Please Read: Hello, thanks for stopping by. This story is an old version. I have decided to keep it up because I have some very good memories attached to it and I still enjoy returning once in a while to see how different this fic used to be. However, there is a revised edition currently available on my active account. My new pen name is Mae-Govannen. The completed work will eventually be available there (it's a wip). If you wish to continue reading this edition, by all means go right ahead, but it is very different from the revised edition (the one I consider to be "true").

Thank you

Fall From Earth

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Skyrim, although I wish I did.

His leather boots made no sound as he moved noiselessly through the countryside. His breath came out in small puffs as the chill of night started to set in. The last few rays of sunlight peeked over the snow covered mountains in the far distance and Bo Gro Graul judged by his surroundings that he was still on track to Windhelm and would be there in no more than a few more days. He had been following the river that would lead him into the snowy land in order to meet with Ulfric Stormcloak and receive more orders. Bo Gro Graul slid down a bank and crossed the river when he spotted a well enough shaded spot that would hopefully keep him safe for a few hours. The brown bear stalking the area was easily dispatched with his greatsword, and he allowed himself to sleep for a few hours, before making his way again long before the sun had risen.

Just as the skies started to get lighter and once again the sun was starting to warm his back Bo Gro Graul saw a form lying flat on the ground a little ways away. Frowning, he jogged over to the figure, and discovered it was a person who seemed for the most part dead or unconscious. Kneeling down, he took the persons shoulder and rolled them over onto their back, revealing a pretty human face. Her shoulder length dark brown hair was messy and had bits of grass in it, and her pale face was streaked with dirt, but besides that he could see no visible wounds. Leaning closer, Bo Gro Graul listened, his pointed ear picking up the slow but steady rhythm of breathing. She wore strange blue colored pants of a material he couldn't recognize and a plain white tunic. Thinking about what he should do, Bo Gro Graul sat for a few minutes looking around. She would not wake when he tried to rouse her, so he pondered for few moments in the grass, racking his brain for a settlement he could reach before nightfall. Windhelm was too far away to reach it by the evening, but he remembered a couple settlements that were on the outskirts of Eastmarch, and he had plenty of coin if he needed it. Sliding one hand under the woman's back, and the other under her legs, he easily hoisted the woman up into his arms and cradled her head against his armored chest while he started a steady jog in the direction he hoped was right.

Bo Gro Graul reached the settlement of Kynesgrove late afternoon, crunching noisily over the light brushing of snow that had appeared once he had crossed into Eastmarch and out of The Rift. He quickly spotted the Inn, and greeting the Stormcloak guards he passed, the Orc made his way up the stairs and inside the building, struggling momentarily with the door. His arms ached from carrying the unconscious human; he had stopped once briefly to eat a small meal and attempted to wake the woman to no avail. What few patrons who were inside Braidwood Inn gave Bro Gro Graul strange looks; an Orsimer with a human in his arms was a strange sight to see. He reached the bar and wearily asked if there was a room available, and if any healers lived in Kynesgrove.

"Yeah" the Nord said slowly, "ten gold and it's yours for the night. There's a Nord woman who comes in here every week, handy with healing spells and stuff."

"Great, thanks." Bo Gro Graul motioned to the pouch on his hip. "Take the amount from this pouch."

The woman hesitated, but complied, carefully dealing out the gold and attaching it back on the Orc's hip.

"I'll send her to you if I see her first."

"Thank you very much."

She gave a smile and nodded once, turning back to her duties. Bo Gro Graul made his way to the room the inkeeper had directed him to, gently placing the woman on the bed. He drew a chair beside the bed and sat down, watching the woman's chest rise as she breathed. She was very beautiful, he admitted. He found beauty in both humans and Orsimer, although he had never had relationships with either one. He hoped the woman wouldn't be repulsed by him, his green skin and tusks were a beastly sight, he knew this.

