[At this ungodly hour on Winter break, I ask myself...why am I awake? To deliver you sexy creatures with very overdue Yaoi...Belated gifts sugar's, stuffed up your stockings, sliding down your chimney. Here's your present, now it's only fair that I can unwrap mine. See you on the A/N down below for more information on the goodies I hope to see under my tree from all of you...because everything's better down below.]

At the very least, I had expected for Cloud to of returned to his dorm at least twenty minutes ago, and after ten, I had backtracked towards his previous class...where could he- My train of thought was cut off as my eyes fixated on Cloud Strife. The bright fluorescent lighting made it quite obvious that the boy was bleeding...was he hurt? He was crying after all...Genesis? I hardly think he would do this to the blond, his reputation was intact after that less than successful sexual intercourse I'd interrupted...were they in love? I doubted that, based on the crass lies the Auburn haired man shared about their coupling, and of course the way his younger blond 'lover' shied away from acknowledging any of the rumors at face value. "Are you hurt, Cadet?" I asked monotonously, striding around to stare at him straight on.

There wasn't any noticeable wound...So where had this blood come from. The blond boy did not respond, he merely stared at me with horrified eyes that darted towards the door to one of our main gymnasiums. "I-is he dea-eh-..." The Cadet tightened his fists into his golden spikes, unable to finish his sentence. "He?" I questioned, was there something in there? I narrowed my eyes as I stared at the door Cloud seemed to be fearfully gazing at. "S-sergeant Callo-w-way." He bit out in response, eyes shining with building tears. Ridiculous. This Strife boy looked like a terrified child. Although he wasn't much stronger than I child, and he certainly seemed to lack confidence or bravery. Following Cloud was the most uninteresting assignment I had ever been given...I swear Rufus wanted to annoy me.

"Wait here, boy." I ordered in a scolding tone, striding with quick movements into the gymnasium and then the small office as, suspiciously enough, the lights were still on inside. I tried opening the door, but something was blocking it. I pushed harder, it barely budged...had Calloway put something in the way? "Calloway? One of your Cadet's seemed to be concerned about your welfare...and he has traces of blood on him. Sergeant? Open the door, right now." I remained placid throughout the increasingly suspicious situation, but when I was met with no answer, I began pushing roughly against the door. Eventually, whatever it was that was blocking it dislodged enough for me to enter. The scent of metallic blood immediately shrouded my senses, and in response I looked towards the floor to see that Calloway's body was the one that had been blocking it...Well...Cloud Strife had just become more interesting.


The moment Tseng entered the gymnasium, I pulled my weak, unstable legs into an upright stance, I couldn't stay here...Obeying orders now would be pointless. Would I be killed? He was going to rape me...There was no escape that time. It wasn't my fault. My heart was pounding rapidly in my ears...this wasn't fair! Wearily, I managed to make it into a nearby bathroom, I had to wash this blood off...and the shower room was parallel to the Gymnasium. I couldn't go there, and I couldn't show up covered in blood...Chris would be so scared. Not to mention, looking like this, I'd get all kinds of attention from Shinra personnel.

My face...covered in a bright red, splashing across my cheek, trailing down over my chin...and staining the necktie of my Cadet uniform. The necktie was an easy enough fix, and I was thankful it soaked up the putrid liquid before it reached any further, I couldn't exactly take my shirt off and go unnoticed either. I stuffed the necktie into my back pocket and then grabbed a large handful of paper towels, running them under the warm water and scrubbing first my hands and then my face with fervor until all traces of the substance had left my skin. I could still feel it. Tickling against my flesh...It made my stomach clench at the mere thought of it.

I peaked out into the hall...nobody, Tseng hadn't come back yet, and at this time, all the Cadet's were changing out of their sweaty work-clothing and into something clean to wear before dinner. This was my window, I needed to race back to my room, tell Chris I was staying back late...for...I wasn't sure why. But that the other Cadet should go ahead to dinner and save me a spot, then I could pack my things and leave. Leave where though? I felt the tears prickle my eyes as they began to fall down my cheeks...stained red from utter fear and humiliation. Why was I acting so clinical about this? I killed a man...and even if I didn't, assaulting an Instructor is grounds for all kinds of unspeakable punishments. There was no way back to Nibelheim short of the train...and I didn't have clearance for that as a Cadet...I'd never be allowed on. And I wouldn't even be able to afford a ticket.

When I reached my room, Chris had already left...something I was grateful for. It saved me having to act convincingly, something I never excelled at. I pulled on a pair of heavy jeans and a loosely fitting shirt, tossing my uniform, bloody neckerchief and all in the hamper...I still felt filthy...but at least I looked presentable enough. Now, everything was going to alright. I just needed to calm down...just calm down and thi- A heavy knocking at my door caused my heart to stop and my limbs to lock into a frozen state. They were here for me? Already...What was I going to do...the small window was nowhere near big enough for me to squeeze through, and the drop would severely injure...or even kill me. My only option was to surrender myself and explain why I did it...apologize...beg for my life if I had to. With a deep breath I willed myself to walk over and open the door.





