
Me: OKAY! This story is about a male Hinata and a female Naruto. This was an idea by Legionary Prime. Thank you… Check Prime out, by the way… Hinatas name is still Hinata, why? Because it's a unisex name. Naruto is named Mito… why? Because of Uzumaki Mito, the First Hokages wife (also a little idea from Prime.)

Naruto: Author doesn't own a damn shit. That's why she needs a new laptop.

Me: Shut up.

Naruto: I'm only stating the truth. I must never tell a lie.

Me: Ah, who are you? Abraham Lincoln?

Naruto: *Add – Face Palm…*

Me: ANYWAY, the P.O.V's will change for every chapter between Hinata and Naruto. We'll start with 'Mito'.

Summary: Mito is a shy dead-last with a really low self-esteem. Hinata is a boy with a crush on said dead-last. What will happen when Hinata and Mito are paired up on team 7, with Sasuke, who is always trying to steal away Hinatas crush. NaruHina Gender-Bender maleHinafemNaru –Femnaru –MaleHina.

''Mito-chan.'' – Talking.

'Hinata-kun.' – Thinking.

''Traitor.'' - Talking for Demons/Summoning/Inner Sakura/Jutsu.

'Mine.' – Thinking for Demons/Summoning/Inner Sakura.

Warnings: May or may not contain spoilers. THIS IS A PILOT!

Prologue – A Wanted Accident.

Mitos P.O.V

My name's Uzumaki Mito. I'm not just one of those average girls you meet. I'm a ninja-to-be. With a very low self-esteem, I hope I can make it. My dream is also not one of those average girls' dreams… I want to be Hokage. Just like my adoptive grandpa, Sarutobi Hiruzen, he's the Third Hokage. I look up to him as my hero. Every time I feel sad, he's there, every time the villagers make me cry, he's there. This village I'm living in is no ordinary village either. This village is not just my home; it's also the home of many other ninjas and citizen. It's considered one of the strongest villages of the five great elemental countries. The hidden Leaf village in the Fire country, or as many others would call it, Konohagakure no Sato.

Konoha earned their title as one of the strongest after the third great ninja war, where the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, took a whole army of Iwa shinobis down. That led us to victory and him as Hokage. Sadly the Fourth Hokage died November 10th, after a demon attacked our village. The day of my birthday, the nine-tailed demon fox, Kyuubi, attacked. The villagers don't know that I know about this, but… Kyuubi is sealed inside me. His real name is Kurama, and he's really kind. He only attacked in the first place because of this Uchiha Madara… I don't know him; I rarely pay attention in ninja history… Kurama told me that Madara was controlling him, and got extracted from his former host.

Back to me… I was nine years old the day I met the kindest boy in the history. It all started with an accident… then it turned out to be the most wanted accident, I could ever want. I'm going to tell you that story. Maybe I should first start with my shyness… I'm really shy; don't laugh if I say something that could confuse you… like really.

So it was a day in the academy, I don't remember what I was wearing so use your imagination. It was lunch, and of course I didn't have any friends. All the girls were fawning over one single boy, whilst all the boys didn't want to let me in on their conversation. It always made me feel sad, but I got used to it. Since I was seven no one really liked me, I wasn't really so much of a talker… actually I'm socially retarded.

I was sitting at this training ground; it was a really long lunch, since the next class was free because of a sick teacher that couldn't come to the academy to teach us that day. I think his name was Mizuki. I also have a retarded memory. Sorry.

So I was on this training ground, eating lunch. I usually came to this training ground to punch something when I was mad. And on the same training ground I always suspected someone of watching me… it was creepy, but I liked the feeling.

The day I met the kindest guy in the history was that day at lunch. I was eating my usual lunch, onigiri. I could only cook this and instant ramen… I'm cooking retarded. I was eating, when a flash of midnight blue hit me from the sky. I screamed when that happened, my loudest voice ever. I opened my eyes; I closed them when the flash hit me… I saw this guy, my age, my classmate. He looked directly into my eyes… he had the most beautiful lavender eyes… I could drool but I still have my pride.

