This is a Rileystreet fan fiction. This is my first RL fan fic and it's a one-shot. It was inspired by how cute these two were during the 2012 SAG Awards E! red carpet interview and tumblr's Dirty Glee Secrets #2510. It is also a very in my opinion smutty. I repeat there is SMUT in this story. You have been warned.

The Doe-Eyed Fawn and Murry by Yinx

Chord Overstreet helped Amber Riley down the stairs from their interview with Ross Matthews, at this year's SAG awards.

"I can't believe someone told him about me watching Nancy Grace" Amber scoffed as their cast mate Jenna Ushkowitz past them on the way up.

Chord smiled, "Well things get around fast here like I'm surprised my dirty little secret hasn't gotten out yet".

"Chord, the fact that you down a pint of cookies and cream ice cream every night doesn't qualify as a dirty little secret". She chuckled looking up into his green eyes before turning her attention to finding her sister.

Chord smiled softly as he lowered his head as whispered in her ear. "I broke it off with Emma."

Amber turned back to him "Why" she looked worried and scared for the answer that may come out of his mouth.

"You were right about her" he sighed simply as two handlers pulled the two apart. Chord pulled out his mobile from his coat pocket. After the show starts can you meet me in the loungehe texted the contact named Ms. Pretty.

Yescame Amber's answer a second later.

Chord sat a few seats down and across from Amber and her sister. Harry nudged his side pointing to his phone. Chord took his out. Reading the text You broke it off right?

Yeah last Wednesday

Good really man she wasn't the one you know.

Yeah I just told Amber

Why would you do that?

Harry looked up at Chord's profile, chuckling he knew instantly why as Chord starred intensely at Amber, while she her sister giggling across the table. The boy was gone. ? he texted again bringing his friend back to the texting conversation.

She been helping deal with you know when Emma says her things to me. Emma can be very mean sometimes you know.

Harry nodded absent-mindly at one encounter where he heard Emma talk down to Chord like he was nothing more that her pet dog. Am gives good advice about relationships. The rest of the text read.

'Yet she doesn't have any one of her own' Harry thought. That she does. Soooo when you asking her out? Harry looked up to see Chord cheeks turn a slight pink.

"I'm not she made it clear we are only friends nothing more" Chord sighed glancing again to see Amber sipping water through a straw as she took in her surroundings.

"Are you seriously going at her word, dude" Harry scoffed.

Chord nodded and lowering his voice "I just broke it off with Emma it will look like Amber is a rebound if I ask her out now. Amber is not a rebound".

"True, but you don't want to wait long". Harry whispered. "A lot of guys like her. Kevin waited for her two years before he finally gave up. I actually don't think he'll ever really give up until Amber has a ring on her finger".

Chord raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Kevin McHale who was whispering something in his brunette girlfriend's ear, though his piercing blue eyes were fixed on Amber "What about you and Mark"?

"Mark does whatever he wants; he wants Amber to come to him, she won't she an old fashion girl that wants to be wooed. And if I had met Amber three years ago, trust me I would be her date and not her sister."

Chord nodded as the camera came over and Amber did her I Am an Actormonologue. He clapped and whistled along with the rest when she was done. He watched her lean into her sister's side as the start of nights events began; a quarter of the way through the first awards, he texted her to meet him outside.

Chord stood at the back of the darken lounge watched her arrive looking around slightly confused that it was the right place. Amber opened her clutch for her phone to make sure she had the correct spot when she heard her name. Chord came up to her smiling. "Thanks for meeting me" he smiled leading her over to a small cocktail table. Sitting down he ordered two glasses of merlot.

"So Emma, huh" she looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry you couldn't work it out, Chord."

"You were right though…" he voice trailed off.

"I wish I wasn't" she sighed cutting in, as she sat back in the chair. She thanked the waiter as he brought back their beverages.

