Took me long enough but here it is, ready for your entertainment. In following with the main theme of this series, this is very much for mature audiences and I advise, if you are not mature, turn away now. I have many other kid friendly fics but this is not one of them :P

This one starts off part way through the episode, actually very much towards the end because, up until this point, I couldn't find a way to rewrite it (except to have Helen through herself into Nikola's arms at first meeting).

To be honest, I'm a little uncertain about this one. I think it's a little rushed but my muse is apparently off amusing herself somewhere and has been for some time now so, I'm thinking, after the second instalment of this story, I might take a wee break from ff for a while to see if I can entice her back with sleep and cookies (she's very stubborn, just like me)... Anyway, that's in the future and not something to worry about right now so enjoy this silly little rewrite and let me know what you think :)


She really shouldn't have been surprised she realised belatedly. Nikola always did what suited him best, regardless of what was going on around him. Sadly, the thought didn't stop her from wishing her gaze could cripple him.

"Well, well, well, the appetisers have arrived."

Oh he was so dead. So, so dead on far too many levels. And then, when he came back to life, she was going to kill him again. Painfully. Maybe a hot poker to the eye would shut him up for a little while.

"Well this is the last time I come to your rescue," she half growled. She was going to make damn well sure she never had to rescue his sorry behind ever again.

Did she still have that old axe in the catacombs?

"I'm sorry to say that's true," he drawled, tone mocking, eyes dancing as he let his gaze flit over the length of her body.

So dead.

"Tie them up," he continued, taking a sip. "But separately, keep her in a different room to the others."

One of the baby vampires raised an eyebrow in question but Nikola shook his head.

"She'll cause trouble otherwise. Better to be safe than sorry."

His eyes once again skated over her body as he pointed one long finger in her direction. A finger, she decided as the baby vampire began to drag her away, she take much pleasure in tearing off.

"No feeding until I say so," he called out as she and the others were dragged down the corridor.

"If we ever get out of this, I'll kill him," Kate growled as they fought their captors.

"Me first," Will muttered as one of the trust fund brats snickered.

"Both of you, back of the line," Helen growled in response, her mind still half stuck on the few instruments of torture she had that were still legal.

"Please," the blonde man drawled smugly as he dragged Helen away from the others. "None of you stand a chance against us, you'd do better to comply and maybe we'll let you live. After all, you are kinda pretty. For an old woman."

At that Helen fought even harder, willing to give up a few hours of killing Nikola if it meant she got to torture this child too. Kate was most certainly right, killing them was the best option.

"And feisty too, I can see why the old guy has a thing for you," he continued with a careless laugh, tossing her bodily into a tiny supply closet, Helen only just managing to avoid landing on her face as the young man pounced on her, producing a rope from nowhere to wind around both her wrists and ankles. The knots were tighter than she expected, digging in a little but, with one last tug on her bindings and smug laugh, the blonde vamp was gone, leaving her on her side, almost unable to move.

Rolling onto her back, Helen fought the urge to scream, knowing all too well it would serve to do nothing but inflame Nikola's ego further. Instead she settled for wiggling her way towards the wall, stifling the moan of pain that grew on her lips as she hit her head.

Why did he have to be such an arse? Sure Nikola had always been a pain, goading others into silly little fights but this was beyond reproach. This was life endangering, world changing, friendship ending. Of course, that was probably all part of his plan, she thought with a growl. After all, with an army of vampires to preside over, what need had he of her? Clearly she was just a periphery figure in his life, good only for her longevity. So much for more than a century's worth of friendship, so much for loving her.

She started at the last thought, all bitterness falling away as her mind followed previously uncharted ideas. Did he love her as he'd professed? Did he truly care for her more than he cared for himself? If his recent behaviour was anything to go by, probably not she realised, a small part of her stomach sinking at the thought though she couldn't fathom why. It wasn't as if she cared about such things, was it? They were friends, close friends who had been through far too much to be just friends but friends none the less. Discounting his most recent behaviour anyway.

