Established relationship between Sherly and Jawn! :) This story can be seen as a sequel to "no shit, sherlock" but you don't necessarily need to read it to understand the story! (only if you want some backstory to how they got together in my mind xD) anyway... hope you like it! (rated T just to be safe)

The snow got thicker every minute. If they would have had time to stop and look around, they would have noticed that they were in beautiful, fairy-tale-like scenery. Every tree coated in white, big snow flakes circling all around them. Pretty high up on the mountain, you could spend days hiking around without encountering a single soul. Totally cut off from civilization. Some people would probably come here on purpose, to find the peace and true happiness of life.

To partake in this pure form of life, be one with nature! You could experience the real joy of life here because it's in every molecule around you. And just live! Lord Byron wrote: "There is a pleasure in the pathless woods". You could hear the blanket of snow which covered the ground crunch under your feet. That beautiful sound it makes when it's never been touched until you set your foot on it.

And here they are. Our favourite heroes. Holmes and Watson. They're together for about three months now. Their love being as new as the freshly fallen snow on the mountain top. Three months that had been a rollercoaster ride of emotions! Discovering their feelings for each other, experiencing their first kiss, having sex for the first time, going through the motions of being openly gay. Now, everything had settled in. And this was a whole new challenge. Living a normal, domestic life with each other while solving crimes all around London. An awful lot of running … and an awful lot of snogging.

They felt pretty comfortable around each other by now, but not yet so comfortable to lose every notion of shyness. There were still awkward moments, neither of them knowing how to react. Even though they had already lived together for over a year, being best friends with someone doesn't mean you know everything about him. It most importantly does not mean that you know how someone reacts to certain things when being in a relationship. Stuff that John didn't care about before was now utterly important. For a rational mind like Sherlock's, impossible to understand! Why would anything change just because I'm allowed to kiss you now?

You just can't grasp the subtle ways of human relationships with logic.

Being in a relationship doesn't protect you from getting into a fight over the empty milk bottle or body parts in the fridge. All these small things they still had to learn.

Of course, the passion…! Oh, the passion was as ablaze as always. Ignited with fire and basically - hormones, Sherlock was unstoppable. John had thought he had seen him exhilarated before, when his mind was itching him, his boredom straining his sanity. Shooting a gun inside the house was the least of his problems now.

But all of this didn't matter now because they were stuck.

"Push! Push goddamn it!"

"Sherlock, I'm trying as hard as I can! Why don't you give it a try?" John's forehead was glistening with sweat even though it was below freezing point up here. He was standing behind the car, panting from trying to push it out of the hole it was stuck in.

"Alright! Let me have a go!"

John and Sherlock exchanged places, John now hitting the accelerator and covering Sherlock in snow and mood while he was pressing his back against the back of the car.

"Stop! Stop! It doesn't work."

John shut off the engine and stood besides Sherlock, examining the mess they were stuck in.

"We're totally deadlocked. No moving forwards or backwards now."

"Yeah, it's because you've managed to make two ruts with all the driving back and forth!"

"Oh, shut up! It's hardly my fault! Who wanted to take your sister's car? It's a freakin Honda, John! It's not build to drive through roads like these! We should have taken Mycroft's Jeep!"

"How was I supposed to get the fuckin Jeep and keep track of the killer? We needed to follow him fast, I had my sister's car right in front of the house, so we took it! Should I have gone to Buckingham Palace first or wherever Mycroft seems to hide these days?"

"Oh, for God's sake! Give me your phone!" Sherlock held out his hand.


"Do I really have to spell everything out for you? Because our car is stuck in the middle of nowhere and I'm gonna get hypothermia if I stand in this cold any longer!"

"Then use your own phone!" John didn't really know why he was being so stubborn. But sometimes you just have to do everything to keep your dignity, even if it means risking pneumonia.

"Because I left it at home…" Sherlock mumbled, looking up and down the deserted road. If you could call it that, by now it was barely possible to make out what was road and what was forest.

"You left it at home? Jesus Christ!" John jerked his mobile out of his pocket, watching Sherlock pull up his coat collar. Two men, sulking in an oncoming blizzard. Great.

"Here. No wait. There's no signal."

Sherlock let his head fall back and shifted from one foot to the other, rubbing his arms.

"What now?"

"Well, we could try to walk back but it's much too far and it's getting dark already. We would probably end up lost and freeze to death."

"That's a great idea. Let's go!" Anything but standing in the cold at the side of the road with Sherlock Ice-man Holmes sounded better by now.

