
Yaoi- Man on Man!

Don't like it don't read it then! (Sniffle)

This story will start with Miroku at age seven and Koga around 107.

Remember people, any other pairings with demons have a huge age gape, so don't start with that pedophilia bull. If you like Kagome and Inuyasha, guess what, he must be a pedo so back up out of here!

If you were to go down into the depths of Inuyasha's forest, you would arrive to see a young child, no more than seven. He had the biggest smile on his face, prancing about with two fox cubs, while their parents seems to watch on, sensing no danger from the small child. He twisted around them whilst the cubs danced on the two of their hind legs, playfully nipping at the boy's clothes.

His short ebony hair splayed over his small round face, full of dirt and grass from rolling about on the ground. His face was round and chubby, full of baby fat, giving him the appearance of a cherub. His face was clear, minus the flush spread across his cheeks due to the excitement, and energy put into his play time. He had a small button nose that suited him perfectly. His violet eyes flashed with joy, taking in the scenes around him. His outer robes, which were a bright, white, were now stained with the inks of nature.

Little Miroku didn't even know how he got here. He started at home while master Mushin was out, running some errands. One moment, he was doing his studies like a good boy, in his room. Then when he looked outside his window, there were the two little foxes standing at their regular position, staring at his window. Being the ever curious boy he was, he toed on his sandals, and he went to go see them. But not without grabbing some food, healing salves, gauze, a small bed roll, and other things he thought he might need, along with his stuffy Chihiro. Then he was on his way. By the time the two crafty foxes brought him here, it was dusk.

He sat down, taking a break from their play, and the two red foxes followed his example, and started cuddling with him. Hugging both of the he began to drift into the dream world. A fire fly took the chance of landing on the small boy's noise.

"Hi Papa! How are you and mother doing in heaven?" Curiosity filled his eyes, cuddling deeper into the twin foxes embrace.

He spent some time talking to the small fly on his nose, losing track of time as the sky became darker, getting closer to night. He told it of his time with master Mushin, and his studies. He babbled about the smallest of details most would over look, but he didn't want to leave anything out, fearing he'd leave his parents out of the loop. The longer the bug stayed on his nose, the itchier it got. Miroku had started sniffling, he began wiggling his nose to stop it but out came the sneeze, scaring the fly away.

"Sorry Mommy. Bye Bye! Come back to talk to me again soon, ok?" He said with a small smile.

He was so busy paying attention to his 'mom' that he didn't notice the sudden change in atmosphere. The two parents watching the while scene grabbed their cubs, and shoot out of the clearing. Miroku scrambled up and tried to run after them, but ended tripping over his robes and tumbling to the ground.

"Hey! Come back! Don't leave me alone!" he tried chasing them again but had lost sight of them and fell to the ground in a heap.

"I'm sorry! Please come back!" He sobbed on the ground, not bothering to wipe the dirt off his face.

He looked around and suddenly took notice that he had no idea where he was, or how far away he was form home. And now with the foxes gone, he was truly alone. The tears wouldn't stop, and poured down his face like a river. No matter how many times he wiped his face, his robes would just be soaked again with his sorrow.

He stood back up and began making his way back to the clearing, and gathered his items up then made a tiny camp. His human eyes could no longer see anything in the dark, and he was much too young to understand how to make a fire to stay warm and safe. Grabbing his bed roll, he wrapped it around himself trying to keep warm now that the temperature had dropped slightly. Clinging to Chihiro, he nibbled on some onigiri he brought along with him.

It was then he had heard a branch snap, and he darted around to the direction of the noise. He squinted his round eyes to try to make any shape out, but seen nothing.

"H-hello? Is somebody there?" He whimpered out, shaking in fear.

"Do you know what happens to little boys like you, when their alone in the woods?" Came a male voice, whose figure was hidden by the shadows casted by the trees. But his bright blue eyes shone brightly in the dark.