Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the elements of it. They are the property of J.K. Rowling

The revolution of the Blacks

Chapter 1: The birth

Bellatrix Black 19 years old, second daughter of Cygnus and Druella black, was having the worst day in her life, she was looking at the blue potion in her hand and not really knowing what to do.

She was a very beautiful woman with her raven hair and brown eyes that were red at that time from crying, she was normally strong but now she was in a really calamitous situation. She was about to marry her fiancé Rodolphus Lestrange in less than two months and here she find herself almost three months pregnant with another man baby. She remembered that blasted evening in the pub.


Bellatrix has been initiated to the circle of death eaters with her betrothed and a group of pureblood acquaintances and just finished her first mission. They tortured then killed a group of muggles, it was the first time she kills and she was a little shaken so she decided to take a drink.

"Hello Bella, didn't think to see you here?" said a voice behind her.

"Why why if it isn't my blood traitor cousin" responded Bellatrix sarcastically.

"Better be a blood traitor than serve the monster you worship" snapped Sirius at her.

Bella wasn't in the mood to have an argument with her cousin again, ever since they were children they were always rivals being the same age but that rivalry transformed en hatred when they went to Hogwarts.

"I'm in no mood for an argument with you, i just wish to drink in peace then return home so go away" Bella said in a low voice.

Sirius who was bored decided to get on the nerves of his cousin, he took a chair across her and asked for a firewhiskey "Why dear cousin, don't you want some company"

"I prefer being alone rather than with a blood traitor"

They continued with their heated discussion while drinking bottles of firewhisky.

At the time they were both drunk, the discussion turned about what happened and Bellatrix confided in him that she was here to forget today's mission, it was her first killing afterall. Sirius tried to soothe his cousin he took his hand and caressed her cheek, Bella leaned into his touch. He then moved next to her and held her in his arms. After a few minutes she lifted her head from his chest and looked at him, brown eyes met blue-grey and Sirius leaned down and met her lips. They continued to kiss, their arms moving everywhere upon their bodies. After a while, they stopped breathing hard then Sirius took her arm and apparated them to his flat. They soon resumed kissing as they headed toward the bedroom, Sirius pushed Bella on the bed and moved on top of her as they made love.

The next morning Bellatrix woke up with an intense headache, she found herself completely naked spooned to a man chest. Soon a torrent of memories assaulted her mind, she groaned she has given her virginity to her blood traitor cousin. Even though it was wrong, she has always been attracted to him, it was mostly the reason she loathed him. She hated her inability to drive that attraction away and she knows he feels the same about her. She pondered a moment for her best option and finally reached a decision. She got up quietly to not wake him, put on her clothes then pointed her wand at him and whispered "obliviate".

End flashback.

It has been about three months since that night, she was conscious she can't keep the baby and abortion is illegal in the magical world so unless she confesses to someone and asks help she can't get rid of it. She decided to conceal her pregnancy and go on normally with life until she gives birth.

The months passed quickly between her marriage to Rodolphus and her duties to her master, the sole trouble has been to hide her pregnancy symptoms like mood swings, morning sickness, craving foods,... but she tried hard to maintain her state concealed.

It was the 31st of July, when Bellatrix's water broke; she rapidly cast a glamour charm to not be recognised then got to St. Mungos. After 8 hours of a painful labour she heard a crying voice. She was exhausted but managed to look at the healer who smiled at her and said "it's a beautiful boy".

The healer took the baby to clean then gave him to his mother. Bella looked at the small baby in her arms and couldn't help but think that he was very cute; yet she knows she won't keep him, her decision was already made. She looked at her son one last time as he watched her with those blue-grey orbs that resembled his father's. She bent down and kissed his forehead then apparated away.

In the same time, Lily Potter was giving birth to hers and her husband's son but complications occurred, the child was stillborn and Lily was rendered barren. James knew his wife could never live across that. He was in the maternity ward wanting to see his son one last time as Lily hasn't awake yet. He didn't wish to speak to his friends and tell them the depressing news. Then a conversation attracted his attention:

"She left him and escaped, we have nothing on neither of them, she probably didn't want him"

Another healer said: "Poor little thing, we will put him up for adoption"

Then they put the child in the crib and exited the room.

James started to swear loudly, there are people who longed to have children and others just give them up. Then an idea passed through his mind and he knew that would be the solution of his problems.

He exchanged the abandoned child with his baby, cast a permanent glamour on him then confounded the healers. James took his new child and went to wait for Lily to awake. He called his friends into the room where they celebrated the baby.

Lily soon woke up, looked at her husband and asked worriedly "James what happened?"

James looked uneasy then spoke painfully "There was complications and we can't have other children"

"What happened to my baby?" trembled Lily.

James smiled at her and called Sirius who approached with a bundle in his arms then gave the child to his mother.

Lily sighed in relief and took her baby to her chest, James watched her and knew he did the right thing.