A/N: Wow, I can't believe that I'm actually updating. I thought I was throwing in the towel, but there is just something about this story that made me not stop. Anyways, I've been out of writing for a while so please don't expect much. I also just want to say, that I know the ending of this is rushed and I'm sorry, I just wanted to give it closure.

Chapter Eight: The End

Weeks had no gone by and Kendall was finished with his punishment of cleaning Logan's office. Ever since the day that he was released from solitary confinement Logan had been ignoring him. Kendall couldn't blame him, due to the fact that he knew for a fact that one of the guards knew that something was up. In some ways, though, Kendall was also been avoiding conversation as well. The last thing that Kendall wanted was to hear Logan ask for questions on why he killed family. Why wouldn't he just accept the fact that Kendall just didn't want to talk about it. But no, he had to bring it up and make him seem like a good guy through it all. Just like it had been an accidental murder that Kendall felt guilty about. The was the part that pissed Kendall off the most, the assumptions people made when they found out that he had turned himself in. They didn't know the truth and nor will they ever.

Kendall knew that Logan was falling for him, it was quite obvious. Even when he wasn't speaking to him, while Kendall was cleaning the office he would notice a small blush appear on the warden's face as he bent over to pick something up. "Like what you see?" would always be Kendall's response but in return he got nothing. Kendall, however, didn't mind. It was all a game that he knew that he would win eventually. Logan wasn't capable of holding out forever, and when he finally cracked Kendall would remind him of why he is better.

As Kendall was heading to the cafeteria to get something completely non-edible to eat he felt someone bump into him. At first he was ready to attack, until he saw Logan's eyes looking up at him with a big blush on his face. "Sorry Kendall, just been really distracted today."

"No problem, warden. Just keep those eyes off the floor from now on. They're too beautiful not to be seen." Kendall or Logan couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth. In slight embarrassment, Kendall quickly headed to cafeteria. He was too embarrassed to realize that Logan had finally cracked and he won.

After getting his food Kendall sat down at a table with the two other people that Kendall could stand in this entire prison, James Diamond and Carlos Garcia. "Hey Kendall, so nice fo you to finally joing us." James said and Kendall scoffed.

"Leave him alone, he's been busy with the warden." Carlos said, drawing out the word warden in a lovey tone.

"I will cut your tongues out if you do not stop talking. Your voices are irritating and I can only handle them on certain occasions. Now, are we going to sit here quietly while I win whatever cigarettes you guys have in a game of poker, or are you just going to keep flapping your lips like a needy child?" That shut both of them up. Carlos got out a deck of cards and started shuffling right afterwards. With a smile now on his face, Kendall was excited about his future winning and knew exactly what he was going to do to celebrate the fact that Logan was now talking to him again.

-Everybody Knows You're Not That Tough-

Kendall knocked on the warden's office. He was going to get Logan to say what he wanted to hear for weeks now. When Logan opened the door, Kendall saw that no one was in his office. His plan was working out perfectly. Without saying a word, Kendall softly put his hand on Logan's chest and pushed him backwards into the office. Once the door was shut, Kendall fiercely pulled Logan into a passionate kiss that made Logan's breath get caught in his throat. He didn't know what was going on with Kendall, but he rather highly enjoyed it.

"Kendall" Logan said trying to get his attention, but it seemed to have failed. He finally pulled away from the taller boys lips and looked up. "What's brought this on?"

"You started talking to me again. I just figure that I would reward you, and to remind you that these past few weeks without hearing your voice has driven me crazy." Kendall knew that he sounded like sap, but he couldn't help it.

"That's really sweet Kendall. God I love this side of you" Logan said before realizing it. Kendall had a huge grin on his face.

"Do you want to know that one thing I love most about you, Warden Logan Mitchell?" Kendall asked kissing his neck.

"Yes" Logan let out in a moan.

"I love how everybody knows you're not that tough" Kendall that pulling away his now bloody hand away from Logan's throat, where he had carefully placed the letter opener that Logan had left out just so perfectly. Kendall then reached into Logan's pocket, took the keys to the prison out and walked out of the office and to his freedom.

What people didn't know was that Kendall had killed his mother and sister on purpose, as a reason to be sent to jail. His father had been keeping a close eye on Logan Mitchell, and through careful planning, their goal was now complete. Logan Mitchell was dead.

-The End-