A/N: I would like to thank ShellGrad and Koah for their reviews… they are the only reasons why I pursued to finish writing this. I have also come up with an official plot line!

When the CBI got the phone call saying that someone close to Hugo Mortensen had been found dead, the team braced themselves for the worst. Mortensen was a big success story, with it's beginning in Sacramento. A billionaire who was a college dropout, people lover, and charitable giver… and one enormous ego. There was no way this case was going to just be slice and dice.

Teresa Lisbon made her way up the marble staircase of Mortensen's mansion. At the top of the stairs she was greeted by Grace Van Pelt, who already seemed frustrated with the information she had just gathered.

"What do ya got?" Lisbon asked.

"It be better to ask what I don't have. Mortensen is going crazy boss. He won't quit talking, he's contaminated everything in the crime scene… he's already named Jane incompetent…"

"Oh crap." Lisbon responded "Jane's here?"

"Yeah, and Mortensen had a stare down, and this time we didn't stop him. Mortensen firmly believes that he's in control of this whole situation."

Lisbon just shook her head and made her way past Van Pelt. She saw Mortensen immdediately, he was talking on a cell phone, standing in front of the body that was covered by a sheet, clearly taken from the bed. Lisbon felt pissed already,

"Mr. Mortensen I'm going to need you to hang up the phone and leave the room." He didn't even acknowledge her prescense.

"He's being quite the ass, isn't he?" Jane said from a corner of the room, handcuffed and being watched by an officer. Lisbon had it, she was about to let this posse ruin her morning. She went for Mortensen's cell phone and before he had time to react she cuffed him and handed him off to Van Pelt,

"Book him for obstruction, and evidence tampering." She reached for her badge and went over to the officer who was watching Jane, "Let him go. He's a CBI consultant, I don't care what the hell Mortensen told you." The officer didn't argue, he undid Jane's cuffs and Jane walked over to the body.

"If I had known you had that much control over sadistic people in powerful positions I would have had you help me out a long, long time ago."

"Hush." she replied holding a hand up to him. He grinned as Kimball Cho made his way over and read from a hand note pad,

"Victim is Victoria Mortensen, Hugo's wife. The only reason why we're here is because Hugo is friends with the DA."

"The only reason?" Cho pointed to something over by the body, Lisbon made her way over and saw at least 4 bags of pill bottles and pills. "Drug overdose?" she asked.

"Unless it was just made to look that way." Jane said.

"Hugo refuses to believe it was an overdose." Cho piped in.

"And here we are." said Lisbon.