Goheno Nin

(Forgive Me)

By: Erestor83

new fic...don't hate me...

pairings: Erestor/Lindir, Glorfindel/Melpomaen

OC: Ladrien..

summary: Erestor betrays Lindir's trust by revealing something about him? Will Lindir forgive Erestor?


Lindir ran through the halls of the Last Homely House. He had overheard Lord Erestor telling Lord Elrond about how it came to be that Lindir had first arrived in Imladris.


The war was over. Blood stained the land as far as the eye could see. Lindir looked for his brother who had fought in the war, but could not find him nor his Ada. The only one he could see in plain view was the only elf he had ever hated. Ladrien had harmed him in the past, but Lindir had not spoken of it. He did not want trouble. As Ladrien came closer to him, it was evident that he blamed Lindir for those he had lost.

" Lindir, are there any to take care of you?"

Lindir shook his head, then felt a fist hit him in the face. It only happened once because when Ladrien tried again, he was stopped. Lindir watched the elf grab Ladrien and toss him aside. He smiled at his rescuer, knowing Ladrien would be able to hurt him no longer.


Lindir slammed the door to his chambers behind him. How could it be that his rescuer would tell the Lord of Imladris things that Lindir had told him in confidence? Lindir sank to the floor. He would get Erestor back for this.