''A-ano… are you okay?'' I asked, with concern in my voice, whilst looking at the guy on top of me. He quickly shook his head… for some reason unknown to me.

''I'm fine, I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?'' His voice was so… deep; I could feel a shiver going down my spine.

''I-I'm okay.'' I replied looking over to my crashed lunch. It took time making that lunch, ya' know.

''I'm sorry about that, here.'' He said giving me a bento, which I gratefully took. ''I'm Hyuga Hinata, and you?'' He looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his…

''I-I'm Uzumaki M-Mito.'' Hinata-kun looked at me again, and smiled softly. I could melt, I swear. He then looked down on my knee. I followed his gaze, and saw my knee was bleeding. I frowned at that, I didn't want him to worry.

''You're hurt.'' He just stated the obvious.

I thought of a way to change subject, it wasn't really that big of a deal… ''The sky is b-blue.'' I replied, smiling. I was now playing with my long red hair…

''Yes it is, now let me look at that knee.'' Hinata-kun demanded, whilst I mentally cursed. He took out some bandages, and wrapped my knee. I blushed at the touch. He looked up at me, worried once again… Hinata-kun took a hand out, and moved it to my forehead. I blushed madly. ''You don't have a fever. Glad you're okay. Hey aren't you in my class?'' He asked.

''Y-yes, I am.'' How couldn't I have noticed him before? Damn, I'm stupid… maybe that's why I'm dead-last… I smiled friendly making him smile with the same intension… I think. Oh god… what should I do now? I didn't do anything… he did.

He started a conversation, and we kept talking. It was fun… I felt really comfortable, but I still stammered. I remember he was wearing, a green loose dark green t-shirt some loose black pants going to right under his knees… Okay I don't remember everything, but still. I remember he was… um, now I'm really embarrassed…

He was a, um… good looking guy. I didn't understand what the other girls saw in the Uchiha. Hinata-kun was waaaaaaaay better looking. Ahem… I'm out of character for saying it like that… Anyway, lunch was over by the time we came into a subject about animals, apparently his favorite animal was a fox… cute, just like mine.

So it was after lunch, and we walked together in to our classroom. Our seats weren't official so we sat next to each other. Girls were fawning over the last Uchiha, boys were talking and laughing at random things… but Hinata-kun and I… we were smiling and talking about specific ninja tools, we were currently talking about Fuinjutsu – I told him about my clan and he wanted to know about it – when Iruka-sensei walked in.

''Okay class, today we're going to talk about bloodlines. In this class are currently two people with bloodlines, which came with their births, not family Jutsu but bloodlines. Hinata-kun and Sasuke-kun are born with Doujutsu. From Hinata-kuns side is the Byakugan, a very powerful Doujutsu that has a secret his clan treasure. The Hyuga clan is split up in two, the Hyuga Branch and Main house. Hinata-kun is from the Main household, and therefore is constantly protected by the Branch. The Byakugan can see through items, which means he can see our Chakra coils, which leads us to the Gentle fist…'' Iruka-sensei kept talking for… who knows how long, and I noticed a few times Hinata-kun sneaking a few glances at me… it was making me blush every time… and he… and he… SMIRKED, the nerve of this guy.

He kept moving closer to me, making me blush and look like a tomato… didn't help much, since I have red hair… He then stopped moving and pulled his head closer to my head… his face still at Iruka-sensei… as was mine. ''Want to meet me after class?'' he asked into my ear, I was blushing like crazy.

I gulped in nervousness and whispered back, ''O-okay.''

And as said… we met after class. ''Mito-chan?'' I blushed at the suffix…

''H-Hai?'' I silently cursed my stupid stuttering.

''Want to go get something to eat?'' He asked and yet again, making me blush… was this some kind of friend thing, or a date? ''You know… as friends.'' He reassured me almost like reading my mind, whilst I yet again silently cursed under my breath for his reassuring.

''I would l-love to H-Hinata-kun…'' I said and smiled.

The barbeque stand was the place we went to, for our little… friendships date. We got us a little table and talked as a waitress came to take our orders. ''I'll have some, Yakiniku. What about you, Mito-chan?'' Hinata-kun asked me.