I was about ready to lose my patience, I had heard the heavily labored breathing inside...known that the blond was ignoring my knocks, but as he opened the door with a look of utter fear on his features that quickly morphed into immense confusion, I was sure he hadn't meant to be ignoring me in particular. Had he been expecting someone else? Had Zackary Fair not informed him that I would be coming. It was evident that the newly First Class SOLDIER was unreliable in every definition of the word. "Good evening Cloud. Do you know why I have come here?" I questioned formally, surely he didn't...Fair would have forgotten all about it...if you want something done properly, you have to do it yourself...

"Y-yes." He whispered quietly, eyes averted to the floor, big and afraid. He already knew? Well...that was surprising. "I didn't mean to though...please...I had no choice... don't kill me." His sweet voice penetrated my mind intoxicatingly. But wait...those words? Didn't mean to what? "Cloud...why would I kill you?" I was a very intelligent man, so to say that I was confused was a foreign state for myself to be in. "Because, Sergeant Calloway! I didn't mean to kill him though, I swear!" Tears were actually falling from those widened, pretty eyes. This delicate little creature killed an instructing officer? If that was truly the case, than he was a Venus Flytrap in the literal sense. Judging by the way the boy tested though, combined with his slight frame, it was a highly doubtful occurrence that the blond killed a man.

I tilted the boys face upwards so I could stare directly into those watery frames, thankful the hall was deserted during dinner period, I had wanted to be alone with the boy anyway. "Whatever happened, I'm sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation..." I countered, attempting to calm the boy, no doubt my cold and mechanical voice wouldn't do much in the way of comfort for him. "There was!" He cried hysterically, with heavy sobs and rapid breathing, "I just...he was going to rape me...I know he was...I couldn't escape...I couldn't lose my virginity that way...I had to...he was going to hurt me...please!" He was in a complete panic and...wait. Virginity? How was that possible?

How could that be possible after Genesis...oh. Well Genesis was notorious for fabrications; I wasn't all that surprised at Cloud's story...and it would explain why the boy rejected Genesis. Reputations did have a way of getting embellished as they grew. "Calm down, Cadet." I instructed, placing both hands on the boys shoulders and giving him a couple of gentle shakes. He sniffled and wiped at his wet eyes with the back of his wrist. His beautiful eyes gazed up at me curiously, imploring and penetrating through all defense. What a gorgeous specimen he was. The epitome of physical perfection. "How...How can I?" He asked me in a shaken and timid voice. Cloud seemed so small and helpless in that very moment, It actually caused something small to stir in my chest...it was unsettling and unusual. I wasn't exactly sure what it was...it wasn't arousal...or blood-lust. I decided to just shrug it off for now...I had been rather busy of late, it was most likely that.

"Please...please..." He chanted slowly, his pretty lips turned downwards, "You're a hero...you know tormenting me is just...unfair." The latter was spoken in a whisper. This was really weighing on the Cadet's mind, he had really believed he had murdered someone...I would never allow him to die...Never. He was too Gaia shatteringly attractive for that. Not to mention, the snivelling little child before me, rubbing at his eyes was hardly a threat. "If you did kill an instructor. I'm sure he deserved it. This entire city is filled with poisonous scum. Sometimes you must protect your virtue, Cloud. In every definition of the word." I murmured, still reeling in my own shock, but hiding it well. "Why don't you come with me? I will take very good care of you." I murmured seductively, taking a languid step backwards, the boy having to take two forward simply to keep pace.


That crying! It was positively dreadful! The young Cadet beneath me really was kicking up such a fuss over it. I stilled my thrusts, holding my hand firmly against the back of the crying boy's neck and lowering my lips to press against the shell of his ear heatedly. "Will you kindly silence that infernal sobbing! Honestly, how can a petulant brat such as yourself ever make SOLDIER? Get used to Cadet life, I do not foresee any progression on the morrow for you." I pulled out and shoved my cock back in to the hilt, relishing in the tightening virgin body that fought to expel me with each contraction. "I-I...ugh! I'm s-sorry! I'll t-try to shut u-AHH-p." The young man with mousy-brown hair attempted to speak but failed, only to bring more annoyance upon me.

Still...I always enjoyed Virgins. Because one they had lain with me, their virginity belonged to me forever. Of course they were often loud and all around difficult, as well as that hesitance. I had managed to lure this one into my office, whispered sweet nothings into his ear...ensured he willingly bared himself open to me, under the false assumption he was /special/. He was /different/. He would soon learn that wasn't the case, I was merely teaching each boy a lesson. A lesson in maturity...in the future he would surely not be so trusting. I forced his tear-streaked face into my lounge, muffling the pitchy yelps that punctuated each thrust. I could not allow that horrifying sound to hinder my pleasure as I approached orgasm.

