In one of Mako's only memories of his mother, she's smiling at him. He's sitting in her knee, a cheerful toddler, maybe around 4 or 5, and beaming up at her. His mother. He loves her - and yet, he can barely remember her.

"Remember, Mako," he remembers her saying. "I want you to be strong. Always be strong, for yourself and your brother. You and Bolin, you need to take care of each other."

Mako remembers not understanding - after all, he was only a child. Now that he's older and now that she's gone, he understands. He understands that his mother wanted to prepare him for the life that lay ahead. It was, he muses, almost as if she knew.

As if she knew that she, along with his and Bolin's father, would die in a car crash on their way home.

Bolin was only 5 when they were orphaned. Mako doubts that Bolin remembers their parents at all. Nobody took them in; the only relatives they knew of they'd only seen pictures of.

And after all, what were two more children without parents in Republic City?

Since then, he's always looked out for his brother. Made sure that they'd had food, even if he had to resort to stealing. Made sure that they were clothed and had a place to stay for the night, one night at a time. Many times they'd been caught by the owner of whatever doorstep they'd decided to call 'home' for the night and been kicked to the curb. Life on the streets of Republic City was not easy, nor was it soft.

It was rough, hard and unforgiving.

Mako thinks that this is what made him this way - he's also rough, hard and unforgiving. They can't afford to make mistakes, can't afford to take anything for granted.

He barely remembers their father; he was always away, working long hours and going on business trips to put food on the table for them. Mako is sure that he gets this from his father, the will to make ends meet so that Bolin, his little brother Bolin who was so little when their parents died, who didn't, couldn't understand what happened, who needed to be looked after, won't go hungry.

The responsibility for his brother fell solely on Mako's shoulders. All the pressure of parenthood, with none of the experience. Mako is driven by a will to make ends meet; even now, when Bolin can (almost) take care of himself, Mako feels he needs to look out for him.

After all, his mother told him to. He understands what she meant - he has to be strong.

Sometimes he feels like the whole world is crashing down on him. Not so much nowadays, moreso when they were younger.

There were times they almost starved, almost froze during the winter, that time when Bolin got so sick Mako thought he was going to die, that time when Mako got caught pickpocketing a man on the street and thought they were really in for it..

All these years have made him strong, if nothing else. He's used to not letting anyone in, shutting everyone who offers them even an ounce of kindness, even a smile, out (why would anyone care about two orphans on the streets of Republic City?). Mako has his reasons for being cautious - even Bolin tells him to lighten up sometimes.

Mako is relieved, so relieved, that Bolin still turned out the way he is - better than Mako expected, all things considered. Bolin laughs, smiles and most important of all, he's happy.

Mako's not sure Bolin understands why he's so driven to win the Pro Bending tournament. But the prize money - it means food, clothes, a roof over their heads; everything they've never had enough (if any) of.

They have to win. He doesn't know how they'll manage otherwise - they can't live like this forever. The rent for the shabby room they share now needs to be paid.

So he needs to be strong, always be strong for Bolin. He can't let anyone see that beneath the surface, cracks are beginning to show.

How long can he keep this up? But he has to, Mako knows that.

"My son," his mother had said, smiling down at him. "You'll be capable of anything life throws at you, I just know it. Remember I love you Mako. Always remember that."

And Mako knows he'll always look out for Bolin, no matter the cost.

He wonders what else life plans on throwing towards him; he hopes it's nothing too huge - he's just started to get things under control, he's got everything organized, everything planned out for them - but then again, rumor has it the Avatar's in town.