"That sixth sense thing you have is cool…I just wished I had listened to it earlier. Things may have been different…I'm kind of glad it happened" he watched her play with the steam ware, nodding as he talked.

"I hate being right about people, Chord. Why can't they just be how you want them to be"? she ignored the last thing he said. "So, who's going to be your rebound girl"? Amber smiled back changing the subject to a happier one.

Chord shook his head "Not looking for a rebound girl, Amber. Looking for someone that gives me what I deserve."

"I hear Kim Kardashian is available." Amber teased as she sipped her wine.

Chord rolled his eyes. "If I go out with her, who is the rebound in that relationship, Amber?"

"Kris Humphries" she teased and they both fell out laughing at her basketball reference.

"So when are you and Kevin going to tie the knot"?

Amber scoffed rolling her stunning brown eyes, "Chord not you."

"What" his dork- like laugh rang out as she started punching him on the arm lightly.

"Kevin has a girlfriend and so does Harry, and Cory. So stop trying to fix me up with them." Her small hands still hitting made it hard for him to take her seriously. "You are as bad as the people on tumblr."

Chord scrunch this brow "What is this tumblr you and Kevin talk about, anyway." He felt left out of their inside joke they had at least once a day on set.

Amber stopped hitting him. "Trust me you don't want to know and you should never go there, unless you are a PR like me and Kevin- professional troll." She explained when he gave her a baffled look.

Chord shrugged changing the subject back who was still single in the cast. "So that leaves, me, Mark, Darren, and me."

"You said 'me' twice you can't vote twice, Chordy" Amber chuckled before sipping her wine.

"But I do get a vote"? Chord asked, clinking her glass before she set it down.

Amber smiled shaking her head, "As being a good friend, yes."

He studied her before asking "Friends with benefits"? It was something that he always wanted to try and Amber was who he wanted to try it with. She kept her personal life secret something he always admired. Chord also really enjoyed her company becoming closer during their scenes.

Amber rolled her eyes "I think someone is already a little too drunk." Her eyes wandered to the last drops of wine in his glass.

"I'm serious friends with benefits is an awesome middle ground. No strings no commitment." Chord continued snubbing the drunkard comment.

Amber thought on his offer "I'm too old for you Chordy, you can handle it" she leaned closer playfully smirking.

Chord lowered his face to hers, his nose poking hers playfully "Only by three years, let's have a go and see shall we." His honeydew eyes danced mischievously, yet Amber saw truth in them.

"Now" she back up shocked at what he was proposing.

"Yeah" he nodded; he to sat back casually in the chair, like he negotiated deals like these on a daily bases. His eyes swept over her scared face but her eyes gave away about how turned on she was.

Amber shook her head thinking maybe she shouldn't get involved with her co-workers it could get messy. "No one can know about this Chord or deals off" her New Year's resolution coming to her mind about her stepping out of her comfort zone. This wasn't a step it was a long jump she hoped she wouldn't sprain her ankle when she landed.

"We can keep your name out of the mud, Ms. Pretty."

"It would be nice for once" she sighed downing the rest of the wine thinking about the twitter hate she got because of her characters' relationship with Sam Evans.

"You don't deserve it you know" he reassured her. He had called her after she tweeted about the hate and maybe cancelling her twitter account. He linked his pinky finger with hers on the table watching her smile return.

Amber felt her cheeks heat up at the sweet gesture "I know, so how are we going to play this" she asked going back to their plan.

"We should get pagers" Chord cast his million dollar smile at her.

Amber gave him a look "Okay no."

"I'm serious so nothing is in our phones" he argued back.

"Have you even seen a pager, Chordy…" she rolled his eyes.

He snorted "Okay, okay, code names then. Ms. Pretty for you…"

"No, cause people already know you call me that. Code names need to be like anyone else's name so it won't draw attention, especially if Kevin steals my phone again."

"Fawn and Murry" Chord smiled softly, hoping she like the nickname he always wanted to call her.