A couple hours later a blond Nord entered the room, a black cloak wrapped around her dark leather armor. She took the cloak off and placed it down on the dresser before walking over to the bed and checking the girl's breathing. She ignored Bo Gro Graul for a few minutes while she checked for injuries, and then turned to the Orc.

"Where did you find her?"

"Not far off from here, half a days walk, in the Rift."

"Just lying on the ground, unconscious?"

"Yes, face down."

"And she hasn't woken up at all since you found her?"


"Hmm" The Nord turned back to the woman, checking her pulse. She too noted the strange material of her pants, frowning slightly.

"Everything seems fine, we'll give it the night and if she doesn't wake up by then I'm not sure what to do."

"Okay, will you be here in the morning?"

The Nord nodded, grabbing her cloak. "I'll come check on her tomorrow, you should get some rest, you don't look too great."

"Thanks" Bo Gro Graul replied gruffly, realizing he probably did look even worse than normal. He had been traveling for several weeks straight, and had neglected his bathing duties. It had been a while, and he supposed way over due for a good scrub. He walked back up to the barmaid and purchased another room, the one beside the sleeping woman's, for half price. He thanked the owner, grateful for her hospitality, very unused to such a treatment from other races. He was exhausted, but forced himself to request a bath and a meal, which the woman said both would be brought to his room. He drank a bottle of the Honningbrew mead and enjoyed the warmth that spread down his throat.

"Your bath is ready."

Bo Gro Graul turned around in his seat to look at the young girl, who stared back at him with a look of disgust. This was what he was used to. He thanked her anyways and downed the rest of his mead. Once he was in his room he began stripping off his filthy leather armor. He wore nothing underneath so once every article of his faded armor was off he slid into the steaming tub of water, a happy growl escaping his lips. He lay there unmoving for a while, his long arms dangling down the side of the tub, thinking about the woman he had found. He wondered curiously what had happened to her that she ended up in the Rift like that, and was thankful he had found her relatively unscathed, and no one—or no thing had reached her first. He began to scrub his green toned skin with a flower-smelling bar of soap, feeling his muscles starting to relax when a woman rushing into his room interrupted his thoughts. Despite that the murky water did not betray what was submerged he instinctively covered himself as it dawned on him it was the woman he had rescued. Her eyes widened as she noticed him, backing up slowly.

"I-I'm sorry, forgive me," she whispered, and before he could open his mouth to speak she left his room just as quickly as she had entered. Bo Gro Graul rushed out of the tub, splashing water all over the floor. He hastily dried himself, reaching his pack and pulling out his clothes. Once he was dressed he opened the door and strode to the next door, knocking. The door opened a crack, and a blue gray eye stared back at him.

"May I come in?" He asked as soft as his rough voice could muster, trying to appear less frightening. She stepped back and the door opened all the way, allowing the Orsimer to walk in and close it behind him. He stood awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

"How do you feel?" He asked, keeping his distance.

"Weird," she replied, wrapping her arms around her waist. "Where am I?"

"Braidwood Inn in Kynesgrove." He watched as she looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Near Windhelm?" Bo Gro Graul asked, seeing if that would help her gain her bearing.

"Windhelm?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes, about a day or two away from here."

The woman turned around, clutching her head and whispering very quietly.

"Windhelm…then I'm in…"

"Skyrim" he answered for her, and the woman turned around.

"You are an Orsimer," she stated in a matter of fact voice.

"Is it obvious?" He joked, running a hand through his long damp hair.

"It's just… I've never seen an Orc in person before."

"You haven't? Well you may call this Orc Bo Gro Graul." He smiled at her, hoping his protruding teeth didn't disgust her and he looked like a fool.

"Bo Gro Graul," she repeated, smiling back at him. She had a pretty smile.

"I'm Jane."

"Well Jane, let us go and sit down for a meal, you must be pretty hungry."

As if in response to Bo's words, Jane's stomach growled loudly, and they laughed. Together they headed to main room and sat down at a small table. The Barmaid brought by two steaming plated of food, which she was gratefully thanked for.