There had been a time in her life she'd thought herself to be in love with him though and she was unashamed to admit it. He was attractive, charming and intelligent, attentive and kind and, for a time, the only man who'd paid her mind any attention. There were many shared kisses, sunlight afternoons in hidden nooks of the library spent discovering his taste, rainy days spent curled by the fire, hands learning each other through the thick layers of their clothes. There was also one rather memorable Christmas when they'd had a little too much to drink considering how alone they were and his hands had travelled up and over stocking clad legs until he'd brought her close enough that she'd wanted to scream when he left her pulsing and wet without even a shadow of relief. Then, of course, he'd thrown caution to the wind and her skirts over his head, leaning in to press his mouth to her core. What followed was short but oh so very sweet, her entire body still shivered at the thought.

Naturally, as soon as she'd regained the use of her limbs, she'd tossed him to the side, pressed a quick kiss to his wet lips and slid down the length of his body until she was able to fumble with the catches. He'd protested weakly until she had her lips wrapped around him and then his comments of inappropriateness were replaced by lusty moans and whimpers of her name. She hadn't had a clue what she was doing, all her knowledge coming from the single illicit book she'd been able to procure but soon enough he'd come with a yelp, hands tangled in her hair. After that they'd said nothing, he'd simply hauled her up into his arms and they'd fallen asleep like that. The next morning she'd awoken to his talented fingers between her legs but, after they came together in a blistering fashion, they'd said very little, Helen sneaking from his rooms to walk the short distance home.

They'd never spoken of the incident after that, everything continuing as per normal much to her disappointment. She'd wanted him come to her, ask her father for her hand, whisk her away to a secluded corner so they could have another go, anything but pretend that nothing had changed. Then John had waltzed in, declaring his intent to woo her and, just to spite Nikola for his inaction, she'd readily complied. Soon she'd realised why Nikola had not pursued her, they were not in love. They loved each other yes, much as she loved James and Nigel but it was simply a childish passion and nothing more. Of course, all these years later Helen could have laughed at her foolishness. She had loved John because he was perfect, a consummate gentleman, courteous in every way and more than willing to treat her as a precious jewel. He was everything she'd been told she needed to be happy where Nikola was not. He cared for her deeply but his emotions were visible, coursing just beneath the surface where John kept himself restrained. Nikola baited her, arguing and fighting with her while John preferred not to discuss controversial matters. Nikola aroused her passions and anger in equal measure, taking her bodily in a way that excited her where John seduced her with quick words and fleeting kisses as a proper man ought to. Nikola did not ask to kiss her, he did not ask if he could hold her by the waist, he simply did so without even thinking as to her consent.

But, of course, that was then and this was now. They were both far more mature than they had been back then and she'd not let herself get swept away in the memory of what could have been. He was an evil, egotistical, maniacal vampire set on destroying all that humans had created with little care for her past the requirements of their longstanding friendship.

Growling, she shifted, propping herself up so that she could fiddle with her ankle, searching for the blade he knew was there. The cold metal brushed against her fingertips just as the door opened quickly, the new comer flicking on the lights and temporarily blinding her.

"Don't tell me you were trying to escape," an all too familiar voice drawled, a hint of amusement colouring his tone.

"It's about bloody time," she growled, glaring up at his smug smirk.

"Before you thank me-."

"Thank you?" she asked, incredulously, fighting the bonds in the hope that she might be able to head butt him or something equally as hands free.

"You're welcome. I just saved your life, all of your lives actually but to be honest I don't really care about your little team," he continued with a grin before sinking to his knees.

"You didn't really believe all that melodrama back there?" he asked, leaning in close to her and Helen fought the urge to bare her teeth. "Had to keep the peanut gallery amused," he continued in a whisper, one hand coming to rest on her thigh. She jerked at the contact and he chuckled, easing himself to sit before her, legs splayed as he shuffled closer to her.

"Untie me," she barked. "Before I come up with any other ways to kill you."

"Not quite yet," he said with an amiable smile.

"Nikola," she muttered, drawing out his name as she took a deep breath to as to avoid exploding in rage.

"Did you bring it?" he asked suddenly, a hand on each of her thighs.

She said nothing, just glaring sullenly. If he wasn't going to play nice then why the hell should she?

"The '45 Bordeaux," he prompted. "Tell me you brought it?" His tone was edging on desperate and she rolled her eyes.

"You were taking an awful chance," she replied, her tone softening despite her best efforts. Did he really think she'd not figure it out?