Amber looked down smiling, her favorite feature on her face were her eyes. She met his as she looked up "Murry"?

Chord grinned seeing that she didn't want a change of code name. He smirked leaning forward again "'Cause you'll be wantin' more in a hurry, trust me."

"Don't flatter yourself Chord" she laughed standing up "Eight minutes isn't all that impressive and you haven't proved anything yet."

Chord rolled his eyes as he stood, he'll never be able to live down his sister's tweet. They both of them entering each other's code names into their phones as a new contact; Doe-Eyed Fawn for Amber, and Murry for Chord.

"Rule number one we have to answer each other now matter what" he watched her smile nodding before turning to head back inside. "I'll let you be the judge if I last more than eight minutes." He whispered just before Amber sat down.

Home at last, Amber smiled tossing her keys into her key bowl ebony console table which held her balanced as she unbuckled her shoes. Walking bare foot into her bedroom she was met with Chewie chowing down on one of her slippers.

"This is why you didn't greet me, Chew-Chew." She rolled her eyes placing her shoes into a box on a high shelf in the closet. "You are not getting these shoes Chew- Chew" she smiled at the dog, which raised his head looking at the shoes then at his master. Amber undressed placing her over-size Naps Are My Fave night shirt on. She was reaching around to unbuckle her bra when her phone rang she picked it up without looking at the ID.


Open the door.

"What the hell" she held the phone back seeing the name Murryacross the top. "Chord"?

It's Murry, Fawn and I said open the door. Now.

Amber swallowed hard as whispered okay. Hang up she opened her bedroom door and clicked on the hall light that ran to the front door. 'Why is it the green mile all of a sudden' she thought as she started down the hall. Amber resisted the urge to turn around and call him to tell him the deal was off.

Inhaling deeply she unlocked the door and turned the knob. Chord leaned against her post in a white wife-beater and grey sweat pants. He gave her a knowing smile as he stepped out of his trainers before entering.

Amber closed the door and was immediately pinned against it. One question before we start Chord whispered in her ear. "Hard or soft"?

Amber felt him start pulling up the nightshirt. I guess we are passed the point if we should really do thisher mind raced. "Hard" she answered back trying to sound more confident than she actually was.

Chord taken aback a little, he had expected her to go for soft but if she wanted it hard so be it. Cupping her face gently he kissed softy. She backed out of the intimate touch.

"Maybe no kissing" Amber whispered.

Chord furrowed his brow "Why"?

Amber's eyes darted away before answering "Just no okay."

Chord was quiet for a few seconds. One reason he had proposed this was because he couldn't get enough of her lips. He had purposely messed up their Human Nature kiss thirty-three times, just so he could kiss her again. Now that he could have them anytime he wanted he was denied access. This wasn't going to fly, he would have her lips by the end of the night. "Okay" he said slowly mentally storing his plan.

"Good" Amber smiled turning around taking of her nightshirt as she did. She watched his eyes take her in.

"Fuck me" Chord voice cracked, his green eyes went wide trying to take her all in and not miss a thing at the same time. His eyes gazed over the black lacy strapless bra with matching boy shorts.

"Isn't that the plan" Amber smiled taking his hand leading him to her guest room.

Chord longed for her room and why they weren't headed down that hall instead of this one. Amber tossed her shirt on the edge of the bed then turned around attacking with an intense kiss along his jawbone. Chord groaned if he couldn't get her lips on his, this was the next best thing.

Amber backed up pulling up his shirt. Chord took over as she went for his sweatpants.

"Wow, pictures don't lie do they" Amber smirked at his boxer briefs did nothing to conceal the hardness within.

"Pictures what pictures, I never took naked pictures that was Cory" Chord blubbered.

Amber laughed straightening up "Those pics I saw you weren't naked in them, Chordy." She reached behind her back and started unsnapping her bra.

Chord shook his confused, his blonde tip bangs lacing his long eye lashes. "I don't get it."