Sweat trailed along my brow, my entire body glistening in the dimmed lights of my shadowy office, orgasm was upon me...and it felt /glorious/. Without any consideration with the nameless grunt beneath me, simply there to pleasure me in my moment of need, I dug my perfectly manicured fingertips into his tips, surely leaving small bruises that would become more apparent on the morrow, as well as a small crescent shaped cut that pooled red along the dipping, paled skin of his right hip. And then it happened. "F-uck! Yes!" I hissed out, rocking my hips into the boy as I began releasing my seed into his warm entrance, the boy had remained flaccid throughout the entire exchange, I noticed not from any intention to pleasure him, but from the limp organ pressed into the contouring fabric of my lounge, and peeking out from between the cleft of his pert ass cheeks.

When I was sure I had emptied my seed and come down from each sensual tendril of sensation, I fell backward against the arm of the wide lounge, my softened cock slipping from the cum-filled hole and my arms spread out in order to regulate my body temperature. The young nameless Cadet was huffing heavily, it was an awful noise. But not at all surprising, considering our painfully audible lovemaking session, he turned to face me, crossing his legs and smiling softly with a heavily exerted blush. "I...uhh...I hope you liked that, I'm new at it...but I'm glad you could have been my fir-""Hush." I interjected harshly with two fingers in the air.

I was no fool...I knew where this was going, and it would only be cruel to fuel such delusion a moment longer. "You were terrible...adequate at best to satiate my desire, but so incredibly LOUD." I criticized the moderately attractive boy, his big sad eyes looking beaten down by my mere words. "And get off of my lounge, you're leaking all over the place!" I scolded, grabbing at his bicep and shoving him down onto the hard floorboards. "Now, why don't you dress and run along...wasting a SOLDIER First Class's time is a highly-punishable offence." The brunette whimpered as he pulled himself up off of the ground and shakily into a standing position, my creamy release already trailing teasingly along his inner-thigh.

"B-but Genesis, I thought you said you really liked me?" The pitiful Cadet sobbed out, wrapping his arms around himself protectively. I stood as well, using my intimidating height to tower over him. "Is that what I said? My mistake...I of course meant I liked the look of that body and would thoroughly enjoy using it. And I did...but not that's just what you are, used goods. Dress and leave, also in the future you will address me as General Rhapsodos, Sir." I lifted his Cadet shirt from my nearby coffee table and wiped it against my cum-slickened cock before throwing it back at him. My body had fully recovered from the pleasurable exertion so I easily sought out my own clothing and walked towards it.


I was hesitant to leave with Sephiroth, but what did I have to lose at this point? And he seemed to believe I was innocent, his word was respected among Shinra, that made him an ally...right? I surely hoped that was the case. The hall leading towards the SOLDIER First Class offices was beautifully adorned, elegant and classical...and off-limits normally to Cadet's like myself, unless escorted by a higher rank. The hand on my back was evident throughout the entire walk, and the contact caused goosebumps to lace my white skin, especially against the fabric said hand pressed up against me. Turning a corner, I was startled backwards a small step when I saw a Cadet from my year who I had only interacted minimally with. "But...I don't even know my way out of here, Sir...please!" Only seconds later I heard a stomach-turning voice, one that was extremely familiar. "Yet another lesson to be learned, boy. Pay attention...do you think the battle grounds will be nearly as forgiving as I?" The horrid voice announced poetically followed immediately by it's owner presence through the wooden doorframe.

Genesis simply chuckled at my class-mate who looked utterly distraught, he headed towards us but stopped when he locked eyes with me. And then Sephiroth, and straight back to mine. The other Cadet seemed to be conveying dear and sympathy before he rushed past myself and Sephiroth, in the direction we had come from. "Well, well, well. I see you were in the mood for my leftovers, I don't blame you...he was a delectable lay." I gasped softly, wishing the strong hand on my back wasn't halting further movement...freezing my body in place with pure fear. "Was that what I was here for, then? Did that other Cadet have a reason to worry about me? Was I next...one sexual conquest for the great General Sephiroth before handing me over to the slaughter?

I refused to cry in front of Genesis...he would only relish in my tears, instead I scrunched up my nose, unable to stop my lower lip from trembling reflexively. There was no way I could outrun them. Why had I agreed to go with Sephiroth...then again had I ever really had a choice? From what I'd seen, these men were not in the business of respecting the word 'No'.

[Now you could lick my Candycane? Trust me, that would be one hell of a Christmas goodie, OR failing that, see that empty review box? Why not fill it with something nice for me? Spirit of giving and all that, right?

Okay so I got myself a DeviantArt, as a backup for any Fanfictions being taken down, I'll be putting all of my stories up there and updating simultaneously there as well as here very soon, but it's still under construction so there's not much interesting there, still drop me a watch so we can keep in touch, my sexies.

Not sure if this links going to work, but same username there

Kay turn on my Christmas lights, drink up my Eggnog, and I'll see you all soon with updates to EVERYTHING! While I'm still on break!]