"It smells delicious," Jane praised.

"How did you know to make meal for her?" Bo Gro Graul asked.

"She ran out here in such a panic, I sent her to her back to her room and said I would make her something to eat." The woman smiled, and then walked back to her place behind the bar.

So," Jane started, after taking a few bites of her venison. "What exactly happened to me that I ended up here?"

"You do not remember anything before your accident?" Bo Gro Graul had been hoping she would know, and quench his curiosity.

"Accident?" Her eyes widened.

"Well not a bad accident," Bo Gro Graul replied hastily, "but I found you on the ground in The Rift this morning, unconscious. You didn't wake up until tonight."

"The universe must have thrown me into Skyrim like a sack of potatoes…" Jane whispered, a faraway look on her face.

"What?" Bo Gro Graul asked.

"Um" Jane shook her heard. "Nothing, I just can't… remember anything before now."

"Nothing at all?"


"That is unfortunate." Bo Gro Graul looked saddened to hear she didn't know anything about her past.

"But you are a Nord, yes?"

"Nord… yes."

Bo Gro Graul chuckled, this young woman was strange, but he thought it made her adorable. That thought made him freeze, did he actually just have that thought?

"So, Bo, tell me about yourself."

Bo. He liked the way his name sounded on her lips.

"Well, I joined the Stormcloaks around two months ago, and have been traveling all over Skyrim performing various duties. I was heading to Windhelm to meet my Jarl Ulfric when I found you."

Jane nodded, taking a few bites. "You must be an important man." She looked impressed.

Bo grinned, flattered by her compliment. "I have been working hard to get where I am in Ulfric's favor, he did not like me in the beginning, but I seem to be proving myself each time he gives me a task. I hope to continue rising up among the Stormcloaks and show that Orsimer can be just as great as any other race."

"It is a noble goal," Jane remarked, "I take it not many like your race."

Bo snorted. "My people were once revered for our service in the legion many years ago. That is not the case anymore; all repulse us now. Most of my kind have retreated into strongholds and cut themselves off from the rest of the world."

"Did you live in a stronghold?"

"Yes, for all my child years and a few teenage years I lived in Narzulbur."

"What is your age?" Jane looked up, trying to guess. "The way you talk it is as if you are an old man!"

Bo laughed, his deep voice rumbling warmly, making Jane grin.

"I am twenty four summers, and you look so young I almost don't want to ask!"

"I'll have you know I'm twenty two!" Jane retorted, and they both laughed, earning a few curious and annoyed looks from the other patrons.

"Why did you leave?" Jane inquired once their laughing had subsided.

"I always wanted to travel, so when I was old enough to feel I could do well on my own, I started to travel through Skyrim and Cyrodiil. I am more familiar with this country though, I know it well."

"Sounds like it has been a good life for you." Jane smiled, and Bo sighed. She was so innocent.

"It's been enjoyable to travel, but not easy. Years of discrimination is not easy to deal with."

Jane reached forward and grabbed his hand. "You saved me," she replied, looking directly at him. "You could have left me to be picked off by wolves. Or worse. For that I am eternally grateful Bo."

"No need to thank me," Bo whispered gruffly, glancing around nervously. He was unsettled by her open affection, and the way she made his heart beat start to race. The last thing he wanted was for the woman to be submitted to the same abuse he went through, just because she was associated with an Orc. Jane frowned slightly, and removed her hand from his. She picked her fork back up and they both finished their dinner in silence.

"I'm stuffed," the Nord remarked. "I might have slept for a whole day but I'm exhausted."

"That room is yours for the night, go and rest." Bo replied, placing his fork down.

"Thank you, I will find a way to repay you."

Bo Gro Graul shook his head.

"I helped you, giving you a warm bed so you are comfortable is part of that."

Jane smiled meekly, looking down at the table. The she bade him goodnight and walked to her room where she collapsed on the soft bed and let her thoughts run free.