"I'll introduce you one day, but I think you would like these better." She pulled the bra away tossing it into the corner with Chord's shirt and sweatpants.

"Damn right" Chord licked his lips as the chocolate pillows bounced out to meet him.

When on tour Harry 'Dirty Harry' the guys called him when the girls weren't around, got the present of a life time when he saw her breasts by accidently walking into the dressing room. He had come back to theirs like grey-aged Moses from the Ten Commandments.

"Guys I have seen the promise land. Two glorious mountains, a deep luscious valley, and peaks to die for; and yes I bet milk 'n' honey are ever present."

They spent the rest of the trip trying to get peeks at the twin peaks but mother earth was on to them and started locking the dressing room door. Chris was the only one, 'Lucky Bastard' that ever got to see them on a regular bases.

"Are you okay, Chord" Amber's worried voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Fine" he groaned stepping forward embracing her lowering his head.

"Chord, no kissing" she whispered watching his lips near hers.

"Your loss" he kissed beside of her mouth; his tongue tracing the corner. Still she didn't open to him. His lips wandered to tender skin just behind the ear. He snipped it with his teeth causing a short intake of breath from the owner. Chord decided to mark her but not there. To many people would see her neck on a regular bases and he couldn't risk getting caught before the fun truly begun.

Chord walked her over to the side of the bed hands still roaming over her backside. Sitting her down on the edge he ran back and rummaged through his sweatpants pockets for his condom. He came back setting it on the side table. Amber glanced over reading Trojan Magnum on the gold square. She eyes went back to Chord's bulge that he was slowly beginning to show her.

"Oh wow" she words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them.

Chord chuckled stepping out of the briefs and tossing them into their clothes pile. "Why thank you" he smirked taking a Superman stands in front of her.

Amber rolled her eyes laughing moving the covers down to the foot of the bed. She scooted away "Oh god I think I just created a pride monster." Her lover knelt on the bed grabbing her ankles pulled her fast back to him, her legs straddling his thighs. "Impressive" she smirked up at the eyes gazing lovingly down at her.

Chord placed his plate size hands on either side of her head lowering his face to hers. "I've been called worse but make no complaints, Ms. Pretty, it is a monster" he grinned as licked her button nose playfully. "And it wants to play."

Amber's giggles turned quickly into low moans as Chord's hands explored her body. She watched him pinch a palm her breasts, drawing a barely heard whimper from her. His hands wandered down to her hips and thighs. Chord lips came after his calloused finger tips and they were even more intense. He groaned tasting her skin like his body always wanted to do since he joined the cast.

His lips wandered to her breasts licking and sucking the areolas until they turned a faint red; there would be hickies there tomorrow. Chord dampened the valley between her voluptuous mountains. He rose up over his knees straddling her torso, his fingers squeezing her already erect nipples to an inch of length more.

Amber pushed her breasts together as Chord began thrusting his manhood between them. Looking at the two and three fourths inch wide tip that was fucking her breasts, Amber decided to step up her game.

"Give me your hands" she ordered the green-eyed blonde. Chord did as told. Amber placed his platter sized hands on either side of her breasts holding them like she just had. She marveled that they almost engulfed her double D pillows. Was everything on Chord big?

Her tiny hands barely made it around the redden tip; a small secretion of pre-cum seeped through the opening. Amber licked it away as she began to give her cast mate a blow job. Chord let out a girlish whimper. She stopped looking up at his young Brad Pitt-like features. "Are you okay, Chord"?

Chord stopped thrusting "Yeah, it's just I never had a girlfriend that was willing to go down on me; I usually have to ask…beg."

Amber let go of his manhood; pushing at his chest, she moved him off her and onto his back. "One Chord Overstreet, I'm not your girlfriend" she knelt beside his eight in a quarter length that was throbbing so hard she saw the outline of the veins. "Get it straight or the deal is off. We are only fucking that's all there is no emotion crap in this relationship" she starred sternly into his eyes. "Got it"?

