Egyptian Mythology with Eddie and Nina

A/N Hi so I know this isn't really a holiday but I thought it would be fun. and if anyone has any title suggestions to better reflect the nature of the story, feel free to pm me or leave it in a review.

Disclaimer: I don't own House of Anubis.

Nina's POV: 7 AM

Beep, beep, beep I groaned and reached out my hand to shut off my alarm clock.

"Nina dearie, I hope you are getting out of bed." I heard a voice call.

"Yes Gran," I called back.

You heard that right, gran. I was back in America because my gran's bakery was booming with business and she needed help, and even with all the business we still couldn't afford a lot of employees.

I got out of bed and got dressed, then I texted Eddie, who had to move back after his mom got remarried. They then moved to a new house that was in my school zone, so Eddie and I were now going to school together.

N: You up?

E: yeah.

N: awesome. Get dressed as fast as u can and meet me my house in 15. We need 2 talk b4 skool

Nina's POV: 15 Minutes Later

I sat at the table in our kitchen, looking out the window for Eddie. I then spotted him walking up to the door.

I pulled open the door and shouted, "Hurry up. I need to talk to you before the bus comes."

"I'm coming, I'm coming. A guy can only walk so fast on an empty stomach." He whined.

I tossed him an apple.

"Now move," I called.

Eddie reached the door. "So what do you need to talk about?"

"The presentation on Egyptian mythology Mr. Turner is giving in Ancient History today. "

"What about it?"

"If he ends up talking about the Cup of Ankh or the Mask of Anubis," I said.

"Nina , I'm pretty sure he won't talk about that," Eddie sighed.

"You never know, and when it relates to Anubis House, you can never ever be too cautious."

"Or paranoid," he muttered.

"I am not paranoid!" I exclaimed.

"Whatever. So what about the Cup and the Mask?"

"What we should do if he starts talking about it. Should we show off, pretend like we know absolutely nothing, somewhere in between?"

"Does it really matter? We know about it, we talk about it, we get ourselves some extra credit."

"The problem is if we show off, Turner may know what we are," I said, and then I held up my hand to stop Eddie from speaking. "Yeah, yeah I know paranoid. With this stuff, you never know who is with you or who is against you. For all we know Turner may know all about it, and want something with us."

"Nina, chill out. I have an idea. We talk about it, if he asks about how we know all of it, we tell him the truth. There was an exhibition at our school about all of it, the people who owned the house we lived in at boarding school were really into the Egyptian stuff, our friend's, uncle owned an antique shop and his godfather who looked after that shop when he was away, were also really into the Egyptian stuff, and therefore, we know a lot about it."

"Okay. That works. Good idea. Now let's get to school."

Eddie nodded and we headed out the door.

"Love you gran," I called as I headed out the door.

"Love you too," I heard her call back.

We walked a few minutes and got to school, then headed to first period

Eddie's POV: 8:00

Eddie and I walked into our first period Ancient Civilizations, and were immediately accosted by the scent of cheap perfume and a face with so much makeup on it, it looked like a clown. Well, Eddie was immediately accosted, I just stood there, trying to suppress my giggles.

"Hi Eddie," the clown face said.

"Hi clow-Clarissa, "Eddie said.

Lucky for Eddie she didn't notice his slip up. "So did you have a good weekend?"

Eddie gave me a "please get me out of this" look. I shook my head and suppressed a smile.

The bell rang. "Saved by the bell," Eddie muttered under his breath.

We all took our seats as Mr. Turner walked in.

"Good morning class. It's good to see you all here and on time. As an exciting end to our Egypt unit, instead of a test, I have decided to teach you about what I feel is a very exciting piece of Egyptian mythology: the Cup of Ankh, the Mask of Anubis, the Chosen One, and the Osirian. And to assist me, an old friend of mine, Mr. Jason Winkler.

My eyes widened to what I imagine were the size of dinner plates. Jason WINKLER?!

He walked in, and the expression on Mr. Winkler's face when he saw me seemed to be the same as my expression.

"Nina?" He asked, his face paling.

I just stared at him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Eddie slip out his phone and start texting under his desk.

"Do you two know each other?" Mr. Turner

"Nina was a student of mine a few years ago."

After a few beats of awkward silence, Mr. Turner clapped his hands. "Well, let's get started."

"Well, let's start with the mythology behind the Cup of Ankh." (A/N, I am about to copy and paste stuff from the House of Anubis wikia, which I don't own. All credit goes to them for info. The stuff copied from them is underlined) "The Cup originally belonged to the Egyptian gods, but the high priestess Amneris got hold of it and hid it inside the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Angered by this act, the god Anubis struck down the cup, splitting it into seven pieces and preventing it from being used until it could be put back together. Anubis made an agreement with Amneris that once every 25 years, on a special date, at a special time, a member of Amneris' bloodline would be able to reform the Cup of Ankh under the allignment of 2 constellations. This person would be born on the same hour of the same date of the same month of the number in there month, date, and time. This person is known as the Chosen One, and is protected by the Osirian. The Chosen One and the Osirian are like Yin and Yang. Now, have any of you heard of the Elixir of Life?"

Eddie and I raised our hands.

"Besides Nina and, "


"Besides Nina and Eddie."

The rest of the class gave him a blank look.

"Ok So, Nina, would you like to explain the Elixir of Life to the class."

I flushed a little, then nodded.

"Would you like to come up here, Nina?"

"I slowly got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the class.

"Well, the Elixir of Life helps one to keep his or her youth when it is drank. One of the key ingredients in the Elixir are the tears of gold. Legend has it, when worn by the High Priest of Anubis at the funerals of pharaohs the mask will weep tears of gold. Now, for the mask to fully work, you need to place the Frobisher Gem in between the two eye holes on the mask. When the Elixir is drank from the Cup, the person who drank from it will achieve immortality. However, 7 people "acolytes" are bound to it. Whoever drinks from the Cup will kill one of them, sacrificing their life to the drinker."

"Thank you Nina. Now before you sit down, perhaps you could tell us about the cups assembly."

"Well, the cup can only be assembled by the Chosen One, who must recite 'With the Circle of Light, I seal the Circle of Life.'"

I walked back to my seat.

"Well, now that we know about the Cup and the Mask, I would like to teach you a bit about the Frobisher-Smythe's, who were part of Howard Carter's expedition crew that opened Tutankhamen's tomb. Robert and Louisa Frobisher Smythe were accused to taking artifacts from the tomb, includng the Cup of Ankh and the Mask of Anubis. They were found not guilty, and the artifacts haven't been seen since. Now, to teach you some more, I will show you clips from a play my students performed in a few years ago. The play was based on the lives of the Frobisher-Smythes and their daughter, Sarah. The play was written by Nina."

I blushed. Mr. Winkler put in a DVD, and skipped around a bit to show us different clips. Amber's costume got plenty of laughs.

Time flew by pretty quickly, and soon the bell was ringing for the next class. We all rushed out the door.