The group took their seats in the student lounge again. "So, everyone feel better now?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah. Guess we got a little carried away." Erin said.

"A little?" Aphrodite asked.

"Hey, where'd Venus go?" Stark asked.

"She got bored with talking about the books and went to her room." Aphrodite told him. "She was never into reading much, anyway."

"Okay, so what did you think of her plan at the dance?" Stevie Rae asked. "Personally, I felt like it was not one of her best."

"Yeah, I agree with you."

"I felt so bad for Matt." Shaunee admitted. "I mean, he helps her even though it hurts."

"He still cares about her." Stark pointed out. "Besides, I know that if it were Z, I'd do the same." Zoey blushed hearing that.

"Yeah, but she kinda overreacted when she found out he was with Caroline." Kramisha pointed out.

"She did not overreact!" Zoey defended. "Any girl would have the same reaction if they saw the guy they're attracted to with another girl."

"Still, I think Matt probably should've warned her." Rephaim said.

"Well, do you think she would've listened?" Shaunee asked. "I mean, no offense, but maybe he did try to warn her, but she wasn't really paying much attention."

"Yeah, but after that she treats her friends like crap and starts hanging with the wrong type of crowd." Aphrodite pointed out. "I take back what I said earlier."

"You were never in the wrong crowd, Aphrodite." Zoey said. "They ditched you after you messed up. That's different."

"Yeah, because I messed up in front of the entire school."

"I still can't believe she left with Tyler." Stevie Rae said. "I mean, that guy is just a jerk."

"Trust me, we've all been there before, Stevie Rae." Zoey said.

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Rephaim said. "There are times where my father…" Everyone stared at him. "Never mind. It's too long a story anyway."

"Still, I knew she was upset, but that was the worst decision she's made." Aphrodite said. "Even I know to avoid the local jerk."

"Even if it happens to be Erik Night?" Shaunee asked.

"I got over him quickly enough." Aphrodite said.

"We should've known he was no good for our group." Erin told them.

"Well, it's over now." Zoey said. "Anyway, was anyone else cheering when Stefan saved her from Tyler in the cemetery?"

"I can't believe that I forgot about that." Jack said.

"I think we all were." Damien said. "I know I was."

"Same here." Stevie Rae told him.

"Yeah, I guess I was on his side, too." Rephaim admitted. "I can sort of relate to him in a lot of ways."

"I think that's the point of him." Kramisha said. "No matter what, he's a character you can relate to, regardless of gender. After all, we all got our dark pasts."

"Yeah, even us blue fledglings." Shaunee added.

"Don't forget me." Aphrodite said. "Honestly, if Z hadn't stepped in that night, who knows how many students would've been killed?"


"I was glad that he finally decided to open up to her, even if it was just for a moment." Stevie Rae said.

"The first time I read about it, I was like, it's about time she found out why he was avoiding her." Aphrodite said.

"Yeah, I know. At the same time, I felt she had to get all that anger out." Erin said.

"Well, he'd been avoiding her for a month. What'd you expect?" Shaunee added.

"I thought it was nice of him to take her home." Zoey said.

"Yeah, that was romantic." Damien agreed.

"Well, it was up until her Aunt and friends told her about Vicki's attack." Aphrodite said.

"You just had to bring that up." Stark said.

"Well, it happened."

"She's got a point, Stark." Zoey admitted. "Though I thought it was nice that he kept by her side during that scene."

"Not to mention her friends found her by accident." Rephaim said. "They went after Elena, but ended up finding Vicki instead."

"At least she knows she can trust them, even when things get rough." Zoey said.

"You okay, babe?" Stark asked.

"Sometimes I think about the stuff we've been through and sometimes we find it hard to trust each other." Zoey pointed out. "We're a team, but we're nothing like them. We're kinda unstable in comparison."

"Believe me, I've made the mistake of befriending the wrong people before." Aphrodite said. "Even if this is a nerd herd, at least you guys are always honest about what you say."

"Did Aphrodite just give a compliment?" Shaunee asked, surprised.

"What is the world coming to?" Erin asked. The others laughed.

"But we've proven that we are strong enough to let our stupid arguments and judgments pass by." Damien pointed out.

"Not to mention we got our Goddess looking out for us." Kramisha added. "When things get really bad, you know?"

"I know you're in a tough position." Stark said. "But we all trust you, Z. No matter what happens. That's one mistake I'm never making again."

"I know that." Zoey said. "I'm just worried someone else will get hurt and it'll be my fault." Stark put his arms around her.

"Wow, you have more in common with them than you thought." Kramisha said.

"So, anyone want to get back to actually discussing the book?" Aphrodite asked. The others agreed with her.