Written for the Destiel prompt: High School AU- Castiel sings Dean a lullaby

There were no proper words to describe the emotions bubbling up inside Castiel's chest, no words at all to describe the deep feeling of contentment as he lay next to his very own Dean Winchester, or the way his heart soared when brilliant green eyes connected with his bright blue.

For the first time, nothing really mattered- nothing except the fact that Dean had an arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him up snug against his chest while they just looked at each other, taking everything about the other in and not needing much else.

There had been a fair amount of struggle to get to this point, to be sure. Castiel was a fairly quiet, incredibly intelligent individual that liked to be as invisible as possible to his fellow classmates, and he succeeded in his own lonely way. Dean was quite the opposite, having been the loud, boisterous, and many times arrogant kid with a devil-may-care attitude. On many occasions the Winchester boy would pretend Castiel never even existed, unless he needed to seek out the smaller boy to copy off of a test or the previous night's homework. Castiel had despised Dean Winchester. And vice-versa, if the intense glares and snide comments the other boy would send his way were any indication.

The turning-point in this mutual hatred was when Castiel found out that Dean Winchester was, to be quite honest, a lot smarter than he looked. Almost as bright as Castiel himself, though he'd be loath to admit it. And in that analytical little head of Castiel's, everything clicked into place with a startling amount of clarity. Every unwarranted glare, every sarcastic remark, every little thingthat Dean had put him through suddenly made sense.

To hate someone as strongly as Dean seemed to hate Castiel, there had to be something to fuel the fire and fan the flames, something that created such an intense emotion, such an intense passionand-

That was when Castiel knew that Dean Winchester was in love with him. It was also the precise moment that he realized he felt the exact same way.

In a fit of madness, a part of Castiel thought it'd be a good idea to point this fact out to Dean, as if the hooligan didn't already know himself. Things had goneā€¦ absolutely not the way Castiel intended them to.

Dean had scorned Castiel for even thinking such a thing, and Castiel felt himself a fool for weeks on end. He'd imagine every snicker in the hallway was directed at him, every passing glance was full of ridicule, and every little whisper was about 'that kid who thought he was good enough to get Dean Winchester.'

None of that mattered anymore. None of that would matter ever again. Not after tonight.

What did matter was Dean, staring straight at him without a glimpse of the contempt he had held towards Castiel for so long. What mattered was the wonderful way it felt to be able to lean forward and rest his forehead against Dean's, gazing almost incredulously into those bright green eyes as if it were the first time he'd ever seen them, and to be able to tilt his head up just a fraction of the way, brushing their lips together without a care in the world.

What mattered was the brilliant way Dean's face flushed as he did so, the way their lips and their bodies seemed to be absolutely made for each other, made for the sole purpose of being together, being one. What mattered was the way that, after everything was said and done, they still clung on to each other, intertwining limbs and hearts like pieces of a puzzle. What mattered was the way Dean's eyes closed slowly, drifting off to sleep as Castiel sang a soft lullaby in a language of his own, pouring out his heart and soul into notes that were designed specifically for Dean, because of Dean.

A lot of things mattered that night. But what mattered most was that they were really there, together, right in that moment and forevermore.