"Yes but Helen," he continued with a wide grin, leaning in closer, "we've known each other for a hundred plus years, I'd like to think you know me by now."

"Why am I tied up Nikola?"

"Because otherwise you'd try and get away," he said reasonably, his voice smooth and silky as he raised hand, tracing her cheek with the back of one finger. "Plus it's a very good look for you."

At that he lowered his finger, tracing a soft line down her neck to the side of her breast.

"Get off me," she growled, fighting the shiver of arousal that shot through her.

"I've had so many dreams about this," he continued, eyes glued to the fingertips now caressing the underside of her breast as his other hand inched higher and higher up her thigh until his hand cupped her hip gently.


"I've always wanted to have you at my mercy, strung up completely naked so I could bring you close enough to orgasm that you'd scream at me for pulling away."

Her breathing hitched as the hand on her hip began to trace the waist band of her pants before slowly, slowly slipping down between her legs, his light touch barely noticeable through the thick fabric of her pants but noticeable enough to make her shiver

"Or maybe even tied to that headboard of yours so I could watch you thrash as I fucked you senseless. Make you beg to touch me."

His hand was now cupping her breast fully, massaging it gently while the other hand moved up and around to cup her arse.

"There's something about dominating the so very intimidating Dr. Magnus that's always got me going," he said softly, rising up on his knees and shuffling forward so that he was just about straddling her legs. He ducked his head to her collarbone, tracing a line to her pulse point with just the tip of his tongue and Helen bit her lip to stifle a moan as she tilted her head to the side.

"Did you ever have any fantasies about me?" he asked, nibbling on her ear lobe as the hand on her arse came up to tangle in her curls. He pressed a hot, open mouthed kiss to the spot just below her ear and she moaned, unable to stop herself.


"Answer me Helen," he all but cooed, making her shiver. "Tell me of your fantasies."

"The... the sitting room," she panted, arching her back ever so slightly. "The desk by the... the fire."

She didn't know what she was saying or why she was saying it but having him this close to her, the scent of him invading her entire being was enough to melt her brain.

"Really?" he asked softly, shifting closer to suck on her neck for a second. "But that room didn't have a lockable door."

She moaned and nodded, heat building within her. She'd always wanted him to claim her publicly, openly stake his hold on her and what better way than to utilize her father's favourite room. Let him ruin her in the eyes of society so that she could take no other.

"Is that all?" he asked softly, tracing the hem of her shirt.

"Sneak... sneak into your room," she murmured. "Early in the morning and... and... and..."

"Wake me from fitful slumber with those wicked lips of yours?" he finished for her, nipping at her jaw.

She let out something between a whimper and a moan, her head falling backwards.

"Ni-Nikola we caa-an't," she mumbled, brow furrowing. Her heart ached just thinking of those words but it was true, they had to stay reasonable. There were baby vampires out there, hell bent on destroying the world as they knew it. This was not the time to be having this discussion. Not that they should ever be having this discussion, she realised belatedly. He was Nikola, evil, manipulative Nikola who would just as soon kill her as seduce her. But oh, his lips on her skin were just divine. He was evil and manipulative and irresistible and amazing. Her entire being was screaming at her, telling her to lunge for him, take his lips in a passionate kiss to show him just how she felt.

"No," he corrected, shifting closer. "We can but we shouldn't."

He pressed another kiss to her throat, this time scraping too sharp teeth across her flesh.

"And I want to," he growled, voice reverberating with vampiric undertones and that was it for Helen, she could take no more. With a desperate mewl, she arched into him, pressing as much of her body against his as possible given her constraints.

He reacted in kind, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. In an instant his lips abandoned her collarbone, seeking out her mouth. Their lips met in a furious kiss that only served to fuel the fire within her, tongues duelling fiercely as his hands held in her in place with such intensity she couldn't have pulled back even if she wanted to.

"Helen," he breathed against her lips when oxygen finally became a necessity. Panting heavily, Helen let herself fall forward into his embrace, her body aching for his touch which, it seemed he was willing to give. Slowly he trailed his hands down her back and arms, fingertips barely touching her before grasping her arse firmly. She gasped at the action but as he tugged her closer it turned into a moan of pleasure and she began to grind herself against the bulge she'd found. He moaned into her ear, holding her tighter and tighter until Helen started to fight her restraints.

