Invader Zim is not mine!

Every one said that my brother was crazy for believing in aliens. Every one said that he would never have friends, much less a girlfriend, that he will never get married.

Everyone laughed and pointed at him, and I just stood by and watched as Dib's self-esteem was flushed down the toilet.

But I was there for him when he needed me, I was there for him when he got night mares in the middle of the night and dad wasn't home. I was there for him when he needed advice on how to catch a mythical creature. I was there for him when people doubted him.

But I believed him… I believed in every word he said. He was my brother, he was there for me when I needed him, and I will be there for him… always.

I stood by and watched as slowly, one by one, all of his dreams come true.

He caught a vampire, and everyone knew about it, they all started to praise him with every so called 'mythical' creature he caught.

When he turned 21, he was the wealthiest man on earth, known for his incredibly good looks (even though he did have a big head) and his passion for the paranormal.

Yet when I turned 19, all I was known for was being Gaz, Dib's scary little sister, and the daughter of the famous Professor Membrane.

At age 21, Dib had found and captured, and to some extent killed all of the paranormal things that were out there… all except for one… Aliens.

I sighed as I looked in the mirror. I never changed, my growth was stunted when I got to be 5'3, my purple hair grew past my shoulders, but kept its edgy shape, and my eyes… they were the dullest shade of brown you could imagine.

I never had any friends, they were all terrible frightened of me. My only friends were my GS2 and my Security system.

I was alone in this huge house. Dib had moved out, leaving me behind. Even though I was there for him… he seemed to forget about me, he didn't really care.

He moved out so that he could travel the world in order to find these aliens, or if he could find a creature that was not seen or thought of yet… at least that's what he said… but deep down, I think he was just tired of me holding him back.

I stood up and strolled out of my room, a blanket wrapped around my arms, walking along hallway after hallway of this huge house… alone, with no one to share it with.

I walked out the back door, needing some fresh air. I set the blanket down on the grassy area and laid down on it, looking up at the beauty that was space; just wondering what it would be like to ride among all those beautiful stars.

I sighed, this was my daily routine, waking up in the morning, serving myself breakfast, go for a jog in the back yard, write dark and sinister poems, eating lunch, going out for yet another jog, calling dad and leaving a message asking when he'd come back, calling Dib and leaving a message asking how he was doing, sighing and thinking how useless I was, and then going out to the back yard to look at the stars.

But tonight was different. I saw a shooting star. I closed my eyes. "I wish… I wish that someone would actually love me for once in my life." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

I opened them to see that the falling star was plummeting towards earth landing in my back yard with a loud thud.

My eyes widened when I saw smoke starting to rise from a particular spot amongst the trees in my back yard.

I stood up and ran in the direction of the smoke, every once in a while tripping over some lose roots that were sticking out of the ground.

I stopped my eyes widened. I couldn't believe them… I thought Dib was the one that was supposed to find these types of things, not me.

What I saw in front of me was a space ship, and it looked totaled.

I slowly walked to it, touching it, and wincing when the heated metal seared my hand.

I saw that it had some sort of wind shield on it. I peered in it and saw an alien, he looked horrible, badly injured, yet, maybe that was how he was supposed to look… I really had no idea what I was going to do with this alien.

(A/N: Hi! Okay, I need you guys to review, to see if I should continue with this story right now, because I'm working with three other ones right now! I'll still finish it, yes, but I still need your opinion! :) So review!)