Chapter 9

"Oww, oww, OWW! That really hurts."

"Oh stop acting like a big baby. There, it's all done."

Nicholas winced when he felt Silvia firmly slap his back. He put on what remained of his shirt and nodded reluctantly towards his sadistic companion as she put away the spare antiseptic wipes and unused bandages into a first aid kit. It seemed that she didn't need as much treatment as him, which left Nick with mixed feelings. He was glad she wasn't hurt, but he wanted to get his own back for how roughly she was caring for him.

The battle with Circe had been more painful than he expected, however the satisfaction that they had won and the knowledge that the Daimon was dead were more than enough compensation. Sitting inside the deserted homeless shelter, he could think about becoming a regular student and catching up with his studies. It saddened him that he was looking forward to studying.

The darkness outside the window told Nick that it was late. He gathered his coat and moved to the door.

"It's been fun, but I better get going. I'll check on Rigsby tomorrow after uni and then swing by."

"Nicky, could you do me one last favour?" asked Silvia nervously. "Please don't tell anyone about what I said. It's embarrassing to think that I blurted everything out like that, even if was true. I'm usually not so open around others. I guess there's something different about you. Anyway, please keep this a secret."

"Who'd believe me anyway? I'd probably be sharing a room with Rigsby if I talked about it."

Nick smirked mischievously as he headed for home. Silvia's honest smile, however, told him that she would be alright.


Nick groaned and stirred. When he opened his eyes, he saw an incredibly beautiful woman with red hair staring down at him. He sat up straight and realised he had been sleeping on Elle's lap inside the Velvet Room. The concept didn't bother him. Her athletic, toned figure was accentuated by her revealing nurse costume, which left little to the imagination.


"You performed admirably, Nicholas Skye. I was most impressed by your stamina."

A thousand thoughts went through Nick's mind. He tried desperately to remember what had happened. His last memory was collapsing on his bed the moment he returned home from the homeless shelter, although he hoped he was forgetting something.

"Circe couldn't match your enthusiasm."

"You're talking about the fight."


Nick surveyed the room and located Igor sitting behind his desk. The old man was staring at him with unblinking eyes and an unnerving grin.

"You have overcome the first Daimon, my dear young man."

"First?" asked Nick.

"A Daimon is born from the emotions and desires of men," explained Igor. "They are kept separate from your reality, and yet, bonds are being tied. You must ask yourself why and who. Ah, regrettably, you are unable to answer such questions, although you must, if you ever wish for this journey to end. This path is most interesting, yet it cannot be walked alone."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand gibberish," complained Nicholas. "How many more Daimons are there? And how will I know when they appear? And what happened to William Rigsby?"

Elle stood up and leaned over.

"How many drops of water rest in the ocean, Nicholas Skye? How many dreams have you ever dreamed? Don't worry, I'll assist you. I won't leave you, unattended."

Nick gulped before watching Elle suddenly vanish. Igor disappeared next, along with his desk, and then the staircase and chandeliers. This was how Nicholas had left the Velvet Room previously. He closed his eyes and waited to be returned to reality. The prospect of returning to the mirrored world and facing another Daimon was frightening.

And yet a part of him couldn't wait.


A boring rhythm had taken hold of 24 Dream Lane, with each of its three residents focusing on their studies as their first fortnight together drew to an uneventful end.

Nicholas Skye placed his textbooks to one side and stared at the ceiling in his room. The break from fighting shadows and Daimons was welcome, but he was acutely aware of its transient nature. William Rigsby had recovered from his illness and returned to his home, and the proof of his curse, the mark of Seven Day Death, was wiped from his body, thus removing all evidence of what had transpired.

Nick knew that if he shut his eyes, he could pretend that nothing had happened at all. He wondered if that was what he should do. It wasn't as though he would be thanked for his work. No-one, except Igor, Elle and Silvia, knew anything about the mirrored world or personas.

"But what's the truth?" asked Nicholas aloud. "What is connecting the Daimons to regular people? What's the point of this? And why am I involved? I won't be able to let it die until I know."

"Hey kid," yelled Ramsey through the door, "Silvi's here, she wants to talk to you. Put away the dirty magazine and come out here."

Nick opened his door and saw his flatmate's grinning face. "That's not the turn of phrase I would have used," he remarked dryly. He spotted Silvia standing outside the front door and waved casually to her as he approached. She was blushing profusely.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you," she whispered. "I wanted to let you know that I feel better now and to thank you again. And…I've decided to help you against the Daimons. I'm still not sure if I did the right thing by saving William Rigsby, but I'm grateful that you gave me the opportunity. I want other people to have the same chance."

She extended her right hand and Nick clasped it firmly. Although he had yet to thank her, he was acutely aware of how much Silvia helped him during the confrontation with Circe. Having her by his side made him much more confident that he could solve this mystery and added to his sense of purpose.

"We'll save all the victims of 7DD," declared Nicholas. "Both those with the mark, and those who inflict it."

Silvia nodded enthusiastically, making Nick feel resolute. He was convinced that the next time a Daimon appeared, they would be ready.

And that whoever was behind seven day death would be stopped.

End of Part 1

Author's Note

Thanks for reading part 1 of 'Seven Day Death'. I hope you have enjoyed this story so far. I intend to write and upload part 2 over the course of the next few months.