''I-I'll have some pork.'' I replied as the waitress wrote it down.

''Anything to drink?'' The waitress asked.

''I-I'll have Chiran tea.'' Hinata-kun smiled at me, and once again because of my shyness… I blushed.

''The same here.'' There was a silence… and Hinata-kun just stared at me…

''You have really blue eyes.'' I blushed…

''Y-you have lav-lavender e-eyes.'' I managed to choke out, as he smiled at me…

AHA! I KNOW REMEMBER WHAT I WAS WEARING! I was wearing a loose black t-shirt with a swirl on my back and a pair of orange skirt… okay, yet again I couldn't remember it all… Damn it. ''Mito-chan, you look a bit pale.'' Hinata-kun was right about that, I had to be aware of my surroundings every day and I couldn't stop now. It made me a bit paranoid, and memories of other times…

''I-It's nothing, Hinata-kun.''

He looked like he was deep in thoughts; I wonder what he was thinking about. It was probably something fun… he looked like he was going to burst out laughing… then again; he looked at me and smiled gently. ''I'll pay for this, and walk you home.'' He offered.

''N-no, I can p-pay for myself thank you through Hinata-kun…'' I replied, but he just shook his head and brought out his wallet and paid…

Outside the barbeque stand, I think I was sulking… He didn't let me pay. ''W-why didn't y-you let me pay?'' I asked and looked up at him with my most innocent eyes I could make. I think he stared at me for a few moments before speaking up;

''I invited you, so I should pay. Come on I'll walk you home.'' He smiled once again gentle, which made me yet again… blush.

He was a lot taller than I was at that time, maybe a little over a head taller than me. So we walked home… he was always looking down on me, I hate my height… I wish I was taller, but no… Damn genes. I hate being small. We were talking and laughing, until I tripped over a little rock… some Ninja I am. ''Mito-chan.'' Hinata-kun said before catching me with his arms around my waist. I blushed again.

My back was at his front so I turned my head to face him. ''You're… a bit clumsy…'' I blushed in shame, but he was right. I was and still am really, really clumsy…

''I-I know, sorry.'' I muttered as I looked away again.

''It's okay, it's actually kind of… cute.'' I then blushed crazily.

He released me from his grip when I was back to my feet, when I noticed we were in front of my apartment. ''T-this is my apartment. Thanks Hinata-kun, I had fun.'' I said as I smiled.

He returned the favor and said the same… only in a different way; ''you're welcome, I had fun too. See tomorrow in the academy.'' He waved me goodbye and left.

I blushed when I stepped in to my apartment. He was like an angel, so kind, so positive, always smiling… it was like he was shining! But he's a Hyuga… there is no way a Hyuga would be interested in an Uzumaki. That would be like having an Uchiha smile, complementing you and – well this is more for Sasuke, but still – admitting his feelings towards a female… or showing any emotions for that matter. Hee, the Uchiha line is screwed…

So I was in my apartment and I was blushing at all my thoughts… Idrk who would want to imagine Sasuke having sex to reproduce the Uchiha clan? MENTAL IMAGE, MENTAL IMAGE, GROSS! I was leaning against my door, and slipped down so my knees were at the tip of my nose. I was thinking deeply… like really deeply… almost like a sewer.

'Kurama-kun?' I thought as I went deeper and deeper into the sewer. I turned left when I felt a powerful chakra and followed it. ''Kurama-kun?'' I yelled throughout the sewer, when I came to some big gates… and I mean HUGE.

''KIT! What are you doing here? What do you want little worthless brat?'' Kurama cursed under his breath… I could hear him through… ''Oh… right… you met that Hyuga boy? He's probably arrogant. But by your feelings… and those hearts flowing through my cage…'' Kurama sweat dropped at that, ''I guess you like this pretty boy.''

I sighed in defeat, Kurama was very observant… ''AND HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU KIT? DON'T CALL ME KURAMA. It's the name of a weakling. I'M THE GREAT, KYUUBI NO KITSUNE!'' I sweat dropped…

''U-um… A-ano K-Kura… I mean… Kyuubi-kun… I'm not really sure what to d-do… I'm not s-sure what do d-do… I've n-never been like this…'' I stuttered and mentally cursed my stutter. Of course it was heard in the sewer… it was my mind after all.

