Assassin's Creed: Timeline

Location: Florence, Italy.

Year: 1497AD





Leonardo da Vinci snored softly as he lay across his work table, his head resting on an unfinished model for his latest invention. He had fallen asleep earlier that morning after a long night of working. A knock on the door to his workshop elicited a small murmur from him, and he shifted slightly in his seat. After a few moments, the knock was repeated, louder this time. Leonardo's eyes blinked open, and he slowly sat up, stretching.

"Leonardo!" came a voice from outside. "Are you in?"

Leonardo sat upright, blinking the sleep from his eyes. A smile formed on his face as he rose and started for the door. "Just a moment. I will be right there." Making his way through the mess in his workshop, he went to the door, pulling it open.

Ezio Auditore smiled back at him from the other side of the door, as he raised a hand in greeting. "Salute, Leonardo."

Leonardo beamed at him, as he pulled the assassin into a hug. "Ezio, my friend! How are you?"

"Bene, friend. And yourself?"

Leonardo released Ezio, shrugging casually. "Eh, I cannot complain. I have plenty of time to complete my inventions, but it can be quite boring at times. I have found myself with much more free time to pursue my painting." He shook his head. "Ah, but I forget myself. Come in, come in! What brings you here today?"

Ezio held up his left arm, displaying the hidden blade. "This," he said. "There is something wrong with it, but I do not know what. The blade seems to be stuck." He removed the bracer and held it out to Leonardo.

"Stuck? That should not be." Leonardo took the bracer, turning it over to examine the blade. "The design of this blade is immaculate. There should not be any way for it to jam." He frowned at it. "Hold on." He made his way back to his work table, clearing a space on the surface. He removed the blade from the bracer, and began examining it closely, muttering to himself.

While Leonardo busied himself with the blade, Ezio wandered the workshop, examining the new inventions that lay scattered about. A drawing on the table caught his eye, and he picked it up to look at it. They were plans for a powered flying machine. He noted with a raised eyebrow, that the figure testing the machine looked suspiciously like him. A sudden shout from Leonardo made him jump.

"Ah ha! I believe I have found the problem. It is most curious, though..."

"What is it?" Ezio asked as he made his way over to the inventor.

"Well, it would seem that the spring to unsheathe the blade has broken. The locking mechanism appears to be rather worn down, and there is rust coating a few of the inner gears." He glanced up at Ezio. "It seems to have gotten quite a bit of use."

Ezio gripped the back of Leonardo's chair. "Never mind that. Can you fix it?"

Leonardo sighed. "The rusted gears I can fix. But the spring and the lock, I cannot. I will have to get new pieces for them. The only problem to that would be that I would need to make them myself."

"How long will that take?"

Leonardo shook his head. "I do not know. A day, perhaps?"

"Merde. Is there any way to do it faster than that?"

"I am afraid not. The pieces must be crafted by hand. I will start on it right away. Come back this time tomorrow, and I will have it ready for you."

Ezio sighed. "Very well. Thank you, my friend, I-" He stopped as his eyes landed on the model Leonardo had been making. "Leonardo... What is that?"

"Hmm?" Leonardo look up at Ezio, then followed his gaze to the model. "Oh, that." He reached over and picked it up, turning it in his hands. "I am not sure. It is something I have been seeing in my dreams lately. Why do you ask?"

"Because, I too have seen this in my dreams. What could it mean?"

"It may be important if we have both dreamed of it. Perhaps it is connected to the Apple?" He frowned and looked down at the small, blue box in his hands. "What I would like to know, however, is what in the world a 'police box' might be."