"Yes ma'am" Chord nodded vigorously.

"Good" Amber smiled before lowering her head and wrapping her mouth around his manhood.

Amber never saw herself as the blow job queen but Chord's groans and the small jerks of his legs she knew she was on the right track. She was all ready for him to explode but he grabbed her and placed her under him again. His tongue traced every curve as he made his way down to between her legs. Sitting back he hooked his fingers on the band of her underwear and pulled them off and tossing them into their clothes pile. Amber felt herself starting to tremble as she watched his green eyes gazed over her now naked body.

"You are beautiful, Amber" Chord whispered to himself, moving on top of her giving her and unexpected kiss.

She backed out of the touch "Chord, no" she gasping for air.

Chord's brow furrowed with slight anger "Fine. I'll kiss the other pair." He moved off her grabbing the condom and sleeved his member before laying between her legs. His fingers lightly traced the outline of her womanhood; slipping finger inside was like turning on a faucet. Amber's breath hitched as she felt his lips then tongue inside her. She bit her lower lip watching the blonde head bob between her legs.

Chord curled his two fingers that worked within her, using the 'come here' motion he nipped her clit with his teeth. Her cries filled his ears and he watched her fist the sheets as she squirmed finally coming. He placed his mouth over her and gulped down the release before raising up and winking at her.

He placed his member at her entrance "Ready" he asked smiling down seeing her nod. Chord's breath seethed as Amber's soaked inner folds took his length and width without a thrust. He waited for her to adjust to him and given the signal withdrew almost his full length before prodding in again.

Amber wrapped her legs around his narrow waist as strokes picked up speed. Her back arched and she felt his arms around her hold her close. She cried out as Chord snipped the sensitive skin on the underside of her breasts causing the skin to redden with the beginning formations of hickies. Amber ran her hands through his locks as his lips roamed to her nipples.

Chord could feel her walls starting to clamp down as they pulsed around him. He thrusts harder, gripping the sheets trying to hold on to his own release. Her strokes were making it hard, for him to control the force of his own. Giving a low growl he watched her eyes flutter, Chord cupped her face and kissed her deeply as they came together. He felt her body jerk from the orgasm and his member twitch as it squirted his seed into the tip of the condom. He released her mouth and their eyes met smiling at each other.

The two starred at each their breathing slowly going back to normal. Chord slipped out and sat up shaking his head. "So did I last more than eight minutes" he grinned as he slipped off the condom tying it and tossing it into a bin. He glanced back at her watching her sit up.

"You were way better than I expected you to be", Amber chuckled crawling to edge of the bed to get her nightshirt. She felt him slap her butt.

"What's that supposed to mean" Chord asked walking over to the pile of discarded clothes. His pulled on his boxers and sweatpants.

Amber slipped back into her nightshirt "It's nothing bad you are just the first guy out of my own race I've slept with."

Chord nodded picking up the tank and her panties falling aside. He scooped them up and placed them in his pocket. "And how do I compare"?

"You did really well" she chuckled.

"Well, I have room to improve now that I know what turns you on" Chord smiled as he knelt on the bed making his way to kiss her.

Amber pressed her fingers to his lips shaking her head. Chord huffed as he flopped on the bed. "Why can't I kiss you" he finally demanded of her.

Amber sucked in a long stretch of air. "Kisses are intimate for me, Chord; they mean so much with so little. That's why you understand what I'm saying right."

Chord blinked "Yeah" he said slowly, he got up. Amber stood as too. "Well this is awkward" he chucked nervously.

"Is it going to be 'cause I don't want that with us Chord. You mean more to me than a lover" she whispered crossing her arms cross her chest waiting for him the end of the fling.

