So now that Just Another Drama Story? is almost done, it's time for a new story! Yes, I'm still working on Prove It! but I want to be writing something else, too, you know! So this story is inspired by LeafxGreenx3's story, Repairing the Past. It's an Oldrivalshipping story that I totally fell in love with. The inspiration I had was writing songs to the guys, I guess.

I had a lot of trouble with naming this story. I hope the title didn't upset you guys!

This story has Contestshipping, Oldrivalshipping, Ikarishipping and Pokeshipping. Hey, so, do you guys prefer Ash dense or mature? In a lot of stories Ash is dense but it kind of itches me. What do you guys think?

Well here it is!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Pokemon.


Her hands rest on the bridge's rail. She looked down at the cars that were driving by. Barry, her now ex-boyfriend, recently broke up with her. He said that he had found another girl. "It doesn't matter," the navy haired girl whispers. "I never loved him, anyways." She knew that was a lie. She had so much fun with him; it was the best time of her life. What did she do wrong?

"What are you doing?"

Her head shot up at the voice. She turned around to see a tall boy with onyx eyes and plum hair. His name, she didn't know. All she knew is that she knew him from somewhere. He probably went to the same school as her but they weren't in the same class. They probably passed each other in the hallways many times. Well here he is now, speaking with her.

"Don't commit suicide," he says in an annoyed voice.

"What?" she asks, obviously stunned. Her hair blew in her face.

"You're looking down at the cars with that upset face," he pointed out. "What are you thinking? Troublesome girl."

"None of your business," she snaps. "And no, I was not going to commit suicide. Who do you think you are?"

"No one you know," he answers. "I have no idea what's wrong, but don't commit suicide because of one stupid thing that happened in life."

"Stupid?" she repeats. "You don't even know what happened!"

"Exactly why I said I have no idea what's wrong," he says.

The girl glares at him. "Whatever! Just leave me alone."

He smirks and slips his hands in his pockets. "You're an interesting one. I'll see you later then, Troublesome."

"I have a name," she says. "And I hope I don't see you later."

She opened her cell phone and grins. The boy, who she was totally obsessed with, was her wallpaper. Hopefully that didn't sound creepy at all. It was a boy with a white hat and dark ruby eyes. They were friends. In her opinion, he was absolutely adorable.

"What are you looking at?" a voice says.

The girl with chestnut hair looks up. Her other guy friend, with green hair with emerald eyes to match, looked at her with a smirk at your face. "Porn?" he asks.

"No," she says in a disgusted tone. "I'm not you."

"I don't though, May," he says. He took a seat next to her on the bench. "Let me see what or who you're looking at."

"No," she says once again.

"Why not?" he asks. "Maybe it is porn, huh." The girl mutters something and hands him over her phone. "You were looking at Brendan?" he asks plainly.

"Yes?" she says. "Is something wrong with that?"

"Of course," the boy says. "What's so good about him? Did you fall in love with him?"

She laughs. "What's so good about him?" she repeats. "Everything! He's sporty, talkative, cute, smart, and funny and he's nice to me. What is there to not like about him? If you were a girl, you'd totally fall in love with him."

"The last sentence was kind of strange," he says. The girl shrugs and rolls her sapphire eyes. "So you like him?"

"Yeah," she says with a nod.

"Oh," he says. "Well, good luck."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she exclaims, punching his arm.

"Nothing," he says. "I think he only sees you as a friend, that's all."

She pouts. "That doesn't mean I can't try."

Another girl, with long chocolate hair, leaned against the wall. It's time for their fifth date, and her boyfriend was ten minutes late. Last time he was fifteen minutes late and his excuse was his mom made him do the dishes. It was obvious that he was lying because his mom was out of town that time due to a business trip. He saw him running up to her. "Hey," she says.

The boy with spiky auburn hair grins. "Hey. Sorry I'm late."

"Mhmm," she says. "What's the excuse this time?"

"Not an excuse," he defends. "A fact. I lost one of the wristbands you gave me and I had to find it."

"Which one?" she asks.

"The green and black one," he says. "That one was my favorite."

She shrugs. "It doesn't matter. I made you a new one and I know you're going to love it." Her hand went into her pocket and came out with a small wristband. It had the most girl colors that and boy could think of: pink and purple with sparkles, too. "Don't you like it? I took my sweet, sweet time to make it just for you."

"I love it?" he says.

"Don't you?" she asks, grinning. "Give me your wrist." She fastened the wristband onto his wrist with a perfect knot. "Make sure you find the green and black one, okay?" she asks.

"If I don't, can you make me a new one?"

She grins. "Of course. Now, let's continue with our date." They started walking. "Any other girl problems, Gary?"

"Uhh," he says. "You won't get angry, right?"

"Depends on what you did," she answers simply.

"A girl kissed me," he says. "And I accidentally kissed her back."

She frowns. "How can you accidentally kiss her back?"

"She had the same hair and hat as you," he says.

"I don't think so," she says. "Just promise me, one more time, don't do it again. Please?"

He nods. "Of course, Leaf. You know I love you."

Her hand touched the end of the pool. "How long?" she asks, her breathing heavy. Swimming ten laps in the highest speed you could go was challenging.

"Six minutes," the raven haired boy says. "Good job, Mist!"

"No, I didn't beat Daisy," she says. "Once more."

"No," he says. "You've got to take a rest. Here, get out of the pool and sit down. I'll get you some lemonade and jello or something."

"Just water," she says, climbing out of the pool. She took a seat in sighed. "Thanks, Ash."

"No problem," he says. He left the swimming pool room and she sighed. He was just a good friend and nothing more. She yearned to be something more but he was never ready to be in a relationship. Now they were just friends, best friends, maybe even more than friends, and she didn't want to ruin it. Not now. Not yet. She took her towel and threw it on her face.

"I'm back," he says. He had an ice cold water bottle and held it out for you. "And your sisters are back. Do you want to go say hi to them?"

"No," she says, uncapping the bottle. She took many gulps from it and set it down. "I need to swim more. I have to do at least four minutes, Ash. Come on."

"Don't push yourself too hard," he says. "Not in front of me, at least."

The redhead gave him a small smile of embarrassment. "Ash, you're so sweet. One last time then. Okay?"

"Alright," he says. The girl dipped herself into the pool and did a stretch. "Ready. Set. Go!"

Nearly five minutes later, she was done with ten laps. "How long?" she asks. "Better than last time?"

He nods. "Better than last time," he answers.

She climbs out of the pool and takes off her goggles. "How long?"

"Four minutes, forty nine seconds," he says.

She screamed and threw herself to him. She attacked him with a hug and he laughed. "Woah, Mist, easy now. You're going to get me wet, too!"

She laughed and gave him a smile. "Oops, sorry Ash. I got a little too carried away there."

"No kidding," he says. "Good job. High five!"

She slaps his hand and grabs her towel. The two leaves the room, ready to party.

Okay, that is that. That was the prologue and that's why I didn't say their names, except when someone was speaking. I hoped you liked it; drop by some comments, please! Remember, I do not support Hoennshipping, for those who are worried. I don't support any other shippings, either.

And note this; the next chapters are going to be way longer. Remember that this is just a prologue (:

Kay, well it's time for me to fly! Don't forget to review, alert or even favorite.

See you later!
