The first chapter of my smutty anagram series. Three different words, three different stories but all dealing with sexy themes one way or another. Each of my characters have story lines that fit their personality and life. My muse ordered me to write these so they just kind of happened. Enjoy!

Sherlock Holmes

Rock, Shells, Home

"John! Oh, God! Stop!"

Sherlock's words carried none distress whatsoever and he certainly didn't want John to stop. They had gone to a deserted shore outside of Brighton so Sherlock could catalogue the different kinds of shells that would lie on the shores in that particular area. John had followed despite there was little to do for him this grey autumn day. After five hours the doctor had apparently grown tired of waiting for Sherlock and that was when he pounced on a very surprised detective.

"No. I think you need to know that there are many other activities you can do when by the sea with your lover," John grunted and thrusted deep and Sherlock moaned and was deeply thankful his coat lay between his back and the hard rock he was being fucked on.

"And sex is one, I understand now. What are the others?" Sherlock panted and tightened his legs around John's waist.

"I'll give you a lecture when we're home."

Shocks, Hello, Rem

It was creepy. Or, as John would say if he was aware of it, a bit not good. But Sherlock couldn't imagine anything more fascinating at the moment than studying John as he slept after a strenuous session of lovemaking.

The doctor's chest moved in a reassuring manner and his head had rolled to the side where Sherlock lay propped up on his elbow. Occasionally, John's eyes moved beneath the lids and Sherlock recognized the sign with glee. John had reached REM sleep after only fifteen minutes sleeping and that meant he had been exhausted after Sherlock had positioned his legs on his shoulders and moved in him with slow but intense movements until they climaxed.

But now Sherlock was jittery and couldn't resist the temptation. Soundless, he reached under the duvet and found John's cock. At first, the blind eyes darted here and there and the breaths grew labored as the length hardened from Sherlock's touch. When Sherlock felt John stir, he tightened his grip and then, as John woke up with a hoarse cry and came all over Sherlock's hand, Sherlock would bet this was the best of shocks the doctor had ever received.

"Sherlock! What the…?"

"Hello, John."

Choker, Helm, Loss

Sherlock rolled his eyes. Now was really not a good time for either of them to be turned on by danger. He pushed John into the wall in the narrow, dark alley and flattened himself as much as possible against the writhing doctor.

"Don't make a sound. According to my data, the biker will pass in the next minutes and I'll only get two seconds to see the brand of the helm before he's gone. Can you be quiet?" Sherlock mumbled. John's back was warm against his torso and the man trembled from excitement.

"Yes," John whispered but moaned when Sherlock fondled his covered length.

"Oh, for the love of…" Sherlock hissed and shoved his gloved hand into John's mouth to silence him. Heat and vibrations came from John's cavern and Sherlock exhaled heavily beside his ear.

"You like this? Experiencing the loss of control?" he breathed and John pressed his bum into Sherlock. "Or maybe it's my voice. Do you like it when I whisper into your ear?"

Sherlock used his free hand to lower John's jeans and expose the fantastic arse. Another strangled whine came from the man. Sherlock's wet glove transformed into a choker and John willingly sucked the black leather until Sherlock too was beyond control. He would miss the biker but he would have other opportunities. Right now he was going to shag John into a wall as if his life depended on it.

What do you think? Please review and then I'll publish Mycroft's chapter quickly, he he!