Chord stepping forward brushing his lips against her forehead; why could he be both his mind wandered. "No, it won't" he reassured her. They headed for the front door. Opening the door he turned back around and cupping her chin and lifting her mouth his, he kissed her. He felt try the back away but he increased his hold on her chin his tongue tracing the outline of her lips until she whimpered closing her eyes and gave in. Amber opened her mouth to his and their tongues mated as his arms wrapped around her. Chord closed his eyes enjoying the full feeling of her in his arms. Groaning as he tangled his long finger in her hair before he released her mouth.

Just that one kiss left both of their lips more swollen if they had an eight hour marathon. They both gazed dazed-eyed at each other. Chord pecked her again before steeping out of her embrace "Sleep well, Amber" he whispered then hastily left.

Amber woke up Thursday still sore from the dance rehearsal and regionals shootings from yesterday. All she wanted was to stay home and soak in her hot tub. Groaning she started to get ready. She just stepped back into her bedroom after a shower when her text ring rang.

Bring a dress todayMurry told her.


'Cause I said so that's why.

Amber rolled her eyes before responding What if I say no.

Then no Cheesecake Factory for you

Chord's text came a second later.

Amber felt herself warm at the fact Chord was treating her. Beside the after the awards sex and a quickie in her trailer the next day, she had told the boy that they weren't dating, but here he was asking her on one.

I told you, we aren't dating Chord Overstreet.She could see him laughing now. Amber only called him by his full name if she was serious.


Soooo this here sounds like a date!

Well it's not a date; it's a thank you for letting me try two snakes one hole in your trailer the other day.

Amber sat down on her bed. She had to admit two snakes in one hole was her favorite sex time game ever. She had never had so many orgasms in her life. Both she and Chord could barely walk straight after it, so it was a good thing they had dance rehearsal all day so no one got suspicious. She was glad no one came knocking hearing how loud they were.

Fine but I'm getting dessert.

Wouldn't have it any other way ;)

The mornings recording section went well and Amber found herself sitting in her trailer wait for the time to meet her date. It's not a date was on repeat in her mind. A knock brought her back.

"You look great" Chord grinned cheesily as she opened the door. He took in her dark wash strapless denim dress and hunter green sweater and matching flats.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." Amber laughed as he had on the same color scheme. White V neck dark wash jeans, a navy baseball cap with black leather jacket.

The two handled the drive to the restaurant well talking about the up-coming Tina arc. During the walk into The Grove the two separated; Amber taking the lead to The Cheesecake Factory, Chord not minding, enjoying the view of her backside.

"I'm glad Jenna has a storyline this year" Amber smiled as they sat in a private circular booth in the back.

Chord nodded "Yeah I think it's about time too, by the way your nose is shiny."

Amber felt her nose as her eyes crossed to see what he was talking about. She took out a compact. "No it's not" she hissed closing the make accessory.

Chord shrugged as they ordered. Ten minutes into lunch he insisted that she check her nose in the bathroom mirror. He watched her leave after casting death-like glares his way.

Chord called over the waiter for him to pack up his food. He placed a towel on her seat and after making sure no one was looking slipped under the table. Pulling out his phone, he texted. Sit on the towel when you get back.


Chord snorted Just do it.

Amber returned seconds later sitting on the towel like Chord/Murry told she rolled her eyes at his absence. Her text beeped.

You ready for dessertMurry asked her.


As soon as her message was delivered she felt his touch on her foot.

Amber hastily texted him No Chord!

To late ;)

She felt him start caressing her legs; Amber tried moving back into seat bring her legs with her. Chord stopped her by placing her legs on his shoulders trapping them between him and the table. He groaned at the sight of her lacy purple panties. He smiled at the blue and purple mark he placed on her inner thigh. Chord traced a finger lightly over the enclosed lips, drawing a sharp hiss from the owner.

Feeling him pat her hip, Amber rose slightly and felt her panties disappear.

Chord placed the garment to his nose inhaling deeply before tucking them into his back pocket. He kissed and licked before spreading her wide and drove in hungrily. Amber whimpered softly her upper body trying to remain normal as possible and finish her food, while her lower body was being eaten out. Chord slipped two fingers inside as his tongue slurped her clit. He heard her low purr and quickly placing his mouth over her opening gulped down her release.

