The Life Of a Cortesan God

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the Percy Jackson Series. I just use them how I see fit.
This fanfic contains profanity, yaoi, and incest. Subjects deemed unfavorable by society.
If any of this bother you, than just leave and don't even bother reading this fanfic.
If you flame this fanfic because you don't like the content presented in it. I shall label you a idiot and move on.
May you enjoy this fanfic. Have a nice day. :) Also I accept constructive criticism.

Ch.1: A happy occasion turns into heartache

Percy Jackson and the six prophecised demi gods/goddesses along with the other demigod children from both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter; saved the mortal and immortal worlds. Gaea was placed back into slumber( permanently). Those that conspired with her were punished accordingly. A celebration was later thrown on Mount Olymphus to congradulate the successful cooperation between the roman and greek gods/goddesses and their children. A decree was later made and signed; forever uniting the two camps ( unless later changed). This night should've been the best night our young Percy Jackson could have ever experience in his lifetime. However, the Fates had something else instore for our unsuspecting hero.

Percy was having a great time. High on the sugar from carbonating drinks, totally enthralled in the different varieties of ancient greek and roman games. Laughing, so absorbed in this joyous occasion. So absorbed, that he didn't feel that hand that touched his shoulder. The smiling demigod turned away from the equally happy faces, encounter a somber one with a pair of sad gray eyes. Shocked, he stepped away from his friends to give Annabeth his attention.

"Annabeth. . . " He started but stopped.

"Oh Percy . . . I-I'm so s-sorry, I almost got you killed" She sobbed

Percy hugged her " No, it wasn't your fault. You only did what was right"

Annabeth shook her head" What I did was wrong"

" No, you did what was right for your love-" He tried to say but was cut off.

"That just it, I don't love you Percy. I never had. I only went out with because I though you could replace him" She explained.

"By him . . .you mean?" Percy stopped, he couldn't finish the question.

Annabeth nodded, knowing what he meant " Luke"

"Then why?" He questioned.

" I couldn't deal without at first but now I've realised that I have to let you go or I'll end up killing you" She reasoned.

Percy sighed, now drained and defeated" What are you going to do then?"

Annabeth slightly smiled" Aretmis said that their was always an open spot for me"

Percy looked away.

" Perseus you know I'll always be your friend, right?" She said.

"Yeah sure" was all he said and walked away from her.

For the rest of the night Percy sat on the bench outside the door of Mount Olmphus, waiting to go home.

A/N: I apologize to Percbeth fans. I just don't like this pairing. I tried not to make her into a bitch. Also some things I may change around to benefit this fanfic.
Also this is obviously my first fanfic, so any suggestions will be appreciated. And no, telling me it's sucks doesn't benefit my writing in any way.