"I'm not doing that! I don't intend to lose any limbs tonight. I might need those in the future." Sherlock made a desperate effort to get on John's good side and winked. John raised one eyebrow and shook his head.

"Don't give me that look, Sherlock!" He started walking downhill.

"Wait! What if we stay in the car?" Sherlock followed him, his arms wrapped around his body to keep off the cold.

"We don't have enough petrol to keep the heater running. The battery will probably run out as well. As you pointed out earlier, this car is not made for cross-country adventures."

"But I can't walk back home!"

"Jesus, Sherlock. You are acting like a five-year-old! Maybe if you wouldn't wear this damn coat all the time, you would be warm now. I know it looks great on you and it makes you seem reeaally cool when you have your collar turned up, but it's not very practical! It's as thin as my sweater!"

Sherlock stopped abruptly.

"Now you're insulting my coat? Come on, John! That's just ridiculous! I remember very vividly that a certain someone once forced me to wear it in a very uncompromising situation. You know, without anything else underneath it!"

John stood there for a second, giggling to himself as he thought back to that evening. Then reality hit him again.

"It doesn't matter! You're cold now, so what do you propose we do?"

"Well, we can't walk back. I heard the weather forecast earlier, a blizzard is coming."

"A BLIZZARD? And when did you plan to tell me that?"

John was practically fuming.

"Hold on a second!"

John shifted from one foot to the other. He was trying to fight the urge to punch Sherlock. If he would make him stand in this cold any longer, something bad was going to happen.

"What now?"

"I just remembered something! I think we passed a cabin half a mile back. We could go there!"

John exhaled heavily. Finally! Maybe Sherlock's super-brain wasn't so worthless in this situation after all.

"Alright, let's go then. I can't feel my feet!"

Half an hour later, they were standing in front of the small cabin. A snow storm was already forming around them.

John jumped up the small porch and jiggled the door handle.

"Great, it's locked!"

He walked up and down the wooden porch while Sherlock examined the door. The whole cabin was made out of wood, looked quite small from the outside, probably only one room. But there was a chimney, so at least they could make a fire to warm up.

Sherlock threw himself against the door.

"No, it's not!"

John chuckled and shook his head. Sherlock smiled at him and shrugged his shoulders as if wanting to say I didn't do it!

"Come on, let's get inside."

The cabin wasn't quite as small as it looked after all. It contained two rooms, the larger one functioning as the living room, a bed jammed in one corner, the smaller one seemed to be the kitchen. But there was no stove or water connection, only two shelves with dusty plates.

"Looks like there hasn't been anyone here in awhile."

The wall overlooking the hillside was almost entirely made out of glass. A big glass door with a large window gave a beautiful look into the snowy woods.

An L-shaped sofa was positioned in front of the window so you could look out into the woods but also sit in front of the fireplace.

"I'll make a fire!"

John let out a laugh and took the piece of wood that Sherlock was holding. Fortunately, there was dry wood stacked next to the fireplace.

"I'm not gonna let you set this cabin on fire. Have you even made a fire before?"

Sherlock was obviously a bit hurt by his remark.


"You see! I've watched you experimenting in our kitchen for awhile now. Our car breaking down is enough adventure for one day. I was in the army, remember? I know how to make a fire!"

Sherlock sighed.

"Yeah, but… do you have matches?"

He waved a pack of matches in front of him. John smiled and motioned for him to throw them over.

"Go look if there's any food. I would hate to turn this into the Donner party."

A few minutes later, Sherlock returned with what he could find.

"Alright, we've got fifteen bags of beef jerky, five cans of baked beans and a bottle of Talisker whiskey!"

"No water?"

"No, but we can melt some snow for that."

John nodded approvingly.

"Talisker whiskey?" He took the bottle. "Wow, that's a 25-years-old one! Why would someone leave this bottle up here?"

"Well, I guess they don't suspect strangers breaking into their cabin because they chased a serial killer up here and they're car got stuck in the snow. And it's probably good to wash down that horrible beef jerky stuff."

John chuckled.

"Well, I guess we are really stuck here for awhile."

"Looks like it."

"Still no signal on your phone?"

"Nope. We'll probably have to wait till the blizzard's gone through."

Holmes and Watson. Stuck in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Henry David Thoreau said "I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front of the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach."

Well, maybe they weren't seeking for the true meaning of life but they sure had some time to kill!

All writers love reviews! It's like a drug to us :P and it usually makes us work harder! - just something to think about ;)