Amber gripped the table cloth as Chord gave her no break but started at her again. She felt his long finger pump deep inside her and her clit swelling with pure ecstasy as his tongue sucked it to a hard nub. Her breathing quicken as he toes started to curl from their own accord. This second release was coming faster than the first.

"Hey Amber, are you alone"?

Chord head snapped up at Dianna voice.

"No" Amber rasped then cleared her throat, her eyes trying to adjust to Dianna Agron girl next door features. "Chord's here, he…he just left to run some errands" she said trying to get her breathing back to normal.

"Well, he won't mind if we join" Mark voice said.

"Yes, YES, I do mind Chord"cursed quietly watching Mark's boots enter the booth.

Chord saw two more pair of feet enter the booth Dianna, Mark and…

"Why did Chord leave you be yourself" Kevin asked an annoyance was heard in his voice.

"I'm sure he'd be back soon" Amber taped Chord leg, then felt him start right back devouring her. She swallowed a cry when his fingers started pumping her again.

Chord you need to stop we are going to get caught!She texted him franticly while their cast mates looked at the menu of what to eat.

Chord stopped as he answered her text I can't, Ms. Pretty you haven't come yet. He sent the text then went back to eating her out. His tongue lapping up every last drop her pussy leaked.

Amber squirmed in her seat as tiny beads of sweat appeared on her forehead and nose. She could feel her release coming soon but having a 'Harry met Sally' moment in front of her friends was going to be the death of her. Chord was going to continue eating, until he got what he wanted. She started praying for a distraction.

As if Aphrodite answered, out came three groups of five waiters singing 'Happy Birthday' to three separate tables around theirs, the chaos worked. The lover's friends looked at the festivities, Mark, and Dianna got up and joined in. Amber let out a low cry gripping the cushion as her legs shook for the orgasm.

Chord swallowed we he could of the sweet-n-spicy nectar before crawling out and away from the commotion. Licking the stickiness off his fingers he went into the restroom to tidy up. Getting his woman off had made him hard as steel. Chord stood in the back stall stroking his member as he pictured Amber coming again from under the table, in her trailer, and at her house. He groaned the images turned into moving pictures of their escapades then to things he wanted to try with her. Good thing his woman was adventurous. Chord cursed as he came squirt his seed into the commode. He flushed and tucked his manhood back in before washing his hands and rejoined the group.

"There you are" Dianna smiled as he approached running a hand through his golden locks. "I thought you had abandoned my girl…I was going to have to get you, Chord."

Chord eyes rested on Amber's face; she looked just as normal as he did. Nothing went down under that table. "I wouldn't dare." He smiled sitting next to his soaked friend.

The conversation went back to vacation time they had been given.

"Amber said she's going to celebrate her birthday in Vegas" Dianna smiled. "I'm so there."

Amber whispered in Chord's ear "I need my panties."

"I don't have them" he smiled winking at her panicked face.

"You do too have them; I already looked under the table. Give them back."

Chord ignored her hiss as he called the waiter over to pay. "You got my towel wet, Ms. Pretty your panties are payment."

"What are you two whispering about" Kevin asked as he raised his eyebrows.

Chord smiled "Nothing I was just telling Amber that I'll be celebrating my b-day in Vegas too." He laughed as Amber shook her head at him. "Guess I'm a copycat." He scooted out of the booth and helped Amber out. "We got to get back; we are schedule for a duet recording."

Amber snatched the towel from the seat and placed it in her purse. "I'll see you guys on set after" she smiled before they walked away.

"I hope Amber is not getting sick again" Kevin said as they watched Chord open the door letting Amber out first. "She looked really feverish and sweaty just now."

"I hope not. Mark, did she sit in something" Dianna asked. "The back of her skirt is wet."

"I think so 'cause the seat is soaked…through."