He pulled back at that, looking down at her with lust darkened eyes in confusion before smiling broadly and raising one hand. Slowly he let his talons grow before reaching behind her. The rope on her ankles gave way quickly, allowing her to rise up on her knees and nudge at him with her chest until he fell backwards, strong arms bring her with him. Straddling his hips she grinned, tossing her hair over her shoulder before leaning down to take his lips in another bruising kiss. He moaned under her ministrations, hands grabbing her hips as she squirmed atop him.

"Touch me," she whispered against his jaw, closing her eyes at the words she hadn't meant to let slip out. All she wanted in that moment was for him to touch her, to make her body burst into the flames it was so close to achieving and while his hands shaping her hips were pleasant, they both knew what she wanted. He chuckled throatily at her but, before she could even think to be offended, he slipped a hand between them, pushing aside the fabric of her jacket to grasp her breast. Helen moaned as his fingers dipped under her top, body shaking as he delved under the lace of her bra too, seeking out her nipple. He rolled the little nub between his fingers, making her cry out inarticulately.

All she wanted to do now was touch him, to feel those wiry muscles as she ran her hands through his spiky hair but she couldn't, her restraints keeping her from doing more than wriggling on top of him. Part of her wanted to voice her desire, to tell him to allow her the chance to pleasure him but her pride wouldn't let her. They shouldn't be doing this, she knew it was a terrible idea and a rather large part of her was still screaming at her to get away from him before this got any worse. But she couldn't. He was warm and soft but hard too and he smelt of Nikola, of the man she'd loved, of the man she missed and now he was here with her, claiming her, touching her, bringing her pleasure and she wouldn't give any of that up.

So as he rolled them over, one hand supporting her so she wouldn't hurt her hands, she didn't complain because at least the restraints kept her from leaving him.

"You're beautiful," he moaned between kisses to her jaw. "Absolutely gorgeous Helen."

She arched her back, letting her eyes slip closed.

"Just as wonderful as I remember," he continued, rubbing his cheek against her neck. His hands moved then, pulling her upright as he shuffled back to sit against the wall, legs outstretched. She went willingly, straddling him before taking his lips in another kiss. He nipped at her bottom lip, growling as she began to rotate her hips restlessly against his. One of his hands delved into her jacket, pulling out the failsafe an pushing it aside carelessly and she revelled in his need of her.

"Love you," he whispered, voice thick with emotion as he went for her breasts, kissing all the exposed flesh he could find. With nimble fingers he unbuttoned her top, pushing it aside as his hands cupped her breasts tenderly. She let loose a breathy moan at that, eyes flitting shut as she worked her hips harder against his. Pulling aside the lace cup of her bra, Nikola took her nipple into his mouth, sucking on it harshly enough to make Helen moan a little louder than she would have liked but, as his other hand moved between them, pulling at her belt she didn't care.

In a matter of seconds her belt was undone, pants unzipped and his fingers making their way to where she wanted them most. The angle was awkward and she had no doubts uncomfortable too but as one long finger first delved into her warmth, she couldn't give a damn.

"So wet," he murmured against her breast, rubbing tight little circles around her clit. "I want to taste you again," he whimpered and she moaned, grinding herself into his hand while he resumed his attentions to her breast.

Slowly he began to lower her backwards, helping her get comfortable on the ground before pulling back and removing his hand.

Lovingly he stroked her cheek while sucking on his fingers, eyes closed in ecstasy.

"Niko," she growled, arching her hips and his eyes snapped open. He paused for only a second before grabbing her pants, dragging them down her legs hastily while removing her boots before ripping the sodden lace of her panties clean away. Throwing the clothes to the side, he then grabbed her once more, lowering his head to her wet heat. At the first touch of his tongue she was lost, her entire body shrouded in pleasure. He worked quickly, seeming to know all the places that made her moan instinctively and soon she as teetering on the precipice. His tongue stroked her clit softly, making her shake and, as two long fingers quickly slipped inside her, it was all she could do to keep her cries bottled up. With his free hand, he reached up, fingers tweaking her already reddened nipple as he began to suck on her clit.