''Aw, Kit… I'm honored you asked me for help but… I'm the great… KYUUBI NO KITSUNE, the king of ice, all feared enemy, most powerful Bijuu, the top of the awesome scale, the Kami of evil, the cherry on your ice cream, the greater than Hades himself… of course you don't know who that is… that's for another time Kit.'' Once again, I sweat dropped…

''I-I'm… uh… I want to… go to the Hokage now… C-Could you at least just… smile?'' I smiled at him; I think I looked way too innocent. His eyes softened… I think… and he gave me a huge tooth smile. I closed my eyes, and was back to reality. 'To Hokage-jiji.'

In the Hokage tower, I knocked on the door to see if he was busy or something. He weren't… so I walked in and saw him sleeping in all that paperwork of his. I sighed. I'm glad I'm not Hokage… yet. ''H-Hokage-jiji…'' I said, though it came as a whisper. I walked over to him, and shook him lightly. He immediately woke up, alerted, I think.

''Oh… Mito-chan… what can I do for you, today?'' He asked me. Of course… I wanted to see him, but I didn't know why. I have a short memory, like that fish in 'Finding Nemo'. I think her name was Dorry... or something like that…

''I-I just wanted t-to see yo-you.'' I gave him a smile, as he smiled back at me. ''Well, come here Mito-chan. I have a gift for you.'' He said, as he took out a black box from his drawer. I walked behind the desk, there were he was sitting, and jumped up to sit on the desk.

''What I have here, is something that belonged to my wife. She was killed the night of the Kyuubi attack. I've been saving it for a granddaughter, but I never got one from blood, only from you.'' He gave me the black box, and I opened it. In there were an orange hair elastic. It was actually pretty. I smiled and looked up to him.

''T-Thank you, Hokage-jiji.'' I pulled my red hair into a ponytail with two bangs framing my face, and tied them together. ''I love it.'' I added and gave him a hug. He hugged me back, and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

''Now… scram I have paperwork to do.'' He bitterly said, as I giggled at him.

Now I was on my way home… again. I was running in the streets, because I wanted to… that's not a reason… Um… because I don't have a life? No… because I'm busy! To get home, and do my awesome ninja homework… hehe, that was until I bumped into some dude.

I hit my head into him chest, and stomped a little back. I looked up to see who I ran into and of course… it was Sasuke. ''A-Ano… I'm sorry S-Sasuke.'' I apologized, as I gave him a guilty smile.

What happened next was something I didn't expect to happen… He just did his 'hn', and brushed me away… t-the nerve of that guy. I stood there just… dumbfounded. I never imagined this to happen… but he just brushed me off.

Now to the fun part… Schedule a prank, look innocent so he doesn't think it's you, and SMILE! Yeah, I do that a lot. What? Oh yeah… just because I'm shy, doesn't mean I can't do a prank. I'm the master of the master in pranks. What? Don't give me that look. I give up, you guys… are impossible.

I giggled at the thought of dyeing his hair orange. I had a thing for orange… seriously, I need help. ''Yes you do, kit… yes you do.'' I sighed…

'Kurama-kun… You're evil.'


Me: DONE! I would have made it longer… but I'm feeling lazy, and I want to publish this now, because next week I have 'Intro-week', a week were I go to different 'gymnasiums' to see how that works out. So… how do you guys like it? Is the characteristic too much? I like Kurama… he's awesome.

Kurama: I'm not just 'awesome'… I'm the great… KYUUBI NO KITSUNE, the king of ice, all feared enemy, most powerful Bijuu, the top of the awesome scal…


Naruto: I'm a girl… again…

Hinata: I'm a boy… *Add – Blush*

Me: Kawaii, Hina-chaaaaaaan.

Naruto: Anyway… review for more, if you don't… well… no more -.-'? Huh, isn't this a request?

Me: Yeaaah, so?

Naruto: Then… shouldn't this be a story that will go on no matter what?

Me: Look at the time… I have to go.