confirmation.

"In one of the futures…I saw Ron happy with Lavender, and me miserable with Krum…but that doesn't mean my future with Krum would be awful, if I had picked him?" Hermione questioned.

"No dear, it simply means that deep down inside of you, you feel that any future with Krum wouldn't compare with a future with Ron…and if Ron was happy with someone else…well…that mush be a fear of yours." Mrs. Weasley explained.

"So this whole potion wasn't mean to show me my future to make it easier for me to pick…" Hermione knew she had been tricked, but could she blame Mrs. Weasley? After all, Ron was her son.

"No. It was meant to show you what you truly want for yourself." Mrs. Weasley said simply.

"Which is Ron." Hermione concluded.

Mrs. Weasley just smiled softly at Hermione. "Well, dear, I couldn't let you marry my boy doubting him. Its quite alright to get cold feet, but now you know what you want, don't you?"

Hermione nodded slowly, giving a small and grateful smile to Mrs. Weasley before watching the older woman give a small nod, a yawn, and make her way out of the kitchen without another word.

Hermione also stood, glancing around the kitchen and glad that she would be in that small but homey room for many years to come; glad her children would get to run around the Burrow, and most of all, glad she had Ron.

The End