His fingers began to pump within her, brushing against that spot in time with his treatment of her breast and soon enough she was coming, her entire body bursting into intense spasm as he continued to draw out her response with skilled fingers. The small part of her mind that was still capable of rational thought was busily comparing this encounter with their heated Christmas tryst all those years ago and, while the blistering pleasure was the same, Nikola's technique had improved so vastly she hated to think how he had acquired such knowledge.

He growled fiercely from between her legs, finally pulling away to look up at her as he arched his back, transformation taking hold.

"Helen, I..." he whimpered, dragging his fingers up to massage her clit, extending the little aftershocks that were running through her body.

Helen groaned, squirming under his caress, the pleasure bordering on pain and he growled once more, leaning forwards to press his face into the softness of her upper thigh.

"I'm so sorry," he ground out before tracing his sharpened teeth across her skin. "But I have to... I... You are..."

"Bite me," she whispered finally, her voice hoarse and he groaned.

"I can't..."

"Do it," she urged, something in her body pleading with him to complete what he had started.

"You smell so delicious," he whimpered, pressing his cheek to her thigh as he looked up at her.

"Please, I need you to," she continued, shifting her leg to wrap around his upper body, securing him lest he try and abandon her.

"You don't understand," he moaned. "I can't Helen, I can't feed from you! It would be... it's just..."

"Do it!" she growled, arching her hips against the fingers still massaging her tenderly. "I need you to drink from me."


"Please Niko, love..."

At the last word he paused, eyes widening as he looked up to her with nothing but hope in his gaze. For a beat, there was no noise except her panting but then, with only a gleam in his eye to warn her, he lowered his head to the inside curve of her upper thigh and sank his teeth in. The pain was minimal in comparison to the pleasure the action bought her, the pull of orgasm too much for her to resist and, suddenly, she was coming again harder than she had ever thought imaginable. It was like every nerve in her entire body was being caressed, her mind almost unable to process the sensations.

She was so lost in the feeling, the pure ecstasy that was this new experience that only when she felt his body land next to hers with a deep, rumbling groan did she realise he'd actually stopped feeding from her. He pulled her into him, rolling until she could rest on his chest before one talon sliced through the final restraints. Slowly so as to avoid jarring her shoulders, Helen brought her arms forward, winding them around his neck in an attempt to pull him closer.

"I love you," he whispered into her hair, arms holding her loosely. Helen merely sighed in contentment and snuggled closer to him. Everything about it just seem so right, so utterly perfect that she couldn't bring herself to roll away and defeat the vampires lurking outside. Her mind was quiet, no complaints that she shouldn't be here, no protestations that she'd made a mistake, no gnawing feeling that the world was about to end. Just peace.

After what felt like hours but she supposed was actually minutes, he gingerly sat her up, hands supporting her until her bare backside hit the cold floor. Funnily enough, the fact that she wasn't wearing her pants had escaped her in the last few minutes. Quickly, Nikola gathered up her clothes, easing the pants up and over her still shaking legs before putting on her shoes as if she were a child.

Neither of them said anything as he dressed her but, every few seconds he pressed a soft, fleeting kiss to her body, pulling her into his arms as he finished. She went willingly, closing her eyes as he pressed soft kisses all over her face.

"What about you?" she asked eventually, her voice shaking slightly. He raised his eyebrows in question but she merely dropped her hand to his lap, caressing the slightly bulge she could still make out in the dim light.

"Not now," he replied, taking her hand. "I'll need to take my medication before that lest I lose control again. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop myself from taking too much next time."

She contemplated telling him how glorious the sensation of his feeding was but pushed it aside for a more appropriate time. They could experiment with that later.

"Plus I've got to go teach those children a lesson."

She chuckled but, as he started to move, clutched him closer, unwilling to let him go. He chuckled in response before taking her lips in his and standing up, placing her on a pile of boxes before relinquishing her lips.

"Stay here," he murmured, pressing his lips to her cheek. "Stay safe for me and I'll come get you when this is all over. Then we can deal with this." On the last word he took her hand and pressed it to his crotch and she could resist giving him a gentle squeeze through his pants. He grinned at her before pulling away, straightening himself out until she could barely tell what they'd been up.

With one final grin, he grabbed the discarded glass tube and headed for the door, only pausing to give her a smile.

"Love you," he said happily one last time before walking out, shutting the door firmly behind him.