Rachel POV

Finn and I were on there way to glee when too jocks, Jack and Harvey, were blocking are way.

"Move." Finn said impatiently.

I could tell Finn was still pissed from getting slushied this morning, but what you gonna do? Luckily the jocks moved out of the way and let us pass safely. Finn and I walked in the Glee Club holding hands to see Kurt and Blaine talking, Santana holding pinkies with Brittany, and everyone else just goofing off.

I looked at Finn smiling thinking maybe this will be a good rest of a day. I got out sheet music for everyone when i heard a shot ring out. Mr. Shue looked around. I could tell he was wonder what it was too.

A moment later another shot rang out and Finn grabbed my hand a ran to the corner with me. Everyone else followed us to the corner when another shot rang out.

"What the hell was that?" Mercedes asked with fear in her voice

Before anyone could answer her question the speakers came on.

"Students and Teachers we are going into lockdown. There is a shooter in the school and you need to stay hidden. Teachers please lock the doors an-"

Another shot rang out with an agonizing cry this made Kurt and I Jump into our boyfriends lap and make Brittany whimper into Santana's shirt.

I looked around the classroom and saw Mr. Shue just standing there.

"Mr Shue aren't you going to do something?" I asked concerned about the answer

He just walk into his office and the last thing you'd expect was a bang to ring out and to see Mr. Shue on the ground just lying there motionless.

"Oh HELL YOU!" Puck screamed.

The thing is I never expected the shooter to be Jacob Israel

Authors note:

Okay so this is how I imagine a school shooting For the New Directions. This is going to have different POVS I'll keep making this about 1 chapter a day if at least 2 people Review so until then.